| - While visiting the Justice Society on Earth-2, the Justice League heroes learn the untold story of why the Sandman years ago returned to his original crimefighting costume. An experimental weapon in his arsenal had accidentally exploded, transforming his boy partner, Sandy, into a gigantic monster. Overcome with guilt, Sandman had destroyed his purple and gold costume, which had constantly reminded him of Sandy's plight. Imprisoning the monstrous boy in a chamber which held him unconscious, he had returned to action in his old gas-mask and double-breasted suit. Now, however, the Sandy-creature has escaped his cage, and the two teams combine to recapture him. He evades Superman, Hourman, and Elongated Man at an outdoor wedding, tangles with Batman, the Flash, and the Earth-2 Wonder Woman at a ball game, and finally battles Green Lantern and Sandman himself at a beach. The eight heroes unite to subdue him at last, only to learn that he had been acting to prevent a series of earth tremors at the sites of their battles. Having only now regained his lost power of speech, "Sandy" reveals that the menacing attitude he had evinced when first changed to monstrous form had only been a temporary side-effect, and a chagrined Sandman realizes that he had kept his partner imprisoned for years for no reason.