| - The Halo was an asteroid belt located in the Savareen sector beyond the gas giant Erodsis.
- The Halo was the Asteroid belt in the White Sun system.
* Primary: White Sun
* Inner Boundary: 5,983,914,800 km (40 AU)
* Outer Boundary: 6,432,708,410 km (43 AU)
* Average Width: 448,793,610 km (3 AU)
* Number of Cataloged objects: 78,472,112
| - The Halo was an asteroid belt located in the Savareen sector beyond the gas giant Erodsis.
- The Halo was the Asteroid belt in the White Sun system.
* Primary: White Sun
* Inner Boundary: 5,983,914,800 km (40 AU)
* Outer Boundary: 6,432,708,410 km (43 AU)
* Average Width: 448,793,610 km (3 AU)
* Number of Cataloged objects: 78,472,112