- This item can be redeemed by using one of the following Passwords: __NOEDITSECTION__
- Teddy Bear is a stuffed animal who is a recurring character of Mother Goose Club and a minor character of Inanimate Insanity. She serves as one of Carrie Underwood's henchmen in MYCUN: The Movie. She also serves as one of Koba's minions in the sequel to MYCUN: The Movie, Legend of MYCUN.
- The Teddy Bear is a Sentimental Item in Clock Tower 3. It is found near the front door of the Rand House. It can be used on the box in the trunk near the back door. The nearby freed Spirit will leave behind a Sigil Stone.
- The Teddy Bear is a weapon that can be found in Warrior Within.
- A Teddy Bear is a stuffed animal Easter egg featured in many Call of Duty games. Its first appearance was in Call of Duty: Finest Hour.
- The teddy bear is a typical brown teddy bear with a pink bow around its neck and lines above its eyes that serve as eyebrows.
- Teddy Bear is a sentient stuffed animal.
- Teddy Bears are stuffed animals
- A teddy bear is a plush toy which children can play with. Older Sims can talk through the teddy bear with other Sims.
- Teddy Bear is one of Jack's friends in Jack: Of All Trades. He's known being a living teddy bear with immense strength that lives in Fun World.
- Hello Kitty has a teddy bear, who is large, brown, and male with a button nose, and a green bow tie. In Saying I'm Sorry, Kitty has him work on a play computer, and in Cleaning Up My Mess, he is missing, then is found with his nose falling off, but Mama fixes him.
- Teddy Bears are salvagable items in Endless Ocean 2. These are not made out of any of the materials the multisensor can pick up.
- Teddy Bear [EQUIPMENT] Item Level: 1 Hand-held Item
- A Teddy bear is a small species of pack hunting bear and are the only social bear. They have bred with a wide range of species and their population is growing rapidly throughout the world. Thought by many children to be ‘toys’, these evil creatures are anything but. Extreme caution must be taken while around these monsters.
- The Teddy bear was a toy that belonged to Grace Saunders which she had on her when she was captured by One-Eye jack's crew. The teddy bear was the first item in her inventory, when playing as her. The Teddy Bear could be used to trip up a Pirate Gangster in one of the rooms of Hell's Kitchen. This page is missing an image. Please help the Alone in the Dark Wiki by uploading it.
- A bear that ran away from home. He joined the Circus in Madelin and is missing his home. Speak to him for Bear's Letters reward
- O Teddy Bear custa de 200,000 gps a 500,000 gps! Avah, serio? sim é verdade, e é um item muito raro, que pode ser adquerido com o Santa Claus... Em um mundo PvP procure deixar ele sempre no DP, para não ser roubado. venda apenas para os players, nem sei se os NPCs compram :S. FIM.
- Teddy Bears sind die Quest Items, die von den Demians fallen gelassen werden. Diese sind in Flaris beheimatet, in einem Dorf, das nicht weit von Flaris-City liegt. Der Teddy Bear kann bei einem Pet Tamer gegen Petfood eingetauscht werden.
- The teddy bear is an item which was owned by the Tailie Emma.
- The Teddy Bear is a junk item in The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
- Album: The King And Eye, The King And Eye RMX. The Way We Were Song Notes: This is one of the many Elvis Presley covers The Residents have done in their career. Granted, having done an album of covers of Elvis Presley is a good way to get those numbers up, huh? This version is taken from the limited edition live disc The Way We Were, and it's got Molly Harvey on vocals, which is a bit of a changeup similar to the Icky Flix version of "Man's World". I think it's a bit more successful on that one, but this one is pretty cool too. Hey, it's different! -Rev. Syung Myung Me
- Teddy Bear is a children's song that first appeared in Three Wishes.
- A Teddy Bear is a Quest Item that drops from a Demian. It used to be a Mop, but was changed into a Teddy Bear in Version 12. As its name plainly states, it looks like a teddy bear.
