| - 29
- El veintinueve (29) es el número natural que sigue al veintiocho y precede al treinta.. Categoría:Números
- #29 is the twenty-ninth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
- Dickson rocks
- Number 29 was an item on The List.
- This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "29" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years.
* Jesse Barfield (1981-1989*)
* Geronimo Berroa (1999*)
* Pat Borders (1999*)
* Joe Carter (1991-1997)
* Kevin Cash (2002*-2004)
* Scott Eyre (2001-2002*)
* Pedro Hernandez (1979)
* Glenallen Hill (1989*)
* Shea Hillenbrand (2005-2006)
* Garth Iorg (1978)
* Dustin McGowan (2007-2008)
* Hector Torres (1977)
- [[Plik:29.PNG|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 29 (powiększ)]] 29 – nieistniejąca linia tramwajowa zwykła, która kursowała z Piasków na Banacha.
- 29 (twenty-nine) is a positive integer following 28 and preceding 30. Its ordinal form is written "29th" or "twenty-ninth".
- Linia 29 - linia trolejbusowa, organizowana prez ZKM Gdynia.
- Le 29 est selon tout le monde à droite du 28 et à gauche du 30, mais ce n'est pas vrai en fait, le 29 est à droite du 1546 et à gauche du 48.
- This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 29.
- The final episode in the 20s column, unlocked by completing episode 28. Arguably the toughest episode of this column, as you would expect of the final episode.
- Diana hat eingesehen, dass sie Julian ziehen lassen muss und redet sich ein, dass sie stark genug ist, um trotzdem an der Verlobungsfeier teilzunehmen. Derweil versucht Julian seine Zweifel, in Bezug auf seine Beziehung zu Jenny mit allen Mitteln zu verdrängen. Doch während Diana optimistisch nach vorne schaut und sich bemüht, Julian lediglich als guten Freund zu betrachten, wandeln sich dessen Gefühle für sie. Simone will Richard zu einem Bekenntnis über seine Affäre mit Nina provozieren. Als sie merkt, dass Axel sein geheimes Wissen um ihr zerrüttetes Eheleben für seine Zwecke einsetzt, beendet sie den Kontakt zu ihm. Derweil gerät Nadja während der Verlobungsfeier heftig mit Richard aneinander. Vanessa stößt Ben vor den Kopf, als sie erneut Gegenwart bevorzugt. Vanessa zeigt ihm sehr de
- 29 — число, делящее на абсолютно равные части промежуток между числами 28 и 30. Запись числа 29 в десятичной системе счисления состоит из двух цифр — 2, 9. Таким образом, это единственное двухзначное число, в котором цифра 2 идет раньше, чем 9. Также, всего лишь двумя цифрами — 0, 1 — можно записать это число в двоичной системе счисления, однако таких цифр потребуется пять. Почему так происходит? Загадка природы. В шестнадцатеричной системе это мистическое число выглядит как 1D, что говорит о его связи с первичным одномерным пространством.
- Ask ThatGuy Episode 29 (Oct. 3, 2008) [ThatGuy is reading a book and smoking a pipe, after a second he notices the camera] ThatGuy: Oh, Diase! Didn’t hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy with the Glasses. [Piano music starts playing, title card appears] Narrator: What can the Candy Man not do? Narrator: Is it possible to get tails on a double headed coin? ThatGuy: Noooooo! Narrator: Did the Titanic hit an iceberg? ThatGuy: Oh, fine. Thanks. [ThatGuy goes back to reading books] The End
- Carolyn used to hide as a child. Elizabeth idiotically blames Vicki for David's predicament. David shows up at Burke's hotel room. David plants the bleeder valve. Burke tells David that he, Laura, and Roger were friends before Roger married Laura. David tells Burke he's not what he had expected based on Roger's horror stories. Burke declares friendship with David. Carolyn, Victoria's confidante, scolds Elizabeth. Carolyn says she's dreamed of killing her father, who left Elizabeth before Carolyn was born. Elizabeth admits she doesn't think Victoria did it. Maggie calls about David. Elizabeth dispatches Carolyn with the car to search. David and Burke talk about Roger's hatred and fathers in general. David wishes his father were like Burke. Roger used to fight with his wife about Burke. Davi
- The number 29 was not generally used in English league football until the introduction of squad numbers into the club game. This was initially done by the Premier League in 1993, followed by the Football League in 1999. N.B. Nationality is defined as the country represented by a player at any level of international football, or their country of birth if they have never played internationally. a League games (+substitute appearances) played and goals scored while wearing the number 29.