| - ....for every-time I'd seen this trope, I'd have...well, I guess I could buy a candy bar or something.... A Stock Phrase, in response to a frequent event. The character will say something along the lines of, "If I had a nickel for every time X happened, I'd be rich." Expect "nickel" to be replaced with whatever currency appears in the work. This trope often overlaps with Noodle Incident and Oh, No, Not Again, in that this is usually the first time we've seen this happen to them. Examples of If I Had a Nickel include:
| - ....for every-time I'd seen this trope, I'd have...well, I guess I could buy a candy bar or something.... A Stock Phrase, in response to a frequent event. The character will say something along the lines of, "If I had a nickel for every time X happened, I'd be rich." Expect "nickel" to be replaced with whatever currency appears in the work. A common variant is for the character to simply trail off after the first part, eg: "If I had a nickel for every time X happened..." Additionally, this trope might be Played for Laughs by having the second part of the phrase add up to something impossible (for instance, getting $5.47 from nickels). This trope often overlaps with Noodle Incident and Oh, No, Not Again, in that this is usually the first time we've seen this happen to them. This becomes a Subverted Trope when a character instead says something like, "If I had a nickel for every time X happened...I'd have two nickels." Lately, this subversion has become common enough that the trope looks to be heading towards either Dead or Undead Horse Trope territory. Examples of If I Had a Nickel include: