| - As Shu and Jiro fight Schneider and Andropov, Zola faces against General Logi again almost being killed. After taking a hit from Blue Dragon's Blue Explosion Attack, Logi's shadow Valkyrie vanishes and an Egyptian-themed shadow called Odin appears turning out to be his real shadow. When Odin uses his Sugurd Level attack on Shu and Blue Dragon, Zola blocks the attack before anything can harm Shu. Meanwhile, Andropov helps Kluke escape.
- |-| Original script= The original Japanese transcript for this file is not yet present. Please add it.
- (1) Las fechas de emisión y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos
- (música instrumental)
- "Awakening" är arbetsnamnet för den tredje episoden av andra säsongen i Stargate Universe, och skulle vara den 23:e episod totalt.
- Poppypaw: Silver she-cat with black stripes and blue eyes Gorsestar: White tom with pale brown patches Spottedkit: Tortoiseshell and white she-cat with green eyes Leafpelt: Tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes Brackenstorm: Light brown tom, blue eyes Owlkit: Pale brown tabby tom with green eyes Ripplekit: Dark gray and white tom with blue eyes
- Andoria; Andorian; Arev; atoombom; excellentie; fotonische wapens; geomagnetische anomalie; katra; Katrische Ark; Kir'Shara; kolinahr; neurologie; stralingsziekte; Surak; Syrran; Syrrannites; T'Karath schuilplaats; T'Klaas; tijdreizen; Vulcan kruiser; Vulcan hoge commando; Vulcan wetenschappelijke academie; Vulcan veiligheid commissariaat; Vulcan's forge; Vulcan gedachtenversmelting; Xindi; zandstorm; zandvuur.
- Probuzení je osmá epizoda čtvrté série seriálu Star Trek: Enterprise. Archera a T´Pol se setkává se Syrrannity, radikální skupinou pravděpodobně odpovědnou za teroristický útok na Vulkánu.
- Awakening is a song from Xenosaga Episode I. It is track on the Xenosaga Episode I Original Soundtrack, having been composed by Yasunori Mitsuda.
- The Awakening is the name given to the return of Magic in 2011, the Year of Chaos. The event signifies the beginning of the Sixth World of the Mayan Calender, a turning point to a new era of magic, drastically different from the Fifth World that preceded it. In a broader sense the Awakening describes the rise of the world mana level and the transformations of nature and humanity associated with it. And in that sense is considered to be ongoing by some scholars. Finally the term Awakening is also used to refer to the emergence of magical talent in any specific individual. Anyone who begins to show magical talent is said to have been Awakened, and those who can/do use magic actively are said to be Awakened.
- thumb|300pxAwakening ist das erste von insgesamt vier geplanten DLCs aus Call of Duty: Black Ops III. Es erschien am 2. Februar 2016 für die Playstation 4. Activison hat bekannt gegeben, dass das Paket 14,99€ kosten wird und darüber hinaus vier neue Multiplayer-Karten und eine neue Zombie-Episode enthalten wird. Für Besitzer des Season-Passes ist das DLC natürlich kostenlos.
- Magnus and Tesla encounter Afina, queen of the vampires, while Kate once again has to deal with her past.
- Awakening can happen when "something major happen" (this probably refers to emotion-based awakenings), if the person trains a lot, is really strong or with help of immortal. Awakened people are usually given spellbooks to keep track of their spells. __TOC__
- The month of Awakening is the 2nd month in the Neopian calendar. It corresponds to the Earth month of February.
- The power to Awaken a humani is innate. Not all Elders can Awaken a humani, and few Next Generation Elders can.
- Awakening is a supplementary technique.
- Awakening is the first mission of the Japanese version of Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere. It is also the first mission on the UPEO campaign. This mission allows the player to familiarize themselves with the game's controls, as well as grasp the basics of the storyline.
- Awakening (覚醒 Kakusei?) is a term used by the English-speaking fandom of the Toaru Majutsu no Index to refer to espers, specifically, Accelerator and Kakine Teitoku—the two most powerful espers in Academy City, that developed angelic powers and characteristics, such as wings and a halo. As mentioned above, only Accelerator and Kakine Teitoku, the two most powerful espers in Academy City, have been shown to be able to "Awaken".
- |-|KMS 1.2.254= File:Skill Awakening.png 각성
* Class: Kinesis
* Type: Passive
* Maximum Level: 20
- Awakening is the most advanced form of any Demon Transfusion Jutsu. This form cannot be accessed unless you are in a near-death situation. The Awakening Jutsu is a full body transformation that includes a change of skin color, hair color, even eye color. The first form of the Awakening is known as the Ini-Kigen Transformation, or plainly, the Initial Awakening.
