| - Thaneo Zess was a Sith Saber who later became a Sith Lord during the Great Galactic War between the Jedi and Sith. Born right when the war began, his home world being Balmorra, it was unknown what species he was. Seeing as how Balmorra was mostly Human, he was labeled as Balmorrian, despite the fact he was of an unknown species. He displayed raccoon or skunk-like features and fur pattern, and it was unknown why he had been born without a tail. His father, Tharan was a Sith officer on a mission to Balmorra at the time and while there, met a Balmorrian girl who looked very much like a humanoid skunk named Olivia. The two ended up falling in love, giving birth to Thaneo sometime later while on the run from the Sith Empire, who had officially ordered the death of the two, not yet knowing that Tharan had impregnated Olivia. Soon afterwards the two were killed when they were tracked down by Sith assassins. The assassins found three-year old Thaneo hiding in a pantry and instead of killing him, they took him back with them to Korriban where the Council agreed to keep the boy alive. Sensing his not-yet found power of the Force, he would be taken under the wing of Darth Darrack Vammon, who taught the boy in the ways of the dark side. He would then die at the age 38, killed by an unnamed rouge Jedi who launched a RPG at Thaneo when he was busy dueling a Jedi, killing all three of them.