B.O.X., also known as the B.O.X. Sercurity Robot was both the fourth and the ninth boss Samus faced during the events in the video game: Metroid Fusion.
B.O.X. o Robot de seguridad es un enorme ente robótico destinado a la protección de los Laboratorios Espaciales Biometrox. Aparece dos veces, en forma de jefe, durante los eventos de Metroid Fusion.
B.O.X., also known as the B.O.X. Sercurity Robot was both the fourth and the ninth boss Samus faced during the events in the video game: Metroid Fusion.
B.O.X. o Robot de seguridad es un enorme ente robótico destinado a la protección de los Laboratorios Espaciales Biometrox. Aparece dos veces, en forma de jefe, durante los eventos de Metroid Fusion.
B.O.X., also known as the B.O.X. Sercurity Robot was both the fourth and the ninth boss Samus faced during the events in the video game: Metroid Fusion.