| - The Water Tribe was one of several tribes on Bara Magna and Spherus Magna. Its members lived in the village of Tajun.
- Inuit/Eskimo names. Disregarding the Swamp peoples, the names tend to contain one or two ‘K’’s and an ‘AH’ sound. Swamp names are gibberish almost, but have a simple sound structure: one or two syllables with long vowels. e.g. Katara, Korra, Sokka, Hama, Kuruk, Arnook, Naga, Tarrlok, Yakone, Noatak, Eska, Varrick, Pakku, Unalaaq
- The tribe of the Sea Gods.
* They made the Flood in the Storm Age.
* Their ranks included Aroka, Enkoshons, Worcha.
* They were eventually conquered by the brothers of Orlanth and the Thunder Brothers.
* Heler and Huraya are from them.
* Presumably, they are equivalent of the Triolini Gods.
- The Water Tribe is a collective term for a nation of people who practice Waterbending. One of the series' "Four Nations," the Water Tribe is divided into two nation-states: the Southern Water Tribe, which inhabits the South Pole, and the Northern Water Tribe, which inhabits the North Pole. There is also a small population of Waterbenders located in the swamps of the Earth Kingdom.
- The people of the Water Tribe are generally peaceful, and strive to live in harmony with nature and the other nations of the world. There are two primary divisions of the Water Tribe, the Northern Tribe and the Southern Tribe, though both were at least de jure governed by the Northern chief until 171 AG.
- An Avatar: The Last Airbender fancomic by Rufftoon, aka Johane Matte who was one of the storyboarders on the show. The major conceit of the comic is that Zhao, the villain of season one, wasn't killed by the Ocean Spirit in the season finale. Instead, he was saved but had all his memories of his past life as a Fire Nation admiral erased. The comic deals with him first discovering that he is not really a Watertribesman, and then trying to figure out what to do in the new world of peace. Along the way, he clubs baby seal-turtles, fights pirates, and complains about the cold.