| - Workable lever is a custom function. When placed in the OnUsed of a lever, it will play its animation and return a TRUE (ON) or FALSE (OFF) state to the script. The script can either be added to a include file, or added to the top of the void main() script as in the example script below.
- This is a custom function, that when placed in the OnUsed of a lever, will play it's animation and return a TRUE (ON) or FALSE (OFF) state to the script. You can either add it to a include file, or simply add it to the top of your void main() script as in the example. When useing a lever, be sure to set it's "Initial State" to "Deactivated"
| - This is a custom function, that when placed in the OnUsed of a lever, will play it's animation and return a TRUE (ON) or FALSE (OFF) state to the script. You can either add it to a include file, or simply add it to the top of your void main() script as in the example. When useing a lever, be sure to set it's "Initial State" to "Deactivated" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Place the Lever and set it State to "Deactivated" // Use in the OnUsed of a Lever or switch /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int FlipSwitch(object oLever = OBJECT_SELF) { //lever animation if (GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"nToggle") == 0) { PlayAnimation(ANIMATION_PLACEABLE_ACTIVATE,1.0,1.0); SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"nToggle",1);//set "ON" return TRUE; } else { PlayAnimation(ANIMATION_PLACEABLE_DEACTIVATE,1.0,1.0); SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"nToggle",0);//set "OFF" return FALSE; } //end level anaimation } void main() { if(FlipSwitch()) { // Add code for ON state } else { // Add code for OFF state, if you wish } }
- Workable lever is a custom function. When placed in the OnUsed of a lever, it will play its animation and return a TRUE (ON) or FALSE (OFF) state to the script. The script can either be added to a include file, or added to the top of the void main() script as in the example script below.