| - preceding century: 16th century | proceeding century: 18th century In the 17th century:
- The 17th century was that century which lasted from 1601 to 1700 in the Gregorian calendar. The 17th century falls into the Early Modern period of Europe and was characterized by the Baroque cultural movement, the French Grand Siècle dominated by Louis XIV, and the beginning of modern science and philosophy, including the contributions by bloody warfare throughout the century, by the Thirty Years' War, the Great Turkish War, the end of the Dutch Revolt and the English Civil War among others, while European colonization of the Americas began in earnest. In the east, the 17th century saw the flowering of the Ottoman, Persian and Mughal empires, the beginning of the Edo period in feudal Japan, and the violent transition from the Ming to the Qing Dynasty in China. The Scientific Revolution ended in the late 17th century.
- The 17th century spanned from 1601 to 1700.
- [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] This article needs a big cleanup. No lead These problems might be so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Talk about it here or check the revision history or Manual of Style for more information.
* 1602: William Shakespeare wrote the tragedy Troilus and Cressida. Unknown to Shakespeare, his tale was based on the later life of Vicki, a former companion of the First Doctor, who adopted the identity of Cressida after leaving the TARDIS. (TV: The Myth Makers)
* 1603:
* John Dee realised that the Doctor would pay no more visits to Elizabeth I. Soon afterwards, the queen died, succeeded by her cousin, James VI of Scotland. When the king arrived to claim his throne as James I of England, he was accompanied by William Lethbridge-Stewart, an ancestor of the Brigadier. (PROSE: Birthright, The Dying Days)
* Sir Walter Raleigh was imprisoned in the Tower of London for his involvement in a plot to remove James I from the throne. At some time during his thirteen year imprisonment, he shared a cell with the Doctor and annoyed him by going on and on about "some new vegetable he'd discovered." (TV: The Mind of Evil)
* Francis Pearson wrote The Adventures of Macbeth's Head. (PROSE: Managra)
* 1605: After the failure of the Gunpowder Plot, Robert Catesby and Sir Thomas Percy fled to Holbech House in Staffordshire, where they were shot and killed by the Sheriff of Worcester's men. (PROSE: The Plotters)
* 1606: Robert Hay was executed under the name Guy Fawkes for his role in the Gunpowder Plot. (PROSE: The Plotters)
* 1607: Richard Maynarde was born. (TV: Silver Nemesis)
* 1608: Jared Khan, posing as Dr. John Dee, faked his death. (PROSE: Birthright)
* 1609: The First Doctor, Steven Taylor and Vicki visited Venice. (PROSE: The Empire of Glass)
* 1610:
* March - A mob was so enraged at how exceptionally bad Francis Pearson's latest play was that they burned all extant copies of his works. (PROSE: Managra)
* September - Francis Pearson and Edward Kelley met in Prague, and visited the home of Elizabeth Bathory. (PROSE: Managra)
* 1611:
* The King James Bible was first published. The Doctor had met two of its translators, Haldann and Otley, in 1605. (PROSE: The Plotters)
* Elizabeth Bathory was walled up alive for slaughtering hundreds of young women and bathing in their blood, believing that doing so would preserve her youth. The Doctor had tried and failed to save one girl from the Blood Countess, and this failure haunted him for centuries. Not mentioned at Elizabeth's trial were the black magic rituals she conducted with Edward Kelley and Francis Pearson, which brought the Mimic to Earth. Horrified by the rituals, Pearson fled back to England, but was pursued by the Mimic, which saw in Pearson's plagiarisms a kindred spirit. (PROSE: Managra)
* 1613: On 29 June, Francis Pearson set fire to the Globe Theatre on opening night for William Shakespeare's last play, Henry VIII. Pearson was later attacked and consumed by the Mimic, becoming the being later known as Persona. (PROSE: Managra)
* 1621:
* Lady Peinforte poisoned Dorothea Remington. (TV: Silver Nemesis)
* Rebecca Nurse, one of the women hanged during the witch trials at Salem Village in 1692, was born in Yarmouth, England. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters)
* 1624: In France, Cardinal Richelieu became King Louis XIII's chief minister. (AUDIO: The Church and the Crown)
* 1626:
