Jin attacks Michael on the beach, and as a result in handcuffed to a piece of wreckage. Meanwhile, Sun reveals a secret she has been hiding.
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- House of the Rising Sun
- House of the Rising Sun
- House of the Rising Sun
- House of the Rising Sun
- House of the Rising Sun
| - Jin attacks Michael on the beach, and as a result in handcuffed to a piece of wreckage. Meanwhile, Sun reveals a secret she has been hiding.
- Jin, een Koreaanse schipbreukeling die geen Engels spreekt, valt Michael aan. Sayid lost het probleem op door hem met handboeien aan het wrak vast te maken. Nu moet Jins vrouw beslisssen of ze haar echtgenoot wil bevrijden of niet... in ruil voor het onthullen van een langbewaard geheim. Maar dat deed ze niet want Michael hield haar tegen. Categorie:Afleveringen Categorie:Seizoen 1
- "[[|]]" es el capítulo n.º 6 de la primera temporada de Lost. Cuando Jin ataca a Michael sin que nadie sepa por qué, empieza una rivalidad entre ellos, a pesar de los intentos de Sun de arreglar la situación. Mientras, Jack propone a todos que se muden a las cuevas, aunque no todos están de acuerdo.
- Crossover with Highlander. Aislyn's life and Michael's sanity are threatened by Michael's master, who intends to reclaim her wandering son.
- The House of the Rising Sun was a geisha house.
- "House of the Rising Sun" is the sixth episode of Season 1 of Lost and the sixth produced hour of the series as a whole. When Jin attacks Michael without provocation, a rivalry begins to form, much to Sun's dismay. Meanwhile, Jack proposes that everyone move to the caves, though some argue that this would be giving up on possible rescue. Flashbacks in this episode concentrate around Sun and Jin's marriage and how it was slowly falling apart.
- Sun obserwuje męża, który łowi i zabija ryby gołymi rękoma, kiedy rozpoczyna się pierwsza retrospekcja. Jin pracuje jako kelner podczas luksusowego przyjęcia dla koreańskiej elity, do której należy Sun. Mężczyzna podchodzi do niej i proponuje kieliszek szampana. Wymieniają przy tym porozumiewawcze spojrzenia, a kiedy spotykają się później i całują dowiadujemy się, że są w sobie zakochani. Jin martwi się tym, że ojciec Sun jest przeciwny ich związkowi. Kobieta rozwiązanie widzi w ucieczce do Ameryki. Od Jina otrzymuje białą orchideę – wszystko, na co na razie może on sobie pozwolić.
- This is the first Jin/Sun flashback of the season. Starts out with Sun wistfully watching over Jack and Kate flirting with one another. And we mean like, obvious, legit flirting complete with inside jokes and back pack buckles. Jack and Kate are going off on a hike to get some water and she's asking him about the ink on his arms, saying that they just don't make sense for a seemingly straight-laced guy like Jack. She's all up in his personal bubble and actually buckles his backpack for him. Then there's this little exchange:
- |} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por Não creditados Imagens arquivadas "House of the Rising Sun" foi o sexto episódio da 1ª temporada de Lost, e foi ao ar no dia 27 de outubro de 2004.
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- House of the Rising Sun transcript
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| - Naveen Andrews
- Sayid Jarrah
- Daniel Dae Kim - Jin-Soo Kwon
- Dominic Monaghan - Charlie Pace
- Evangeline Lilly - Kate Austen
- Harold Perrineau - Michael Dawson
- Jorge Garcia - Hugo Reyes
- Josh Holloway - James Ford
- Matthew Fox - Jack Shephard
- Terry O'Quinn - John Locke
- Yunjin Kim - Sun-Hwa Kwon