| - Este es un personaje de Ben 10 La Amenaza De Las Sombras
- An Astro is the name given to any celestial body in Astro Empires. Planets, Moons and Asteroids are examples of Astros in AE. This page is to cover the basics of what is an Astro, what types there are and where you might find one.
- Astro is a moderator at Creatures Caves.
- Vance Astrovik, otherwise known as Astro, is a superhero in the All*Star Reborn universe, currently being trained by The Caterpillar Group.
- Astro is a rapper who participated in Season 1 of The X Factor USA. He was in the Boys category under judge LA Reid and was eliminated in Week 6, finishing in 7th place.
- thumb|Tablica kina samochodowego Astro – nieczynne kino samochodowe zlokalizowane na drodze wyjazdowej z Fort Carson. Na tablicy wjazdowej jest napisany jego repertuar, do którego zaliczają się filmy It Came from Uranus i Zombie Cheerleader Sleepover 5. Na placu należącym do kina poustawiane zostały drążki, na których umieszczona jest para głośników. Po ich nieregularnym rozłożeniu możemy zauważyć, że niektóre z nich zostały usunięte. Miejsce odgrywa małą rolę w misji Szmugler. W tejże, po wyskoczeniu z Andromady bez spadochronu, spadamy z samolotu na podstawionego Admirala przy kinie, zabijając się przy tym.
- Archivo:Astro_Artwork.pngAstro es un joven entrenador proviniente de pueblo Troncal en Snark.Inicia su viaje dirigiendose a Pueblo Tap.
- For hundreds of years the Foxfire Forest lay still and dormant, hidden from the rest of Marada. The deafening noise of the pool party has woken Astro the newest Limited Edition pet. Astro are limited pets meaning that their species is rare and limited. You cannot create a limited edition pet but you can earn them through the game. Complete the 30 levels of the Beast in the Woods mission for an Astro pet. Species: Sloth
- Astro is the pet dog of the Space Age family, the Jetsons.
- Brian "Astro" Bradley portrays Darren McGrady in “Wolf and Cub”.
- An astro is a typically working class person involved in a space industry such as planetary mining. It was introduced in the first Red Dwarf novel Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers. Lister, Rimmer, and Olaf Petersen are some examples of astros. The term astro could also be applied to any crew member of a spaceship, but it generally isn't applied to officer class members. It probably traces its lineage from "astronaut". Another term used for lower class astros is "space bum" (Lister's self titled occupation in "Justice" and "Psirens" and also referred to as such by Holly in "The Inquisitor").
- Performer(s) Appeared in Astro is the Jetson family's pet dog in the animated television series The Jetsons. He is a clumsy and dim-witted canine who speaks rough English with a Scooby-Doo-esque speech impediment, but is very loyal to the Jetsons. According to the episode "Millionaire Astro", he used to belong to the fabulously rich Mr. Gottrockets and was originally named Trallfaz, but he ran away from his old owner and prefers to live with the Jetsons.