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| - Leomon is a minor hero in Digimon Adventure and a major hero in Digimon Tamers. He resembles a humanoid lion warrior that weilds a mighty sword. He can also Digivolve to SaberLeomon (despite skipping to the Ultimate Level). His known attack is Fist Of The Beast King. He is Ogremon's rival.
- Leomon sind Menschliche Tierdigimon, die Löwen darstellen, welche aber auf zwei Beinen laufen. Sie sind sehr stolze Digimon mit einem tiefen Sinn für Gerechtigkeit, welchen sie auch versuchen, in der Digiwelt zu verbreiten. Sie beschützen und retten andere Digimon und haben dabei schon so manchen Gegner besiegt. Häufig lassen sie aber Gnade walten. Leomon sind sehr muskulös und haben einen starken Kampfgeist. Ihr Spitzname ist unteranderem "König der Tiere".
- Leomon's name comes from the word "Leo", which is the Latin for "lion". Unlike most Digimon, Leomon has a strong sense of honor and courage.
- Leomon is a Champion Level Digimon that resembles a humanoid lion-like monster that wields a mighty sword.
- Leomon is an Animal Digimon. It is called the "King of Beasts", as well as the "Noble Hero". While most Digimon are ferocious, it possesses a strong will and a heart of justice, and has defeated a great number of fiendish Digimon. Also, it is a rival to the "Digimon Hunter" Ogremon, who runs the whole gamut of destruction. Its tough flesh, tempered well by daily training, can endure any attack, and since it chokes the life out of the opponent with its quick attacks, Leomon can be said to be an outstanding Combat Species. It carries a sentient magical sword called "Beast Sword" (獅子王丸 Shishiou-maru?, lit. "Lion King") on its waist.
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Row 9 info
| - In Digimon Adventure, the Digidestined, in Digimon Tamers, Takato, Henry, Rika, Kenta, Kazu, Guilmon, Renamon, Terriermon, Calumon, Guardromon, Jeri
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Row 8 info
| - In Digimon Adventure, Devimon, Ogremon , in Digimon Tamers, Kumbhiramon, Orochimon
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| - Biest-Schwert
- Königsfaust,