| - Image:Morbius michael.jpg|Michael Morbius (Earth-616) - Doctor Michael Morbius
- Michael Morbius (most often just named Morbius) is an antihero (and sometimes villain) who is a living vampire in the Marvel Universe.
- Morbius led a life of torment and chaos.
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- He was a HYDRA scientist who was assigned to be a lab assistant for Doctor Octopus to help with creating the Anti-Venom, and later got turned into a human-vampire bat creature by Dock Ock.
- <default><i>Unknown</i></default> PositionUnknown AgeUnknown StatusUnknown HeightUnknown WeightUnknown Morbius, also known as Chop Sui the Galactic Emperor, was once an evil Time Lord who wanted to become space Hitler, but was executed before he could gas the half-human-on-their-mother's-side scum. His brain somehow survived being shoved into a matter disintegrator and fell into the hands of some madman who ended up turning him into a furry Human Dalek with two eyes. He fell off a cliff and died, until he undied only to die gain.
- Morbius ist ein Time Lord-Verbrecher, welcher mit seinen Anhängern einen erfolglosen Kampf auf Karn gegen die Schwesternschaft von Karn geführt hat, mit dem Ziel, sie zu zerstören. Die Mehrheit der Time Lords stellte sich jedoch gegen ihn und schlug seine Revolte nieder. Morbius wurde daraufhin zum Tode verurteilt und getötet, in dem man seinen Körper über alle Galaxien verteilte.
- Created by Roy Thomas and Gil Kane, Morbius has fought Spider-Man ever since his first appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man #101 (October, 1971), occasionally working together or fighting against several other Marvel characters, perhaps most commonly with Blade. He was also seen as a character in Spider-Man: The Animated Series. If you were looking for the unconnected Doctor Who story "The Brain Of Morbius", go here. Tropes seen in this series include:
- Michael Morbius was a biogenetic scientist who was dying of a blood-destroying disease. He injected himself with radiatively altered vampire bat DNA, and it transformed him into a living vampire. Morbius now had a craving for human blood, especially the radioactive blood of Spider-man, which he thought would cure his never-ending hunger. Morbius gained superhuman strength and stamina, as well as the ability to glide over short distances. Unlike a true vampire, he is not immortal, but is also somewhat immune to garlic, sunlight, and other things that are deadly to vampires.
- Morbius's ambition led him to become the head of the High Council of Time Lords. His warlike nature led him to urge the Time Lords toward a policy of conquest. While based on Gallifrey, Morbius formed a personal army of mercenaries, bought by his promises of time travel and immortality. His following came to be known as the Cult of Morbius. (TV: The Brain of Morbius)
- Le Quatrième Docteur connaissait Morbius. Celui-ci lui a toujours inspiré du dégoût car il était assoiffé de pouvoir. Morbius était le gouverneur de la planète Karn au nom des Seigneurs du Temps. Il présidait également le Haut-conseil des Seigneurs du Temps. On le découvre dans l'épisode (DW: The Brain of Morbius). Décrit comme un dictateur, qui a détruit une multitude de planètes, il a voulu le pouvoir pour lui seul et a été exilé, combattu par le Docteur. Solon réussi à lui donner un corps mais le docteur réapparaît à ce moment pour l'arrêter.