- In the 27th century, a human girl known as Yakumo awakens with the mission to find the other humans, and bring peace between them and the mutant Enterrans rulling earth now. Yakumo meets an Enterran named Mushra who she rescues and joins her quest.
- Este artículo es para una canción de Underworld. Para la película, véase Underworld: Awakening. Awakening (en español, Despertar) es una canción de Underworld. Es la pista 1 en la banda sonora de Underworld, y se realiza por The Damning Well.
- Awakening is the twenty-eighth episode of Armada. It first aired in the United States on March 08, 2003 on Cartoon Network.
- Awakening is the 5th chapter of Eragon. It takes the point of view of Eragon. In this chapter Eragon becomes a Dragon Rider.
- "Awakening" is the third episode of the second season of Stargate Universe.
- Awakening — карта из загружаемого контент пака Invasion для игры Call of Duty: Ghosts. Это четвёртый уровень режима игры Вымирание, но был упомянут в качестве третьего Эпизода историй "Вымирания". На данной карте появились 4 новых вида Криптидов: Мамонт, Гаргулья, Бомбардир и Прародитель. В третьем эпизоде Вымирания, команда CIF должна спуститься в подземный мир криптидов, дойти до "Арки" и найти там "Кортекс" — ключ к мощи Прародителя.
- Awakening is an Aura that is used by some enemies in Xenoblade Chronicles. The colour of the aura is tint blue. The enemy will usually activate the awakening aura when its HP is at least less than 50%. The duration of the aura depends on the enemy, though it isn't very long.
- Awakening (覚醒, Kakusei) is the eighth episode of the D.Gray-Man Hallow Anime adaptation. It first aired on August 22, 2016 on funnimation.
- Awakening is a quest in Fable III given in Mourningwood by a man named Lesley. He asks the Hero to eliminate an infestation of Hollow Men in the Dark Sanctum.
- Awakening is a song from Underworld. It is track 1 on the Underworld soundtrack, and is performed by The Damning Well. Also it is the third song heard in the credits.
- "Awakening" ist ein Musikthema aus Final Fantasy XI und kann vom Spieler nur während dem finalen Bosskampf gegen den Schattenlord in Schloss Zvahl gehört werden. Komponiert wurde es jedoch nicht wie üblich von Nobuo Uematsu, sondern von Kumi Tanioka, die auch schon am originalen Soundtrack mitgearbeitet hat.
- Awakening is a status ailment healing item introduced in Generation I. It is a spray-type medicine which awakens a sleeping Pokémon and can be used both during and outside battle.
- Awakening is the thirty-fourth episode of Power Rangers: Lost Ninjas.
- My frightened cry echoed in the forest. The darkness broke away. The leaden sky was hanging thick in the air.
- Reccoa carries out a poison gas attack on a space colony. The AEUG forces are too late to prevent it. After seeing the dead bodies, Rosamia awakens and becomes a Cyber-Newtype warrior.
- The Awakening is a sacred Kurzick ceremony that requires Forever Trees, Jade, Amber, and Kurzicks willing to sacrifice themselves. The ceremony tranforms Kurzicks into Juggernauts for defense of the forest. Outsiders are rarely allowed to witness the ceremony.
- Awakening is a movie created by Joel Weber and Dominic Howes.
- The trailer was first shown at Microsoft's E3 Media Briefing on June 6th, 2011. It depicts Cortana hastily awakening John-117 from cryo-sleep on the aft half of the UNSC Forward Unto Dawn, followed by John securing Cortana's storage chip and rushing through the wreckage to witness the ship being pulled into Requiem.
- Image:Awakening.png Wake up stunned allies and reduce the stun counter on awake allies.
* Used by: Monk
* Duration: 1
* Cool Down: 1
* Action Power Cost: 75
* Range: Image:3 any row.svg(standard), Image:5 plus.svg(after second upgrade)
* Type: Active Upgraded By:
* Book: Awakening (Beg) up to skill level 20
* Book: Awakening (Int) up to skill level 40
* Book: Awakening (Adv) up to skill level 60
- Only some cards are available for Awakening. Cards that can be awakened will have a red star icon next to the evolution star(s). Cards that can awakened can also be viewed from the awakening screen. The special items needed for awakening are collectible through the Witch Gate or Elemental Hall. The number of items required differs depending on the card's rarity.
- Awakening est une chanson de Underworld. Elle est la première piste sur la bande originale de Underworld, et est interprétée par The Damning Well. Elle est aussi la troisième chanson entendue dans les crédits.
- Awekening – czwarta mapa trybu Wyginięcia w Call of Duty: Ghosts dostępna w DLC Invasion.
