| - The show ran for eleven seasons. Each season consists of thirteen episodes (except for season two with a total of six episodes, season three with a total of twenty episodes, and season eleven with a total of six episodes). Each episode consists of either two eleven-minute shorts, three seven-minute shorts, a twenty-two minute special, or a fourty-five minute television movie. As of August 10, 2011, a total of 136 episodes have aired along with an unaired live-action pilot which would later be released on VHS in 2004. In season three, the series' first television film, Christmas Blue-Jays, premiered on December 31, 2003 after a Christmas 20-day long new episode marathon. A feature film, The Matthew's World Movie, supposedly complements the series, and premiered in the United States, United
| - The show ran for eleven seasons. Each season consists of thirteen episodes (except for season two with a total of six episodes, season three with a total of twenty episodes, and season eleven with a total of six episodes). Each episode consists of either two eleven-minute shorts, three seven-minute shorts, a twenty-two minute special, or a fourty-five minute television movie. As of August 10, 2011, a total of 136 episodes have aired along with an unaired live-action pilot which would later be released on VHS in 2004. In season three, the series' first television film, Christmas Blue-Jays, premiered on December 31, 2003 after a Christmas 20-day long new episode marathon. A feature film, The Matthew's World Movie, supposedly complements the series, and premiered in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada on December 15, 2004 and worldwide on December 16, 2004. Another feature film, The Matthew's World Movie 2, premiered on the United States, United Kingdom and Canada on September 23, 2007 and worldwide on September 22, 2007. There have been many marathons in which viewers vote for their favorite episodes. One of the most notable ones is the "Action Matty" marathon, which aired from October 11–12, 2006. "Paste Makes Waste" was named the actionest episode ever to date by voters. The show "officially ended" with the episode "A New Generation" on August 10, 2011. But as announced in December 2011, Nick and MattBoo Productions would make four DVD movies barring a possible second series with MattBoo, and MattBomb (which were introduced in "A New Generation") becoming main characters. One of the four movies, "Tokyo Cassie", was released on DVD in May 7, 2012. The second movie, "It Came From Ponytropolis" is currently in the works.