| - See also: Experimental data sets: Top-level page in hierarchy on data sets. Data set repositories: Lists compilations of data sets. Forum for individual data sets: Findings related to data sets can be reported in detail. The list is meant only as a supplement to those repositories of data sets that can be found elsewhere on the web. If you are aware of an interesting data set you can add it to the list. However, the task of systematically compiling information on data sets is beyond the capabiliites of the present site. You can create an entry for any data set. The sample entries AAA and AAB may serve as a model for you to do so. Please follow the Rules of conduct when you add contents.
* AAA A sample entry leading to a (non-existing) page on the present Wiki.
* AAB A sample entry leading to a (non-existing) page on the World Wide Web.
* The Bubble experiment Web site for the comprenhensive Bubble experiment, conducted in Basel, Switzerland (2001-2002). Many institutions participated with a variety of instrumentation - documenting both flow field, turbulence characteristics and atmospheric dispersion.
* MUST (Mock Urban Setting Test) experiment. More info at page on the present Wiki through the COST_732_forum. MUST concerns an array of containers at a military proving ground. The experiment was conducted full scale, but has also been simulated in a wind tunnel. The data set has been used by the COST action called COST 732.
* Prairie Grass Page on the present Wiki, discussing experiences with the classic Prairie Grass experiment from 1956.
* Thompson Wind Tunnel data Page on the present Wiki with information on R.S. Thompson's data set from the US EPA wind tunnel (paper in Atmospheric Environment by Thompson, 1993). The data set systematically describes dispersion for a variety of building shapes, stack heights and stack locations. These data were originally used to estimate so-called Building Amplification Factor, but deserves to be used for a wider range of purposes.