* Sir Francis Bacon died of pneumonia contracted after trying to stuff snow up a chicken. The Doctor claimed to have been present during the former event. (PROSE: Heart of TARDIS)
* The Fifth Doctor, Peri Brown and Erimem visited Paris (AUDIO: The Church and the Crown)
* 1630: The Doctor visited the Det-Sen Monastery in Tibet when it was attacked by bandits. To prevent it from falling into the bandits' hands, the Doctor was entrusted with the monastery's holy Ghanta. He would return it in 1935. (TV: The Abominable Snowmen)
* 1632: John Proctor, one of the accused and hanged, during the witch trials at Salem Village in 1692, was born. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters)
* 1638:
* 23 November - The Doctor (possibly in his seventh incarnation) launched the Nemesis statue into orbit after battling Lady Peinforte with the help of Roundheads at a meadow in Windsor. The Doctor calculated that the statue would pass Earth every 25 years before returning in 1988, and set his watch. (TV: Silver Nemesis)
* Some time after her initial defeat by the Doctor, Lady Peinforte hired a mathematician to calculate when the Nemesis would return to Earth. Once a date of 23 November 1988 was calculated, the Lady and her henchman Richard Maynarde killed the mathematician and used his blood in a black magic ritual to transport themselves to 1988 with the help of a time storm created by Fenric. (TV: Silver Nemesis, The Curse of Fenric)
* 1643: On 13 July, In the village of Little Hodcombe, during church services, parishioners began fighting amongst themselves, urged on by the Malus, which was feeding upon the psychic energy generated by their negative emotions. Roundheads and Royalists converged on the village, annihilating each other and the village. Once the violence subsided, the Malus went dormant again. Taking refuge from the violence in a priest hole, young Will Chandler was transported to the year 1984. After defeating the Malus in that year, the Fifth Doctor returned Will to this time. (TV: The Awakening)
* 1644:
* A "strange fire" destroyed the castle at Crook Marsham. (PROSE: Nightshade)
* Matthew Hopkins began his career as the self-appointed "Witchfinder-General" of England. (TV:The Dæmons)
* 1647: Matthew Hopkins, England's Witchfinder-General, died. Witches hid from Hopkins at Devil's End. (TV: The Dæmons)
* 1648:
* In December, the Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Ben Jackson and Polly visited England. (PROSE: The Roundheads)
* 1649:
* On 30 January, King Charles I of England, Scotland, France and Ireland was executed for treason by the Rump Parliament. This was traditionally regarded as the end of the second English Civil War. (PROSE: The Roundheads)
* 1653:
* Rev. Samuel Parris, one of the key figures in the witch trials at Salem Village in 1692, was born in London. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters)
* 1657: On 2 November, Richard Maynarde died and was buried at Windsor. (TV: Silver Nemesis)
* 1658: On 3 September, Oliver Cromwell died. The Second Doctor had played a part in Cromwell's rise to power. (PROSE: The Roundheads)
* 1660:
* 29 May - Charles II accepted the throne of England after the dissolution of the Commonwealth Republic. During Charles' reign the Doctor met Dr. Pepys, prevented a group of Terileptils from exterminating humanity with an augmented plague, got blamed for causing the Great Fire of London, and was thrown into the Tower of London. (TV: Planet of the Spiders, Robot, The Visitation, PROSE: The Republican's Story, TV: The Impossible Astronaut)
* 28 November - The Royal Society, to which John Wallace would give a paper on sympathetic vibration, was founded. (TV: The Happiness Patrol)
* 1661: Erasmus Darkening was employed as a alchemist by Lord Marchwood. He made Marchwood and his children vanish. (TV: The Eternity Trap)
* 1663: On 23 November, the Nemesis statue passed Earth. (TV: Silver Nemesis)
* 1665:
* The first cases of what would be known as the Great Plague of London appeared in the city's outskirts. The disease would become more widespread and fatal the following year, after the plague bacteria were genetically augmented by a group of escaped Terileptil criminals. As a precaution against spreading the plague, King Charles II ordered the theatres closed, an act which puts actor Richard Mace out of work, forcing him to become a highwayman. (TV: The Visitation)
