| - Clarke, Arthur C. Az angolszász SF hőskorának klasszikusa. Könyvei egytől-egyig lebilincselő technikai eszmefuttatások, amelyek szinte már naiv optimizmussal bíznak a technika hozta jövőbeni jólétben. Soha - vagy nagyon ritkán - ugrik előre az időben több mint száz évet, vagy megy a Naprendszer határain túlra. Munkái azokat a problémákat vizsgálják, amelyekkel az Ember a következő században szembe kerülhet.
- Clarke was the first person to propose geosynchronous satellites. In honor of this, "Geosynchronous Orbits" are also known as "Clarke Orbits". He also published three laws of prediction, the best known being the third: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". Clarke emigrated to Sri Lanka in 1956 largely to pursue his interest in scuba diving, and lived there until his death. He was knighted by the United Kingdom in 1998, and was awarded Sri Lanka's highest civil honor, Sri Lankabhimanya, in 2005.
- Arthur C. Clarke var en manlig Tau'ri var en engelsk science fiction-författaren mest känd för att skriva 2001: A Space Odyssey. Major Samantha Carter citat Clarkes namn med hänvisning till Aschenerna förvandla en gasjätte till en stjärna. (SG1: "2001")
- Born in Minehead, England, Clarke grew up daydreaming and doing nothing, which naturally led him to a high-ranking position in the Royal Air Force. After singlehandedly winning World War II using radars and articles about satellites, he embarked on a writing career.
- Arthur C. Clarke was a great mind and visionary in the Other World.
- Sir Arthur Charles Clarke was a British-Sri Lankan author, essayist, inventor and host of the British television series Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World.
- Arthur C. Clarke was an English science fiction writer most famous for writing 2001: A Space Odyssey. He is seen as one of the great figures of SF literature. In 2009, Colonel Everett Young told Eli Wallace to "turn the mic back on" after Eli quoted Arthur C. Clarke, sarcastically attributing the quote to Winston Churchill. (SGU: "Visitation")
- Sir Arthur Charles Clarke (16 December 1917 - 19 March 2008) was one of the best-known human science fiction writers of the 20th and 21st centuries. Born in Minehead, Somerset, England, Clarke went on to become the author of such classic novels as Childhood's End, Rendezvous with Rama and 2001: A Space Odyssey. Clarke also originated the idea of the communications satellite in a scientific paper published in 1945. He lived in Sri Lanka for many years.
- Siempre se consideró a Arthur C. Clarke como un hombre de habilidades múltiples que pasaba la mayor parte de su tiempo, sino escribiendo una novela científica, sí viajando por el mundo. Si bien el propio Clarke se mofaba del concepto del movimiento perpetuo, él mismo, por su parte, es lo que más se aproximaba a esa esencia.
- Arthur C. Clarke is best know to laymen for doing the robot voice in 2001: a Space Odyssey and for writing the smash-hit single "Against the Fall of Night" that dominated British pop charts in 1968. Those of us who are smart (see:snobs) know he was the Albert Einstein of Science-Fiction inventing geostationary satellites and space elevators, two modern conveniences we now take for granted and inspiring God knows how many future engineers, scientists, inventors and explorers not to mention nerds. Coincidence?
- Clarke corresponded with C. S. Lewis in the 1940s and 1950s and they once met in an Oxford pub, The Eastgate, to discuss science fiction and space travel. Clarke, after Lewis's death, voiced great praise for him, saying the Ransom Trilogy was one of the few works of science fiction that could be considered literature.