| - The term 'boot camp' is a common English term used to refer to any number of types of training camps, not all of which are military in nature.
- Boot Camp is the third SpongeBob SquarePants: The Reality Show short.
- Boot Camp is the common slang term for the earliest period of basic military training that a prospective recruit receives when first inducted into the military. Though cultural differences in methods are obvious, boot camp is analogous to all nations and their armed forces. In recent decades however, "Boot Camp" is viewed by much of the general public as having unfortunately lost its original essence; and instead become a sinful hotbed for drunkenness, disorder, law-breaking, homo-erotic tomfoolery, and just plain, good, old fashioned shenanigans.
- Update! Pada tanggal 15 Agustus 2006, Apple mengeluarkan versi terbaru dari Boot Camp yaitu versi 1.1. Ada beberapa penambahan fitur yang terdapat di versi terbaru ini seperti kemampuan untuk menginstall Windows di internal drive mana saja, dukungan terhadap iSight (built-in webcam), serta dukungan yang lebih baik untuk keyboard. Masalah jack-sensing yang terdapat di versi Boot Camp sebelumnya (di mana suara tetap keluar dari speaker walaupun headphone telah ditancapkan) juga telah diperbaiki dengan adanya sound card driver terbaru.
- |- | class="eva_box_title" | Role | class="eva_box_data" | Trains Allied infantry |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- ! colspan=2 class="eva_box_header"|Production |- | class="eva_box_title" | Cost | class="eva_box_data" | 500 |- | class="eva_box_title" | Build time | class="eva_box_data" | 0:10 |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- ! colspan=2 class="eva_box_header"| Function |- |- |- |- |- | class="eva_box_title" | Power | class="eva_box_data" | -25 |- |- |- |- |- |- |} File:RA3 - Allies allrax.png Boot Camp is an Allied infantry training structure in Red Alert 3 and Uprising.
- Boot Camp was a short-lived, primetime reality competition show where 16 civilian contestants tried to surrender every aspect of their everyday daily lives and to participate in real-life military training.
- Boot Camp is a stage in Hill Climb Racing. It is the seventh stage to be unlocked. It costs 200,000 coins
- Similar to most TDM maps, Boot Camp has a symmetric layout with BL and GR spawn point facing each other, covered by some small barricades. There are two enclosed route to reach the other side (The right one is high up, only your opponents can pop out from it unless you double-jump the crates to get into it), leading high up with a hole to drop down to the middle section of the map. They are connected at the center with a narrow bridge with some open spaces, allowing players to take down opponents from below. Almost all weapons can be used in this map due to its closed-combat design
- Boot Camp is a 2013 comedy film directed by Shawn Levy, starring Selena Gomez, Jennifer Garner, Abigail Breslin, Brittany Snow, Emma Stone, Rooney Mara,
- Boot Camp (рус. Учебный лагерь) — карта мультиплеера Half-Life и Half-Life: Opposing Force. В мультиплеере обеих игр она появилась вместе с релизом.
- Boot Camp, tentatively named, is a collection of technologies made available by Apple Inc. that assists users in installing BIOS-based operating systems on Intel-based Macintosh computers. Boot Camp currently consists of a non-destructive partitioning tool and a CD image with device drivers for Windows. In addition to device drivers for the hardware, the CD includes a Windows control panel for setting the primary operating system. Boot Camp is not a virtualization tool, which would allow the Windows and Mac OS X operating systems to run concurrently; instead, the computer must be restarted to use either operating system. A boot manager allows for selection of operating systems.