* Cambridge University closed as a precaution against plague, and one of its students, Isaac Newton, returned to his home at Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth. Some time after this he was sitting under an apple tree from which the Doctor began lobbing apples onto Isaac's head, hoping to help Isaac discover gravity. Isaac instead told the Doctor to clear off out of his tree, and the Doctor had to simply explain the whole thing to him over dinner. (TV: The Pirate Planet)
* 1666:
* Late August - The Fifth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, and Tegan arrived in London on the trail of a Terileptil invasion. (TV: The Visitation)
* 2 September - The Doctor accidentally started the Great Fire of London, which burned until 5 September. (TV: The Visitation)
* George Mortimer, Helen Mortimer, Ida Mortimer and Alan Mortimer were rescued from the Great Fire by the First Doctor. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Invasion from Space)
* 1669:
* The Doctor and Martha Jones visited England, where they encountered an outbreak of the Black Death connected to an alien invasion. (COMIC: Black Death White Life)
* 1674: On 12 July, Abigail Williams was born in Hadley, Massachusetts. She would be a key witness in the witch trials in Salem Village in 1692. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters)
* 1675: On 5 July, Mary Walcott was born in Salem Village, Massachusetts. She would be a key witness in the witch trials there in 1692. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters)
* 1677: John Wallace presented a paper on sympathetic vibration to the Royal Society. (TV: The Happiness Patrol)
* 1679: Ann Putnam was born in Salem Village, Massachusetts. She would be a key witness in the witch trials there in 1692. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters)
* 1679: Professor Chronotis took up residence at St. Cedd's College, Cambridge. (HOMEVID: Shada)
* 1682: Betty Parris, one of the key witnesses in the witch trials at Salem Village, was born. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters)
* 1684: In Carbury, England, a building was constructed that would later house the Gore Crow Hotel. (TV: Battlefield)
* 1692: The First Doctor, Susan, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright landed the TARDIS in Salem Village. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters)
* 1697: John Aubrey died. The Fourth Doctor always thought Aubrey invented his theories on Druidism as a joke. (TV: The Stones of Blood) As with most centuries of the first two millennia, the 17th century was home to Jack Harkness, Amy Pond and an Auton duplicate of Rory Williams. A version of Jack from around the time of the deaths of Toshiko Sato and Owen Harper existed in this century, having been buried alive in the 1st century by his brother, Gray. He perpetually died and resurrected an unknown number of times in an earthen tomb underneath Cardiff. (TV: Exit Wounds) Meanwhile, a near-dead Amy Pond was kept alive inside the Pandorica, beginning in the 2nd century. An Auton version of Rory kept vigil near her the entire time. They both awaited a moment in the mid-1990s when a young Amelia Pond would touch the outside of the Pandorica and restore Amy to full health. (TV: The Big Bang) It was substantially unclear whether the events of the subsequent Big Bang Two erased Amy and Rory's presence in the 17th century. This ambiguity was caused, in part, because the non-Auton, married Rory Williams claimed to have remembered being "made of plastic" at his wedding reception, suggesting that, at least inasmuch as he was concerned, he and Amy were present in the 17th century. (TV: The Big Bang) Amy seemed to also remember those events, and displayed a fondness for the Auton Rory both during her honeymoon (TV: A Christmas Carol) and during a kind of lullaby to her newborn child Melody Pond. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War) The 17th century was also among the centuries endured by Ashildr, (TV: The Woman Who Lived) a 9th century Viking girl who was rendered effectively immortal when she was brought back to life by the Twelfth Doctor through a self-repairing Mire repair kit. (TV: The Girl Who Died)
- The 17th century was a century which lasted from 1601 to 1700.
- The years 1601-1700. Part of the early modern period, the 17th century is known as the Age of Reason in Western Civilization.
