| - Players can return to Yu'biusk after the quest is completed by using the fairy ring code ••. However, there is no sign of Zanik other than the strange box that she disappeared into. Examining the box reveals that it looks like it never had a way of opening up. Interestingly enough, the fairy ring in Yu 'biusk is a portal, instead of the usual fungi. After completing The Mighty Fall quest, Yu'biusk is only reachable through the portal placed at the wrecked Bandosian tower from world event two located north of Falador.
- Players can return to Yu'biusk after the quest is completed by using the fairy ring code . However, there is no sign of Zanik other than the strange box that she disappeared into. Examining the box reveals that it looks like it never had a way of opening up. Interestingly enough, the fairy ring in Yu 'biusk is a portal, instead of the usual fungi. After completing The Mighty Fall quest, Yu'biusk is only reachable through the portal placed at the wrecked Bandosian tower from world event two located north of Falador.
| - Players can return to Yu'biusk after the quest is completed by using the fairy ring code ••. However, there is no sign of Zanik other than the strange box that she disappeared into. Examining the box reveals that it looks like it never had a way of opening up. Interestingly enough, the fairy ring in Yu 'biusk is a portal, instead of the usual fungi. However, with the release of the quest The Chosen Commander, the strange box in this dead plane of existence now has a use. After finishing the quest, the box may be used to teleport to the exact spot in Bandos' throne room where Zanik is seen unconscious up to the point in the quest when players can control her. You can get there by entering the Portal North of Falador and East of Goblin Village. After completing The Mighty Fall quest, Yu'biusk is only reachable through the portal placed at the wrecked Bandosian tower from world event two located north of Falador. According to the goblin Strongbones, "Yu'biusk is not a place on RuneScape. It is another plane of existence. No goblin alive today has ever been there. It is many millennia since the Big High War God brought our ancestors from Yu'biusk, but the call to that plane is still strong in us. If barriers between the planes were ever to be broken, goblin blood would call out to open a portal to Yu'biusk." During the quest Land of the Goblins, the player, Oldak and Zanik go to Yu'biusk. During the events of The Chosen Commander, Zanik explains that a box leading to Bandos' Throne is in Yu'Biusk, and time moves at a matter of seconds to our days. She escapes and teleports herself to Dorgesh-Kaan at a convenient moment. According to Zanik after the Chosen Commander quest, Oo'glog is somewhat similar in climate and geography to Yu'biusk as it originally was. Oldak has expressed his belief that nothing can be done to mend Yu'biusk. He speculated that, in thousands of years, it may become habitable again, but nothing can be done to speed the process up until then. Additionally, Yu'biusk is involved with the Hopespear's Will miniquest. After defeating all 5 of the goblin priests (Snothead, Snailfeet, Mosschin, Redeyes and Strongbones) without armour, and have obtained all of their bones, their bones are then buried anywhere within Yu'biusk for bonus prayer experience.
- Players can return to Yu'biusk after the quest is completed by using the fairy ring code . However, there is no sign of Zanik other than the strange box that she disappeared into. Examining the box reveals that it looks like it never had a way of opening up. Interestingly enough, the fairy ring in Yu 'biusk is a portal, instead of the usual fungi. However, with the release of the quest The Chosen Commander, the strange box in this dead plane of existence now has a use. After finishing the quest, the box may be used to teleport to the exact spot in Bandos' throne room where Zanik is seen unconscious up to the point in the quest when players can control her. It is accessed by entering the portal north of Falador and east of Goblin Village. After completing The Mighty Fall quest, Yu'biusk is only reachable through the portal placed at the wrecked Bandosian tower from world event two located north of Falador. According to the goblin Strongbones, "Yu'biusk is not a place on RuneScape. It is another plane of existence. No goblin alive today has ever been there. It is many millennia since the Big High War God brought our ancestors from Yu'biusk, but the call to that plane is still strong in us. If barriers between the planes were ever to be broken, goblin blood would call out to open a portal to Yu'biusk." During the quest Land of the Goblins, the player, Oldak and Zanik go to Yu'biusk. During the events of The Chosen Commander, Zanik explains that a box leading to Bandos' Throne is in Yu'Biusk, and time moves at a matter of seconds to our days. She escapes and teleports herself to Dorgesh-Kaan at a convenient moment. According to Zanik after the Chosen Commander quest, Oo'glog is somewhat similar in climate and geography to Yu'biusk as it originally was. Oldak has expressed his belief that nothing can be done to mend Yu'biusk. He speculated that, in thousands of years, it may become habitable again, but nothing can be done to speed the process up until then. Additionally, Yu'biusk is involved with the Hopespear's Will miniquest. After defeating all 5 of the goblin priests (Snothead, Snailfeet, Mosschin, Redeyes and Strongbones) without armour, and have obtained all of their bones, their bones are then buried anywhere within Yu'biusk for bonus prayer experience. The bones cannot be buried on any level of the arena in Yu'biusk from The Mighty Fall. If attempted the message 'You should go to Yu'biusk before burying the bones' will appear in the chatbox.