| - Das Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center ist eine wissenschaftliche Einrichtung auf der Jupiter-Station im Sol-System. 2371 meint der Doktor zu B'Elanna Torres, dass diese, wenn sie sich über sein Benehmen beschweren wolle, sich an den Mann wenden solle, der ihn im Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center programmiert habe. Dieser Mann sehe ihm außerdem ziemlich ähnlich. (VOY: )
- The Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center was a research facility located on Jupiter Station in Sector 001 of the Alpha Quadrant where holoprograms were constructed and programmed. In the late-24th century, Doctor Lewis Zimmerman was the Director of Holographic Imaging and Programming at the station, and it was here that he created the Emergency Medical Hologram.
| - Das Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center ist eine wissenschaftliche Einrichtung auf der Jupiter-Station im Sol-System. 2371 meint der Doktor zu B'Elanna Torres, dass diese, wenn sie sich über sein Benehmen beschweren wolle, sich an den Mann wenden solle, der ihn im Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center programmiert habe. Dieser Mann sehe ihm außerdem ziemlich ähnlich. (VOY: ) Wenig später durchlebt der Doktor aufgrund einer Feedbackschleife Wahnvorstellungen. Dadurch glaubt er, dass der Schiffscomputer ihm mitteilen würde, dass er Dr. Lewis Zimmerman sei, der das MHN als Ingenieur am Holoprogrammierzentrum der Jupiter-Station erschuf. (VOY: )
- The Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center was a research facility located on Jupiter Station in Sector 001 of the Alpha Quadrant where holoprograms were constructed and programmed. In the late-24th century, Doctor Lewis Zimmerman was the Director of Holographic Imaging and Programming at the station, and it was here that he created the Emergency Medical Hologram. In 2371, after B'Elanna Torres asked him if anyone told him he had a lousy attitude, The Doctor replied, "If you don't like the doctor's attitude, there's a man sitting in a console in the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center you can write to. His name is Zimmerman." (VOY: "The Cloud") Later that year, The Doctor experienced a series of illusions, including one in which Reginald Barclay appeared, claiming The Doctor was really Lewis Zimmerman and the crew of USS Voyager were merely holograms he had created in a holodeck at Jupiter Station. (VOY: "Projections") In 2376, the Voyager crew, still lost in the Delta Quadrant, received news through their monthly datastream communications that Dr. Zimmerman was ill and dying. The ship's Emergency Medical Hologram had devised a treatment to cure Zimmerman, and had his program transmitted through the datastream to the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center, where he took Zimmerman as his patient. (VOY: "Life Line")