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* Flint meets the Earth astronomer Galileo Galilei. (TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah" ) During his lifetime, Galileo proves that the Earth is not the center of the universe. As a result, religious authorities make him renounce his support for those claims on the premise of a death sentence for disobedience. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")
* The Spanish set out to expel all non-Christians from Spain in what was known as the Spanish Inquisition. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; DS9: "Q-Less")
* The Marlonian 2nd century occurs. This is when the Marlonian cookware found by Jean-Luc Picard originated. (TNG: "Rascals" )
* In the mid to late 17th century, it would be the last time until 2375 that the Book of the Kosst Amojan, an ancient tome considered highly dangerous, would be removed from the Bajoran Central Archives. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil") 1623: Posthumous publication of the "first folio" by William Shakespeare on Earth. (TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah" ) 1632: Spinoza is born on Earth. (TNG: "The Offspring" ) 1647: A man named Ronin is born in Glasgow, on Earth. He becomes infused with an anaphasic lifeform, effectively granting him eternal youth. (TNG: "Sub Rosa" ) 1663: The Lucasian Chair of Mathematics is created at Cambridge University. (TNG: "All Good Things..." ) 1665: Human mathematician Pierre de Fermat dies, leaving behind a note claiming to have discovered "remarkable proof" for what becomes known as Fermat's last theorem. (TNG: "The Royale" ; DS9: "Facets") 1666: Human scientist Isaac Newton devises three laws of motion that form the basis of Earth's understanding of physics and the universe. Newton's epiphany comes when a member of the Q Continuum, later named Quinn, jostles the apple tree that Newton is sitting under, causing an apple to fall on Newton's head. (VOY: "Death Wish") 1677: Spinoza dies on Earth. (TNG: "The Offspring" ) 1680: The Spanish serve as the overlords of several American Indian tribes in the region later known as New Mexico. These Indian pueblos rise up against the Spanish and drive them out of the region, in what was known as the Pueblo Revolt. (TNG: "Journey's End" ) 1691: The inhabitants of Megas-Tu are forced to leave their homes in Salem, Massachusetts, on Earth, following the Salem witch trials. (TAS: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu") 1690: The Spanish return and brutally reconquer the area they were driven out from in 1680 by American Indians, killing several hundred of them and maiming several thousand more. Javier Maribona-Picard, an ancestor of Jean-Luc Picard, is one of the Spanish soldiers in this campaign. (TNG: "Journey's End" ) The Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 188) dated this event to 1692.
- The following events occurred in the 17th century:
* Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is founded by Isolt Sayre and James Steward.
* Quidditch is introduced to North America (causing anti-wizard sentiment) and New Zealand.
* The Wimbourne Wasps take their name from a nasty incident which occurred during a match against the Appleby Arrows in the mid-seventeenth century, when a Beater flying past a tree on the edge of the pitch noticed a wasps' nest among the branches and batted it towards the Arrows' Seeker, who was so badly stung that he had to retire from the game.
* Eldon Elsrickle terrorises the town of London with the Unlocking Charm, thus introducing it to Great Britain. To combat this series of robberies, Blagdon Blay invents the Anti-Alohomora Charm.
- The following coffee-related events occurred in the 17th century:
* Date unclear - Baba Budan, an Indian pilgrim to Mecca, smuggled seven coffee beans back home to India. There he planted the beans in the Mysore region, establishing the first coffee plantation in India.
* 1683 - The Polish army routed invading Turks who were laying siege to Vienna. Georg Franz Kolschitzky, who was a key figure in the victory, discovered a large hoard of coffee left behind by the fleeing Turks. With this coffee, he established what is considered to be the first European coffee house. Following the establishment of his coffee house, the popularity of coffee would rapidly spread across Europe.
- The 17th Century was a time when a great deal happened. Galileo used a newly discovered Telescope to discover more about Astronomy and found evidence for the Heliocentric theory heliocentrism Johannes Kepler found out that Mars orbits the Sun in an ellipse and showed heliocentrism works better than the Geocentric theory. European settlers started to colonise North America. European explorers were surprised to find in China Homosexuality was legal and people weren't uncomfortable over it.