| - Priests of Lurue are often chaotic neutral, neutral good, or chaotic good in alignment and pray for their spells at midnight, most often in a moonlit glade. They are usually adventurers who traverse the land, seeking to better themselves by experiencing new things and righting wrongs. Lurue is said to use a unicorn horn as her weapon.
- 200px|left|thumb|Symbol Lurue Gdy Lurue (lu-rue) opanuje żądza wędrówki, może stać się kapryśna, lecz kiedy już ktoś raz zaskarbi sobie jej zaufanie, jest nieskończenie lojalna i nigdy nie opuszcza swoich wyznawców w potrzebie. Jeśli musi walczyć, staje się godnym i trudnym do pokonania przeciwnikiem, lecz zdecydowanie woli pojedynkować się na słowa - bardziej odpowiada jej bowiem błyskotliwa rozmowa i pełna dwuznaczności gra słowna niż brutalne użycie siły.
- Name: Lurue Divine rank: demigod Title(s): The Unicorn, Unicorn Queen, Queen of Talking Beasts Symbol: silver-horned unicorn head before a crescent moon Home plane: Alignment: chaotic good Portfolio: talking beasts; intelligent, nonhumanoid creatures Worshipers: Worshiper alignments: LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Cleric alignments: NG, CG, CN Domains: animal, chaos, good, healing Favored weapon: a unicorn horn (shortspear) Festivals:
* Midsummer's Eve (30 Flamerule)
* The Feast of the Moon (Moonfest)
- Lurue is a fictional Faerûnian minor deity of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting.
- Lurue (pronounced luh-RUE), also known as The Unicorn Queen, is a chaotic good goddess of intelligent and talking beasts. Lurue teaches that life is there to be lived, and one should live it with zest and flair. Adventures and quests should be taken on a whim and life should be filled with good times and laughter. She is worshiped by many unicorns, pegasi, and other intelligent non-humanoid creatures, as well as by romantic and swashbuckling adventurers. Although preferring adventure and exploration instead of battle, if forced into a fight she is an intractable foe.