| - Back to the Future is a 2016 remake of the 1985 comedy film, starring
- Im Review von Back to the Future bzw. von Zurück in die Zukunft für das NES gibt es einige Mängel. Da wäre zum Beispiel die miserable Steuerung, nicht identifizierbare Sprites oder die Hintergrundmusik, die gar nicht der des Filmes entspricht und sich immer wieder wiederholt. Ausserdem, so James Rolfe, kann man weder über Bänke noch über irgendwelche andere Hindernisse springen, was den Sprungknopf unbrauchbar macht.
- Despite the change in backstory, the plot of the serial remained essentially unchanged, including the significant incestuous subtext the series was calling upon at the time.
- The RTF cast dubbed the first movie on September 24th, 2016. It is the first movie they have dubbed and the longest thing they have dubbed. It is also the Season 2 Finale.
- thumb Back to the Future (Regreso al futuro en España y Volver al futuro en Hispanoamérica) es una película de ciencia ficción y comedia del año de 1985, dirigida por Robert Zemeckis. La película trata sobre un chico llamado Marty McFly que accidentalmente viaja a través del tiempo y ahora debe viajar a su época original o deja de existir para siempre. La película es proseguida por Back to the Future II (1989) y Back to the Future III (1990) formando toda una trilogía.
- Summary 88 miles an hour!
- thumb Back to the Future (Regreso al futuro en España y Volver al futuro en hispanoamerica) es una pelicula de ciencia ficción y comedia del año de 1985, dirigida por Robert Zemeckis. La pelicula trata sobre un chico llamado Marty McFly que accidentalmente viajar a través del tiempo y ahora debe viajar a su epoca original o deja de existir para siempre. La pelicula es proseguida por Back to the Future II (1989) y Back to the Future III (1990) formando toda una trilogía.
- Back to the Future is a game for the Nintendo Entertainment System released in 1989 loosely based on the 1985 film of the same name.
- Back to the Future is the name of a 1989 video game released by LJN for the NES. The game is loosely based on the 1985 film of the same name.
- Back to the Future is an independent crew that sails the Cobalt Ocean. All of its members are played by pirates of the opposite sex from their midnight counterparts and are characters from the Back to the Future movies. The crew owns the ship Time Machine and pools its poe together to buy character looking clothes.
- The Back to the Future, is a series/saga, containing all the trips Shingi, made in time.
- Back to the Future is a pinball machine produced by Data East. It is based on the motion picture trilogy of the same name.
- Back to the Future is an Academy Award winning science fiction movie released in 1985 that spawned two sequels and a cartoon series. The story follows the adventures of a teenager and his scientist friend as they travel through time.
- Back to the Future is een Amerikaanse, komische sciencefictionfilm uit 1985 geregiseerd door Robert Zemeckis. Het gaat over een jongen, genaamd Marty McFly, die per ongeluk naar het verleden reist en zijn eigen toekomstige bestaan in gevaar brengt. Het is de eerste film van de gelijknamige trilogie en heeft twee vervolgfilms, namelijk Back to the Future Part II (1989) en Back to the Future Part III (1990).
- Back to the Future is a science fiction/comedy/adventure film released in 1985.
- This is an outline for an educational video which is being produced for a university project. I would ask that the pages themselves be confined to our group, but that ideas are welcome on the talk pages. Thanks. Cormaggio 04:29, 4 Feb 2005 (PST)
- Back to the Future is a comedic science fiction adventure film series about a high school student, Marty McFly, and an eccentric scientist, Dr. Emmett Brown, as they use a modified DeLorean automobile to time travel to different periods in the history of Hill Valley, California. Major John Sheppard mentioned the DeLorean from the film as a means of time travel, to the annoyance of Dr. Rodney McKay. (SGA: "Before I Sleep") Lucius Lavin suggested he and Sheppard swing from a clock tower. This is a reference to the climax of the film. (SGA: "Irresponsible")
- A "Flux Capacitor" is a key component of Stewie Griffin's time machine in "Mind Over Murder". His newer model's return pad runs on uranium in a cylinder similar to the plutonium from the film in "Road to Germany". Also in the episode, while being chased by Nazis, Stewie "borrows" the bottom of a vegetable vendor's wooden cart and uses it as a skateboard, much as Marty did in the first. Parodying the almost identical scene in the first film, which uses the same music, when the Nazis' car catches up to Stewie's scooter, placing him in imminent jeopardy, Stewie lets the skateboard travel under the car while he runs over the top of the Nazis' heads to retrieve the skateboard at the back end, causing the Nazis to turn around to watch and then crash into the back of a truck filled with manure, w
- Zemeckis and Gale wrote the script after Gale mused upon whether he would have befriended his father if they attended school together. Various film studios rejected the script until the financial success of Zemeckis' Romancing the Stone. Zemeckis approached Spielberg, who agreed to produce the project at Amblin Entertainment, with Universal Pictures as distributor. The first choice for the role of Marty McFly was Michael J. Fox. However, he was busy filming his television series Family Ties and the show's producers would not allow him to star in the film. Consequently, Eric Stoltz was cast in the role. During filming, Stoltz and the filmmakers decided that the role was miscast, and Fox was again approached for the part. Now with more flexibility in his schedule and the blessing of his show
- In the meantime, while you wait, take in the wonderful sites of the world, as many as you can, and enjoy your stay. However DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT try to make contact with yourself or any members of your family. The consequences of which could be so disastrous that it could cause a break in the space-time-continuum and destroy the entire universe. Or in the worse (or sometimes best) case scenario, you might have to take your own mother out on a date and take advantage of her. And please, do not email sports results to yourself as it can backfire drastically, resulting in a penalty of fading out of existence.
- Back to the Future is an American science-fiction adventure-comedy film directed by Robert Zemeckis and released in 1985. It is about a young man who is accidentally sent into the past and jeopardizes his own future existence. This story was continued with a sequel, Back to the Future Part II, which was released in 1989; and another sequel in 1990, Back to the Future Part III, forming a trilogy. In 2010, it was re-released in the cinemas to celebrate its 25th anniversary.
- In Area 51 on 5 July 1986, Jeffrey Carlson told Shannon O'Donnell that he found it curious that the technology taken from Pavel Chekov after he was captured aboard the USS Enterprise earlier that year was several generations less advanced than that taken from Quark's Treasure in July 1947. O'Donnell jokingly suggested that this was possibly due to a "bizarre time travel paradox" such as those featured in Back to the Future. (TOS novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1)
- In the 1st century BC, Ibrahim Hadmani said the only things he knew about time travel he learned from Back to the Future and Terminator. (PROSE: The Last Pharaoh) In 1599, the first Back to the Future film was mentioned by the Tenth Doctor to help explain the mechanics of time travel to companion Martha Jones. Martha didn't see any threat from the Carrionites because she knew that the world didn't end in 1599. However, the Tenth Doctor referenced this movie when he told her about how Marty McFly, after he travelled back in time, did something that almost erased him from existence in the present. (TV: The Shakespeare Code)
- Back to the Future is an American science fiction/comedy movie directed by Robert Zemeckis and released in 1985. It is about a young man named Marty McFly who accidentally travels into the past and jeopardizes his own future existence. The film was followed by two sequels, Back to the Future Part II (1989), and Back to the Future Part III (1990), forming a trilogy.