| - Zero: Careful sis...You know you can't handle your booze that well. Ayane: Shaddup!!...I can hendle my dink pefectly! Stitches: Shall i help her out Zero? Zero: *laughing* Nah not yet this is too funny.... Aya: Wow she is really bad at drinking ain't she? Anna: Yep she's lost every drinking game on the ship we've had since we started this crew. Sword laughing: Just think girl you can send a pic of you in a outfit to your boyfriend. Starfire thinking: If i wasn't so pissed off I'd say that might be a good idea. However if you want to see tomorrow you better shut it before I light a store on fire just to roast you. Starfire: A strong drink and a rootbeer. Starfire thinking: This day can't get any worse. Takeshi: Sometimes i wonder why i joined you guys.... Anna: Aww come on Samurai enjoy ya self....Let ya hair down for once! Takeshi: Hows that? Anna: Owww! Seriously?! Ayane: Whimp! Aya: Honestly i'm amazed this crew got all it's done this way.... Michi: Yeah we're that annoying *chuckles* Shigure: Why'd you think me and Yukimura were after this lot before we joined? Zero: Yep! We're annoying as hell! Starfire: I don't get women and why they need to compete in contest just to ugh. This day is hell. Anna: Zero stop showing off!! Zero: It's called using what the gods gave ya....Showing off is this! Starfire thinking: Ok not like i really give a crap about these kind of things. But maybe I should do this who knows it might be fun. Man: You Demon brat, How dare you speard your evil on a innocent girl. Starfire: One I didn't do anything. And two what makes you think I did anything? Man: I know how you demons work, Thinking they can fill innocent girls minds with filth. Trash like you should rot in hell. Zero: Well atleast we didn't start this fight.... Anna: Something tells me atleast one of use will be stopping it though.... Starfire: Listen here you little shit, You take your thoughts somewhere else. Because I am not in the mood for your bullshit. I maybe a demon but i never did have the things your thinking so get lost you bastard. Starfire thinking: It seems the White Demon Zero is here must have missed one of his female members barely with that chair. Wasn't aiming for them just that damn prick. Oh well maybe this might get me out of that hell. Zero: Ok the comedy value of this has gone Stitches give her your anti-booze drug.... Stitches: Thats not it's name!....Ahhh nevermind... Ayane: Much better....Now who threw that chair at me?! Starfire: I was the one who threw it, However i was not aimming the chair at you. Just the prick that took a one way trip out the window. If you want an apology your gonna have to get it elsewhere. Cause I'm not type of girl. Zero: Ok which of your ladies are in that contest? We need the money remember....I tihnk the more we have in teh contest the mroe chance we got to win. Ayane: Me, Anna, Taki, Shigure and Namihime are in...Aya isn't due to the age limits. Aya: Which sucks....I'm cute! Michi: And egotistic.... Starfire: It seems that White Demon Zero has quite the crew. Cat: Girl i know you want her to win but did you really have to buy that much? Girl: Well not all are for her besides. They was really great deals and well you know how most of my clothes have been out grown since ya know. Kiba: A talking cat?!?!?!? What the hell?!?!?!? Zero: You're really freaked out by a talkign cat when your a talking ferret? Kiba: Please there hundreds of talking Ferrets out there!....Right? Michi: Means your one of a kind! Cat: Moon did you just see that? Moon: LAIN IT'S A TALKING FERRET SO COOL!! Lain: And that people is Moon for you. I swear you are nothing but a child. Moon? Moon: That is so cool what your name im Moonstar that's Lain she's like my guardian but also my best friend. Zero: I'm Zero Hotaru....The White Demon and captain of this band of psychos.... Anna: Anna Hotaru...I'm the Demon's wife. Ayane: Ayane Hotaru....Snow Flake's little sister. Takeshi: Takeshi Hitsumitsu....Swordsman Shigure: Shigure....Swordswoman. Yukimura: Yukimura the other swordsman Benny: I'm Benny the navigator Lee: I'm Lee the cook Namihime: Namihime the sniper. Stitches: I'm Stitches and this is Taki we're the medical experts Kojiro: *Yawns* I'm Kojiro the