- The Awakening was a prophecy that foretold the release of a Goddess and a Dark God.
- Awakening is the five part series premiere of the Gargoyles series. It was also released on VHS, in a condensed format, as Gargoyles the Movie: The Heroes Awaken.
* Awakening Part One
* Awakening Part Two
* Awakening Part Three
* Awakening Part Four
* Awakening Part Five
- "Awakening" is the tenth episode of the fourth season of Angel and the seventy-sixth episode overall. Written by David Fury and Steven S. DeKnight and directed by James A. Contner, it was originally broadcast on January 29, 2003 on the WB network.
- He then makes his way to a window which he breaks and climbs through. Once outside, he kills the remaining orderlies and hides their bodies in the shadows before hiding in the back of a Trashmaster to escape.
- Awakening is a metamorphosis attainable by certain species, greatly increasing their powers and changing other aspects of their being. The methods of initiating this process are numerous, and none are without risk. The awakened are considered by many to be in a state of higher being, although whether or not this is the case is ambiguous.
- Awakening is the sixth level of Crysis. During this level, the player will fight against KPA forces and make his/her way to the mines.
- "Awakening" was the 21st episode of Under the Dome and the eighth episode of the second season, airing on CBS on 18 August 2014. The episode was written by Andres Fischer-Centeno and Daniel Truly and directed by Jack Bender.
- Awakening (覚醒, kakusei) is a process in which Spectrobes in their Fossil form are revived to their Child form using the sound of a Spectrobe Master's voice. The details of the system differ from game to game, but the concept of a Spectrobe Master commanding a Spectrobe to awaken are similar, even in the webisodes.
- "This event triggered a kind of awakening within me, I've never felt before." is from an AHWW post on December 27, 1994. In most cases, Therians report having an awakening experience before encountering the online Therian community, and speak of this event as what spurs them to search out others having the similar feelings. Generally, individuals who report having an awakening experience after discovering the concept of Therianthropy online are viewed with some amount of skepticism. See also: Awere
- Summary: Thunderwing's lab is under attack. But he has one more trick up his sleeve. Thunderwing sits in his chair at the centre of his kingdom, awaiting the arrival of the extra forces from Earth. In his hand he clutches the box, now open and empty, the fruits of his labours all around him. Slave workers continue to put the finishing touches on a huge armoured form that takes up most of the space on the far wall, covered with sheets of metal. Benches to his side show half-finished projects, many of them very advanced, and to the other side are several cages, each filled with withered humanoid remains. This... is his home.
- An awakening can take on a variety of different meanings. Here are some examples:
* Rude Awakening - defined as being sound asleep, only for some bastard to perch their ass over your head, and fart heavily such that both the sound and smell awaken you
* Sexual Awakening - You liked using that whip, didn't you, and the gimp suit, yes, and don't think we don't know what you did with that ring. You just had a sexual awakening my friend.
* Awakening - The transitional process from staggering around like you've just woken up the following morning after being drugged and raped, which may in fact explain the soreness and rubrication, to becoming a fully functional citizen troll (see GNAA).
* Existential Awakening - The realisation that after you die, all your possessions will be sei
- Setting: Keine's Room Music: Plot: Anon wakes up and finds bread next to his bed, which a note which states that Keine will be gone until lunch. It also reminds him not to leave the Village, and that she will explain everything when she returns. Anon is still a bit confused and can't fully accept what happened yesterday. He explores the house a little bit, noticing its overall lack of modern items and expansive bookshelf. He looks outside to see what seems like creative reenactment village. What the hell is going on? I awaken to the sight of an unfamiliar ceiling. CERN... explosion... Keine
- From International Literature, No. 3, March 1935. ISAAC BABEL, born 1894 in Odessa, of Jewish middle-class parentage, dates the beginning of his literary career to encouragement from Maxim Gorky, whom he met in 1916. He served in the army on the Rumanian front; later in the army in the north against Yudenich; then as a reporter on and Tifiis papers, as a worker in a printing shop, etc. His best-known short stories, which began to appear in 1924., deal with the civil war in Russia, and particularly with Budenny's Red Cavalry. He pointed with his stick to a low tree with a reddish trunk.
- You’re awoken from a dreamless sleep by a dull thud from the hallway. Your eyes snap open and fix instantly on the door. What made that noise? Breathing hard, fear beginning to twitch in your mind, you realise with a shiver that you’ve kicked your duvet off in your sleep. Another thud. This time, it seems louder, deeper, coming from just outside. Trying to keep calm, you run through all the things it may be. It has to be the pipes in the wall, which have been groaning for weeks now, with ever-increasing frequency and urgency (they were never this deep or this loud). Your screams are muffled.