| - Special Part(s): GD_Orchid_RaidWeapons.RPG.Ahab.Orchid_Seraph_Ahab_Balance GD_Orchid_RaidWeapons.RPG.Ahab.Orchid_Seraph_Ahab_Barrel GD_Orchid_RaidWeapons.ManufacturerMaterials.Mat_Torgue_1_Ahab [Ahab Variants] Ahab is a Seraph rocket launcher manufactured by Torgue. The Ahab can only be obtained from trading with the Seraph Vendor in Oasis in True Vault Hunter Mode and Normal or as a rare drop from Master Gee the Invincible in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode.
- Ahab or Achav (Hebrew, "father's brother") (r. 918-897 BC by Ussher, or 874-853 BC by Thiele) was the seventh king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel (or the eighth if one counts the pretender Tibni, defeated by Omri). He reigned for twenty-two years. He was arguably the most despicable of all the kings of that troubled kingdom. His major claim to fame, however, was his contest-of-wills with that most famous prophet, Elijah.
- Ahab (アハブ Ahabu) is an enemy character from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. He is the younger brother of King Dagnell of Salia. He is also the boss of Map 23.
- In January 2219, Ahab became involved in a large conflict involving Xenomorphs, humans and Elden aboard the Geryon. However, he followed Galgo aboard the Perses after having seen the human carrying an Engineer weapon. After killing one of Galgo's team members and being indirectly responsible for the death of the other, the Yautja captured him and forced Galgo to help find an Engineer on LV-223.
- Ahab is a cat NPC toon who owns Ahab's Prefab Sea Crab Center on Seaweed Street, Donald's Dock.
- Ahab (エイハブ, Eihabu) ist ein Bewohner von Shiscepa Village und die momentane Waffe von Heming. Als eine magische Balliste fängt er zusammen mit Ahab jährlich Himmelswale, damit sich das Dorf ein Jahr ernähren kann.
- Ahab is a heavily customized sentry bot owned by the Rust Devils in 2287.
- thumb|Una de estas llantas. Ahab es el nombre que se le da a una de las llantas que se pueden colocar a los autos modificables en Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Su precio es de $1000. Se puede poner en casi todos los vehículos y tiene un aspecto moderno. También las traen puestas el Super GT. Se encuentran solo en TransFender.
- thumb Ahab — бренд аксессуаров для тюнинга в игре Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Wheel Arch Angels предлагает зачасти компании. Покрышки Ahab можно установить в TransFender на Super GT. Стоимость покрышки — 1000 $.
- Ahab (エイハブ, Eihabu) is a elderly Demon Weapon from Sea Shepherd Village who is the partner of an unknown Meister and in his place, acts as a partner to Heming during the current year of the village's traditional Sky Whale hunt.
- After a long conversation he will ask if the player has a boat he could have (requiring the completion of Dragon Slayer). The player will then say no and Ahab will become sad.
- Ahab, the Traitor, is a former Salubri warrior who defected to the Baali.
- miniatur|Logo Ahab ist eine Tuningzubehör-Marke aus Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Der TransFender bietet Felgen von Ahab an und der Super GT hat standardmäßig diese Felgen. Man findet das Logo außerdem am Sandking.
- Ahab will give a Toontask that toons are required to see, in order to obtain their Lure/Drop Gag Track. Image:Stub.png This character article is a stub. You can help Disney Wiki by [ expanding it].
- "Ahab" was a nickname commonly used, in reference to William Scully, by his daugter, Dana Scully. (TXF: "Beyond the Sea", "One Breath", "Quagmire") According to Dana Scully in 1996, the use of the nickname was originally inspired by her father repeatedly having read to her from Moby Dick during her childhood and, in turn, he would traditionally refer to her as "Starbuck". (TXF: "Quagmire") Dana Scully and her father kept these traditions up to the death of her father, shortly after Christmas, 1994. (TXF: "Beyond the Sea") Additionally, the use of these nicknaming traditions would influence Dana Scully to name a dog she had in 1995 and 1996 as "Queequeg". (TXF: "Quagmire", "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose")
- Ahab is a character the player meets soon after coming into Port Puerto. At first the player knows him as a fisherman, but after walking with Olivia, you discover that he is the King and father of Andy and Olivia. He is also a Pirate, said to be the Great Pirate, Cap'n Ahab!