helmsman...and only Fishman mad enough to join this lot... Rob: Rob...I'm the music master of the crew...Rob Yami: i'm Yami.... Mitsuhide: Mitsuhide...The guy who makes and maintains the toys fo the crew. Rose: I'm Rose the theif amoung Pirates Aya: I'm Aya the oldest child of The White Demon....Guess i'm The Little Demon! Michi: I'm Michi and this is Kiba! Colt: I'm Colt the cabin boy.... Moon: It's nice to meet you all. Moon: That's Starfire, Most think she's a demon but she's really a nice person. They just don't know how to look. Starfire: Girl you gonna give me a bad name. Lain: I don't think she means anything by it, Though you can never tell what goes on in her head. Zero: The Marines think i'm a demon as well but those who meet me kno i'm not so much.... Anna: Yeah i wouldn't have married him if he wasn't a nice guy! Ayane: And i wouldn't stick around with him for so long.... Starfire: Fine fine i get it, Man your a pain. Though really that much stuff? Moon: some of it is for your dress, It's going to be so pretty. Starfire coughing: D-dress your kidding. Starfire thinking: This girl she's not even fazed by it. What the hell is going on? Zero: So Moon you forced Starfire into that contest huh? The ladies in our crew except Aya here are in that as well....Should be fun to see who wins and how many fights start over it. Shigure: Yeah and i'll miss all the fun if that happens.... Zero:So other than the contest what brings you to this island? Starfire: She didn't force me to do anything. She just wouldn't take no for an answer. Moon: Well me and Lain came for the fun and well i kinda might've wanted to see what it woul've been like but they said i was to sweet. Wonder why that thought that. Lain: Yea anyways. She then seen Star girl and well yea. Starfire: Was here for other reasons until insane girl enter me into this hell hole. How the hell can anyone be to sweet that's just plain stupid. Anyways i could care less if i won or lost. I just can't wait till it's all over. Moon grinning: Yep it's not all about winning it's also about having fun. Zero: I'm gonna have a walk around town...cya at the contest. Anna: 100,000 Beli on him getting into a fight...... Takeshi, Shigure, Idate, Yami: We'll take that bet.... Aya: With luck he'll avoid a fight... Starfire: You know i wouldn't mind having a duel with him sometime. However ugh. Moon: No time for fighting, Gotta get you ready he he. Starfire growling: I swear one of these days. Ayane: By the gods i look good....How do you think Idate will react to this dress? Anna: He'll either faint or have a massive nose bleed. Like he did when he walking in while you were in your underwear. Shigure: That was funny...He spend two days recovering from that....So did Benny as well. Taki: I think we'll need anew navigator after this....I mean look at how many beautiful women are here! Lain: I already said it a few times but dang Moon is there anything you can't do? Moon: Well i can't join in on the fun and other things but well. He he i guess I learned from the best. Starifire: Yea yea yea you did a great job turning me into a doll. How long till this hell's over with. Moon: I'm not sure but i think it's close to starting. Besides your having a little fun right. Moon: There we go now your good. Starfire rolls eyes: I'll be good as soon as this whole crazy thing is over with. Zero: Whats up Yami? Yami: Potentual trouble Captain.... Zero: Marines or.....Him? Yami: Unsure....I'll keep an eye on them.... Zero: Nijan (ok) Aya: Why does he always do that? Ayane: What keep his distance frem crowds? Aya: Yeah...it's kinda weird.... Ayane: Ever since we were kids he's hated large crowds.....Just finds them too....constricting he prefers small crowds with people he knows and trusts amoung them....He feels safer i guess. Aya: Oh...So thats why he doesn't mind being in the middle of the crew.... Anna: It's one of his more humble traits....Something that shows that The Whire Demon has a human side to his soul. Moon: Stop twitching so much it's going to be fine you'll gonna be great. Starfire: Says the girl that looks like she's be eating nothing but sugar for the past two years. I can not help that I'm twitching I've never wore anything this off.