| - The evil mime is level 24... so take care. A melee-heavy team is useful, due to the mime's heavy energy denial and use of Backfire. On the other hand, since the mime is powerless without his spells, carrying your own copy of Backfire is also effective. Paragons and Warrior shouts are not very useful here, because of the mime's Curse of Silence (this is limited to the area surrounding the location of the Evil Mime, to get rid of it, you just need to walk far enough away for it to disappear).
| - The evil mime is level 24... so take care. A melee-heavy team is useful, due to the mime's heavy energy denial and use of Backfire. On the other hand, since the mime is powerless without his spells, carrying your own copy of Backfire is also effective. Paragons and Warrior shouts are not very useful here, because of the mime's Curse of Silence (this is limited to the area surrounding the location of the Evil Mime, to get rid of it, you just need to walk far enough away for it to disappear). Once the evil Mime has been dispatched, "talk" to the jars (click on the names of the jars, not the jars themselves); you do not need to wait for the Curse of Silence to lapse, but the dialogue as they are each set free will only display for a very short time (not that it's required for the quest, only important if you want to read their comments). Return to Belin to claim the reward.