- Kapitein Ahab was een karakter uit de roman Moby Dick van Herman Melville. Hij werd door kapitein Jean-Luc Picard genoemd tegen Lily Sloane: "Ahab bracht jaren door met het jagen op de witte walvis waardoor hij kreupel geworden was. Maar uiteindelijk verwoestte deze hem en zijn schip." Lily Sloane citeerde Ahab als een metafoor voor het obsessieve gedrag dat Picard tentoonstelde tegenover de Borg. ("Star Trek: First Contact") Patrick Stewart speelde de rol van kapitein Ahab in de televisiefilm Moby Dick in 1998. Hiervoor werd hij genomineerd voor een Emmy en een Golden Globe.
- In 50,000, Ahab was hired as a bodyguard for the last four Jixen in the Universe while they brokered a deal with Zanthus Pia, head of the Galactic Peace Commission. They met at his home and while the Jixen were in the other room, Ahab killed Zanthus in cold blood. Ahab's reasoning was that without crime and violence the galaxy wouldn't need his kind anymore. K9 Mark I witnessed the crime and engaged the Jixen in battle. (TV: The Bounty Hunter)
- Ahab ist ein Söldner aus dem 501. Jahrhundert. Im Jahr 50.000 wird Ahab als Bodyguard für die vier letzten Jixen des Universums angeheuert. Diese brechen eine Vereinbarung mit Zanthus Pia dem Leiter der Galactic Peace Commission (Deutsch: Galaktischer Friedensausschuss). Sie treffen sich in dessen Zuhause. Ahab ermordet Zanthus. (The Bounty Hunter) K9 ist Zeuge dieses Ereignisses. Er beobachtete dieses Verbrechen und verwickelte die Jixen in einen Kampf. (The Bounty Hunter)
- Kapitän Ahab ist eine Figur in dem Roman Moby Dick von Herman Melville. Die Geschichte des Buches handelt von dem weißen Wal Moby Dick und seinem von ihm verkrüppelten Jäger, Ahab. Im Jahr 2373 reist die USS Enterprise zurück in das Jahr 2063, um die Borg davon abzuhalten die Erde in der Vergangenheit zu assimilieren. Nachdem es keine Aussicht mehr gibt können die Borg nur noch durch die Selbstzerstörung der Enterprise vernichtet werden. Jedoch stellt sich Captain Picard gegen diesen allgemeinen Wunsch und befiehlt das Schiff zu halten. Lily Sloane, eine Frau aus dem Jahr 2063, vergleicht Picard nun mit Captain Ahab, der genau wie er ein Streben nach Rache hatte. (Star Trek: Der erste Kontakt)
- Captain Ahab was a character in Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick. He was described by Captain Jean-Luc Picard to Lily Sloane: "Ahab spent years, hunting the white whale that crippled him. A quest for vengeance. But in the end it destroyed him, and his ship." Lily Sloane had cited Ahab as a metaphor for Picard's obsessive behavior concerning the Borg – though when a cooled-down Picard, realizing she was right, quoted the book, Sloane admitted she had never read it. (Star Trek: First Contact)
- Captain Ahab is the main character of the classic Herman Melville novel Moby Dick. Despite the titular monstrous white whale being seen as the villain, Ahab is actually one as well since he has allowed his thirst for vengeance to drive him insane - the story of Moby Dick has been quoted by some as a prime example of the futility of humans seeking vengeance on animals and Captain Ahab may well embody such a concept. When Ishmael remarks upon the ill associations of such a name, he is rebuked by one of Ahab's colleagues, who points out that "He did not name himself!"