| - I've been trying my best to get this build to work, and while I can kill the grasping darknesses, I can never make it to the smite crawlers. Having to stop to cast flame djinns haste all the time means they smash my head in and I die, over and over. Can anyone please give me some advice? I can't figure out how this run is done without stance runs with no activation times. - 04:50, December 31, 2009 (UTC) I tried this with storm djinn's haste because it has a shorter activation time, but the results were the same. All the tank skills run out before even midway through the run and the grasping darknesses/dying nightmares make sure I die. I think I've given up trying to find a mesmer build that works in UW. - 05:09, December 31, 2009 (UTC) Nope, the addition of Skeles and extra popups of DN's and GD's have pretty much made this ole build Archive material, pity... Mortise 12:29, December 31, 2009 (UTC) This build was created by a guild mate of mine who made it to farm the UW. I know, it DOES look discouraging - almost foolhardy - but it does work.LunchboxOctober 01:02, 4 March 2008 (EST) Every time someone posts a build with the words "Mesmers can't farm..." I'm going to kill an entire litter of kittens. Mesmers are perfectly capable of farming. The reason there aren't more primary Mesmers is because their primary attribute gives no real bonus to farming anything; at best it helps dodge interrupts which hardly any mobs carry. Second, a Mesmer doesn't have skills that pump out nearly continuous damage, so you would need to rely on skills from other classes to do the job (ie skills that you can't buff with runes). That being said... This build is the sort of thing that Mesmers should be using to farm. - zomg! Image:Panic sig.png PANIC! 04:39, 4 March 2008 (EST) Oh dude, the build is absolutely amazing. LunchboxOctober 16:51, 4 March 2008 (EST) It gets around the normal problems I mentioned, so yeah it's not bad. - zomg! Image:Panic sig.png PANIC! 17:11, 4 March 2008 (EST) Change name. Looks more than decent. I used such a build once, but with Sliver Armor and stuff. Rickyvantof 17:01, 4 March 2008 (EST) I was going to suggest that, but wasn't sure how well it would go with Meteor Shower. - zomg! Image:Panic sig.png PANIC! 17:11, 4 March 2008 (EST) LunchboxOctober 12:38, 5 March 2008 (EST) You can use the move tab instead next time. - zomg! Image:Panic sig.png PANIC! 13:15, 5 March 2008 (EST) I like this name better still. LunchboxOctober 15:15, 5 March 2008 (EST) Deletion tag added to the other one then. Godbox Image:GodlyCompanion-cube.jpg 15:19, 5 March 2008 (EST) Well, then there is no pleasing you. LunchboxOctober 16:42, 5 March 2008 (EST) You can't have the same build four times on the page how would it look if we had 51 A/D Fox's Promise Scythes lying around? Godbox Image:GodlyCompanion-cube.jpg 15:33, 8 March 2008 (EST) Hi, Im Mortise, the guildie of Lunchbox who came up with the build (ty Lunch for posting it) I can't see what all the fuss about the name is for? Its just a title. its not gonna undermine the fabric of our society. Why put a bland title on a snazzy build, seems a waste, plus a title is supposed to draw you into wanting to check the build out , if 'Singers of Woe' was called '8 Man Para FoW Team', I wouldn't have checked it out so fast. Plus with no PvX approved mesmer farming build atm, I think the title fits. And to zomg! I originally had that 'mesmer's can't farm :P' in commas to indicate irony.Drown something worthwhile..like a litter of mall goths. Ehm right... Basically it was Lunch who created two builds with the same skill setup but under different names, and we can't keep duplicates of every build so it was a little discussion about which one to stick to. Thank you for taking the time to post the comment, you can utilize the feature of signing (~~~~) next time for further recognition of the person behind the comment. Godbox Image:GodlyCompanion-cube.jpg 16:13, 9 March 2008 (EDT) Did smite run after Flame Dijin Haste nerf/change, a tad trickier running arch to arch, still very do-able (Mortise 23:39, 9 March 2008 (EDT)) Outta sheer curoisty, as this is the 1st build I've submitted (via Lunchbox) how long does the ratings process take, and what are protocols with updating etc. Mortise 20:21, 17 March 2008 (EDT) Umm, it can't be rated in Trial, if you want ratings, change the tag to {{Untested-Testing|farming}}. Just update the build whenever you want, people will just revert if you do anything dumb. Rating times vary, can be rated in 5 mins or 5 months, but if you slip it into featured it will get done way quicker. - Image:Miserysig1.jpgisery -TALK 08:37, 2 April 2008 (EDT) Okay awesome thanks, I'm just new to wiki, haven't got a clue how things work around here. Might as well put her into testing and see how she performs, the skill update to Flame Djinn's haste makes it a little trickier, but it can be done the key is not to rush it. LunchboxOctober 10:56, 3 April 2008 (EDT) long time no see... had pc problems ... now with pc problems done i have no internet anymoar . (swaping ISP's) at any rate ... mesmers can do everything ... cuz they are that awesome ... no really they can do anything ... :D i just camo to say build looks solid ... SoI is an amazing PvE skill ... and when i get acces to inter at home (at some point) ill be using this right away IIIIwan13 06:33, 15 April 2008 (EDT) Why does Inspiration Magic have to be at 8 if you're using Signet of Illusions? 09:29, 17 April 2008 (EDT) Because Mantra isn't a spell. - PANIC! Image:Panic sig4.png sexiness! 09:32, 17 April 2008 (EDT) [slaps head] I get it now, thanks. Nice looking build lunchbox!! 09:39, 17 April 2008 (EDT) As long as you dont die as a terra tank, and ms+boc+fdh kills, idk what a problem with this build would be.--Relyk 13:38, 17 April 2008 (EDT) hey lunch! its ethreal. btw the mate mentioned in notes is me :P gg on posting Dek's build up on here lunch. would like to see the smile on his face for this one. heres to dek! 14:36, 17 April 2008 (EDT) ahh! didnt see dek(mortise) even replied then i saw this was 2 months old :( well anyways, were gonna miss him alrite. 14:40, 17 April 2008 (EDT)