| - The Trade Master is an employee who can be purchased in your Secret Base. He will only trade certain Pokémon, and will only trade once a day. Initially, he will offer the same Pokémon for a whole day, but after upgrading him, if you reject an offer and talk to him again, he will offer a different Pokémon. It is possible to accept the same trade twice. The available trades are: Note that other than Castform, Elekid, and Natu, all Pokémon offered by the Trade Master can be found in the wild or obtained through breeding.
| - The Trade Master is an employee who can be purchased in your Secret Base. He will only trade certain Pokémon, and will only trade once a day. Initially, he will offer the same Pokémon for a whole day, but after upgrading him, if you reject an offer and talk to him again, he will offer a different Pokémon. It is possible to accept the same trade twice. The available trades are:
* A Castform, traded for: a poisoned Pokémon.
* A Darumaka, whose evolution knows the ability Zen Mode, traded for: a Pokémon with 10 or less HP left.
* An Elekid, traded for: a Dragon-type Pokémon.
* A Mawile, traded for: a Pokémon that is level 1 (eggs are acceptable).
* A Natu, traded for: any Pokémon.
* A Pikachu that can learn Volt Tackle, traded for: a Pokémon whose nickname is Dave.
* A Rufflet, traded for: a Pokémon with 10 or less HP left.
* A Sableye, traded for: a Pokémon holding a Great Ball.
* A Spiritomb, traded for: a Water-type Pokémon.
* A Tyrogue, traded for: a Pokémon with 1 HP left. Note that other than Castform, Elekid, and Natu, all Pokémon offered by the Trade Master can be found in the wild or obtained through breeding.