| - This character is regarded as a deity of love. Most likely a member of the setting's ruling pantheon, but could be any character (including a mortal) who is regarded by other characters as a goddess of love. Male love gods are included in this trope. It is called "Love Goddess" rather than "Love Deity" because the females are much more common. When a Love Goddess (regardless of gender) is a character, s/he is likely to be in love, be an Ethical Slut, Good in Bed, Hot God, or all of the above. Either way, s/he is also likely to be a Love Interest of other characters.
| - This character is regarded as a deity of love. Most likely a member of the setting's ruling pantheon, but could be any character (including a mortal) who is regarded by other characters as a goddess of love. Male love gods are included in this trope. It is called "Love Goddess" rather than "Love Deity" because the females are much more common. When a Love Goddess (regardless of gender) is a character, s/he is likely to be in love, be an Ethical Slut, Good in Bed, Hot God, or all of the above. Either way, s/he is also likely to be a Love Interest of other characters. Historical Domain Characters like Aphrodite and Freyja count as separate examples when they appear as characters in separate works of fiction. For example, Hercules and Xena count, since Aphrodite is a character in some episodes, while Order of the Stick so far does not count: Freyja is a part of the northern pantheon, but unlike Thor, she has so far never really been part of the plot. Constrast War God, this trope's polar opposite. Mythology and media in general tend to pair these two up regardless. Examples of Love Goddess include: