| - Zoomers are a race of round, spiky-shelled mollusks in the Metroid Universe. They are native to multiple planets, including Zebes, Tallon IV, Arcterra and Alinos. They are generally considered to be vermin by sapient species, as they breed rapidly and are notorious for carrying diseases.
- The Zoomer is an enemy that appears in Tourian. It can be found in the secret area at the left. The Kid will die if he touches the Zoomer. If The Kid shoot at the Zoomer, it will be a stone and you can jump on it. It can glitch that it can reach The Factory.
- Zoomer is the general term for the common civilian zoomers seen in Haven City during Daxter, Jak II and Jak 3. They are the most common mode of transportation for Haven citizens and are often found parked at set locations throughout the city. They come in a number of different varieties and colors but come down to three different types; the one-seated zoomer (resembling a bike, comes in three different basic forms), the two-seated zoomer (comes in two different basic forms, one of which is split) and the three-seated zoomer (has an extra seat in the center).
- Zoomer is a tall, well-built young man. His jet black hair and deep blue eyes have become a sort of symbol of both his charm and his ruthlessness. Little exposure to sunlight has left his skin pale and sensitive. His inscrutable expression has made him all the more menacing. He wears a dark black long-sleeve shirt, a dagger belt concealed in a sash, zombie trousers, and black boots.
- Los Zoomer (ズーマー en su versión japonesa) son moluscos semi-esféricos con púas a lo largo de su espalda. Aunque son nativos de Zebes, aparecen en otros planetas. Existen varias sub-especies de diferentes colores, los más comúnes con amarillo y rojo. No poseen gran inteligencia; su intelecto se limita a caminar en los patrones establecidos a lo largo del terreno. Aparecen en Metroid, Metroid: Zero Mission, Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt y Metroid Prime Hunters.
- Zoomer (シューン Shūn?) – badnik pojawiający się w grze Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II. Wyglądem przypomina zimorodka.
- Zoomer (jap. シューン Shūn) ist ein Badnik, der nur in Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 sein Debüt macht.
- Zoomer is a young penguin who lives at the Adoption Center. He is 10 years old. He is named for his teleportation powers.
- Zoomer is the only purple snowmobile. He is owned by Jana. He seems to bare a resemblance to Scoot.
- The Zoomer was an overhauled light freighter belonging to the salvage pilot and mercenary Reti.
- Zoomers. A relatively simple species. Or so it seems. Zoomers are actually a super-advanced species, capable of creating technology so powerful, it could destroy the universe. Of course zoomers, (as wise as they are) have not created such technology for fear that it may fall into the wrong hands. Certain sources indicate that zoomers may be more technologically advanced than the Chozo and the Alimbics combined. Zoomers may seem simplistic to the eyes of an unobservant and mindless layman, but underneath that silly little shell is a mind as powerful as an Aurora Unit. Zoomers choose to hide their intelligence to the untrained eye by slowly crawling around in a preset pattern, but when no one is looking, they continue working on their hi-caliber projects and advanced research. Scans and desc
- Zoomers are semi-spherical, hard-shelled creatures with spikes along their backs. They originally only appeared in two colors: yellow and red, and were called Geemers starting in Super Metroid, though the Metroid Prime series has since reinterpreted them as two separate species, with Zoomers being the weaker of the two. Zoomers are the first creatures ever encountered in the series. Their intellect is limited to walking in set patterns along the terrain, meaning that Samus Aran must accidentally run or jump into them in order to be harmed. The Zoomers located on Tallon IV have 18 eyes, while Geemers have only three of them.
- A Zoomer is a species from the Metroid series, and a very common one. It's appeared in multiple different Metroid games including Metroid, Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, Metroid Zero Mission, and Metroid Prime Hunters. While presumably they originally came from Zebes, they are now found on multiple other planets. Apparently they breed rapidly, and are also a major threat - not because they have fatal attacks, but because they tend to carry multiple different diseases around including the flesh eating bacteria, which has been the cause of many deaths and ultimately extinctions of some of Zebes' species.