- something really soft and cute it come in many colors
- The teddy bear is a stuffed toy bear. They are usually stuffed with soft, white cotton and have smooth and soft fur. It is an enduring form of a stuffed animal in many countries, often serving the purpose of entertaining children. In recent times, some teddy bears have become collector's items. Now, teddy bears come in various styles and people can dress them up in many different articles of clothing. Teddy bears are also among the most popular gifts for children and significant others on Valentine's Day, birthdays, Christmas and other holidays.
- The room that the Vespiform Arnold Golightly was born in contained a teddy bear. (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp) In 1892, Francesca and Digby Latimer had teddy bears. (TV: The Snowmen) In 1919, the Recruiter used specially designed teddy bears as the locator end of a mm'x synchronisis intradimensional energizer, so it could kidnap and brainwash children to use as soldiers in its war on Q'ell. (PROSE: Toy Soldiers) Audrey Dudman had a teddy bear as an infant in 1943. (TV: The Curse of Fenric) Teddy bears were among the toys made by Santa Claus in his workshop. (COMIC: A Christmas Story)
- During his presidency, Theodore Roosevelt freed a trapped bear. In honor of his act of kindness to the kingdom Animalia, the teddy bear was created and named after him. A teddy bear is an adorable plush bear. They take on many different appearances but all look like bears.
- In the context of Arieri's work, animated Teddies, called "Mutant Teddies", moving in an upright posture, with glowing red eyes amd a malevolent disposition, first appeared around the same time as the first drafts of Ole episodes, but had no apparent connection to the setting. They were vaguely associated with the "elemental evil" and thus with the Caris setting, but never appeared outside of unconnected artwork and perhaps TCG cards. Their leader, in Diablo fashion, was an especially large and powerful specimen, named Teddy the Mutant. He may infact have been the only with a cybernetic component (or rather, obviously mechanical component), while the ordinary members of the species had entirely "ursine" bodies, which were either plush or truely biological - as has been mentioned, this was
- A Teddy Bear is an item in EarthBound that, when obtained, follows Ness around like a partner or party member would. In battle, Teddy Bears will occasionally (75% of the time for normal attacks) take hits from oncoming enemies for Ness and his friends. Some attacks like PSI Magnet will always target them and are ineffective. The Teddy Bear has approximately 100 HP, and after taking enough damage, it will be reduced to a mere pile of fluff and removed from the inventory of whichever character was wielding it. The Super Plush Bear is a stronger version of the Teddy Bear.
- The Teddy Bear is Samantha Maxis' teddy bear that appears in the Call of Duty: World at War maps Zombie Verrückt, Shi No Numa, and Der Riese, as well as the Call of Duty: Black Ops maps Kino der Toten, "Five", Ascension, Call of the Dead, Shangri-La, and Moon . The Teddy Bear appears mainly in the Mystery Box. When the Teddy Bear appears, that means the last player to go open the Mystery Box has not recieved a gun. Instead, there is a little girl's giggle that can be heard, followed by a demonic sounding "BYE, BYE!", and the Teddy floats up out of the Box. Seconds later, the Box itself floats up, and suddenly dissapears. The Mystery Box then spawns at a different part of the map.
- In 1986, a teddy bear was among the items for sale at Feinberg's Loan and Pawn. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) In 1996, the belongings of a homeless captain Braxton, which he kept in a pushcart, included a brown teddy bear. (VOY: "Future's End") In 2267, after Spock's mother Amanda Grayson described a pet sehlat from his childhood as having been "like a fat teddy bear" (much to the delight of Dr. McCoy), Spock observed that these Vulcan "teddy bears" are alive and have six-inch fangs. (TOS: "Journey to Babel" )
- After the Tail Section of Oceanic Flight 815 landed in the water, Zack and Emma were in possession of the teddy bear. (The Other 48 Days) While looking for Michael out in the jungle, Jin and Eko hid in the bushes while several members of the "Others" walked past them. The last member to walk by them was in possession of the teddy bear. This may or may not be the same bear. (...And Found)