The Dragons consists of Spyro, his wife Cynder, their sons Baxter and Lil Howie, their daughters Princess Ember, Betsy, and Rachel Raccoon, and their daughter in law Stacy Fuzzooly
* Spyro.
* Cynder (wife).
* Baxter (son, age 7).
* Lil Howie (son, age 6).
* Princess Ember (daughter, age 19).
* Betsy (daughter, age 2).
* Rachel Raccoon (daughter, age 6).
* Stacy Fuzzooly (daughter in law, age 6).
Attributes | Values |
| - The Dragons (Cochrane-A style)
| - The Dragons consists of Spyro, his wife Cynder, their sons Baxter and Lil Howie, their daughters Princess Ember, Betsy, and Rachel Raccoon, and their daughter in law Stacy Fuzzooly
* Spyro.
* Cynder (wife).
* Baxter (son, age 7).
* Lil Howie (son, age 6).
* Princess Ember (daughter, age 19).
* Betsy (daughter, age 2).
* Rachel Raccoon (daughter, age 6).
* Stacy Fuzzooly (daughter in law, age 6).
| |
| - The Dragons consists of Spyro, his wife Cynder, their sons Baxter and Lil Howie, their daughters Princess Ember, Betsy, and Rachel Raccoon, and their daughter in law Stacy Fuzzooly
* Spyro.
* Cynder (wife).
* Baxter (son, age 7).
* Lil Howie (son, age 6).
* Princess Ember (daughter, age 19).
* Betsy (daughter, age 2).
* Rachel Raccoon (daughter, age 6).
* Stacy Fuzzooly (daughter in law, age 6).