Teen Angel is an American teen fantasy serial drama series that aired on the Disney Channel. Starring Jason Priestley, the series was first broadcast on The All New Mickey Mouse Club (MMC) on April 24, 1989, and ended its run on May 22, 1989. Teen Angel was followed by a sequel series, Teen Angel Returns, also starring Priestley and future Beverly Hills, 90210 co-star Jennie Garth, which aired from October 2 to October 27, 1989.
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| - Teen Angel (1989 TV series)
| - Teen Angel is an American teen fantasy serial drama series that aired on the Disney Channel. Starring Jason Priestley, the series was first broadcast on The All New Mickey Mouse Club (MMC) on April 24, 1989, and ended its run on May 22, 1989. Teen Angel was followed by a sequel series, Teen Angel Returns, also starring Priestley and future Beverly Hills, 90210 co-star Jennie Garth, which aired from October 2 to October 27, 1989.
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| - Teen Angel is an American teen fantasy serial drama series that aired on the Disney Channel. Starring Jason Priestley, the series was first broadcast on The All New Mickey Mouse Club (MMC) on April 24, 1989, and ended its run on May 22, 1989. Teen Angel was followed by a sequel series, Teen Angel Returns, also starring Priestley and future Beverly Hills, 90210 co-star Jennie Garth, which aired from October 2 to October 27, 1989.