- Al, known in Japan as Kyō (キョウ Kyō?), was one of Vilma Fachiri's martial arts students when she lived in Star City, learning the White Crane Fist from her.
- Al is the owner of the garage-fixing shop Al's Alphabet Garage. He appeared in an early 1990s Sesame Street sketch in which a Purple Anything Muppet woman came to his garage to get her letter J to jump.
- Al, portrayed by Mark Gatiss, appears in the first and second series of The League of Gentlemen. Al is one of Pop's sons, and the brother of Rich. He regularly serves as a comic foil in his scenes due to his serious nature compared to Pop - who he has been seen to both admire and fear and be oppressed by - as well as Reenie Calver and Vinnie Wythenshaw who he attempts to purchase from on one occasion. He goes on to appear alongside his father and brother in The League of Gentlemen: Live at Drury Lane.
- Al estas mallongigo de "Artfarita Lingvo". Ĝi estas mise uzata kiel prepozicio en fuŝa lingvo Esperanto. Pri la uzo de "al" ne ekzistas ĝusta regulo en Fundamento, tial ĝi povas kaŭzi gravajn problemojn por lingvouzantoj: Petro rakontis al ŝi. -----> Petro rakontis ŝin. – estas tute evidente, ke la regulo pri "je" aplikata por "al" misgvidas lingvouzantojn. Kaj inverse: – Ĉu Maria propnis lin al ŝi, aŭ propon@s al li ŝin? – vortordo estas libera sen konkretaj reguloj en Fundamento, ĉu ne? (bedaŭrinde). Manko de reguloj kondukas al fuŝa gramatiko, kaj malfaciligas lingvon.
- AL is short for After Landing. It is a chronology that was used on early Pern, but later replaced by the common Pass/Interval system.
- Al es uno de los personajes de Un Show Más que hizo su debut en el episodio Las Reglas de la Casa que apareció cuando Mordecai y Rigby iban a acampar en su tienda y él les mostró un letrero que decía: no Flojear.
- Al was a hologram in the Vic Fontaine 1962 Las Vegas holoprogram. He acted as a countman (a person in a secure area who counts the money taken in by a casino) in the hotel where Vic performed his act. Every evening, Al invariably left the count room and used a public telephone to call home for six minutes. Al's routine was interrupted in 2375 and his time away from the count room extended by Julian Bashir's participation in the holoprogram. During that program's run, Al also ogled Kira, much to the annoyance of Frankie Eyes. (DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang") Al was played by James Wellington.
- Al was a soldier, and part of an American black operation to weaponise the Rage Virus.
- Al is a character appearing in Pokémon Adventures.
- A supervillain from the Everglades.
- Al is a homeless human living in the Labyrinth.
- Al is an NPC character in Necromundus.
- Al is hero from Q-Force (MacDeath)
- Al is the maker of Frugooscape. He is god.
- Al was a reporter.
- Al was a worker at a Boiler Works company
- AL was an optic-neuro AI created by the Patriots named after the United States' 16th President Abraham Lincoln.
- He was portrayed by Michael Ross.
- Al est le savant de la série des Ratchet & Clank qui est essentiellement destiné dans l'améliorations des robots. Il est l'inventeur de beaucoup de technologie et aime se sentir supérieur.
- [al] Catégorie:Flexion manquante 1.
* forme contractée de a lo, au
- comme en français et dans les autres langues romanes citées en étymologie, le correspondant féminin n'est pas une forme contractée
* ath ostau, ath costat (g.) à la maison, au côté références
* R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien <a href="http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf">http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf</a> en ligne, Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, , <a href="http://www.jfbrun.eu/lengadoc/lexoc.htm">http://www.jfbrun.eu/lengadoc/lexoc.htm</a> en ligneCatégorie:MontpelliérainCatégorie:languedocien, , Alibert 1997Catégorie:Languedocien, 1.
* REDIRECTION (?)Catégorie:à vérifier
* R3 : 1.
* REDIRECTION (carte 4)
- Al es un personaje que apareció por primera vez en Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Se dedica a rediseñar muebles en la tienda Reciclaje Bártulos que lleva junto a su mujer Paca.
- Al is a supporting character in Angels in the Outfield and Angels in the Endzone. He is the boss of the angels who helps the team of the same name. Image:Stub.png This character article is a stub. You can help Disney Wiki by [ expanding it].
- Al was a gangster created by Max Gamble on the Wish World.
- Disinto irányítására kifejlesztett géptípus. Lásd AL-76 Forrás: ALAPÍTVÁNY ÉS ASIMOV – Részletek az Enciklopédia Galaktikából (1997-2007) - Galaktikus Könyvtár 1. kötet Az eredeti szócikket összeállította és feltöltötte: Györgyi Ákos. Cikksorszám:0007 A szócikk az alábbi mű alapján készült: Isaac Asimov: Robottörténetek - Az AL-76-os robot elkeveredik Kategória:Robotok Kategória:Isaac Asimov: Robottörténetek - Az AL-76-os robot elkeveredik
- Al is the owner of Al's Pancake World. It was originally a pancake house, but later changed to a restaurant that served various types of cuisine. Lorelai says good morning to a man named Al in the beginning of the episode A Messenger, Nothing More. It is suspected that this could potentially be Al from Al's Pancake World.
- AI is a computer virus which infects .EXE files. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program and then effects the computer's run time operation and corrupts program or overlay files. It does not appear to work with all .EXE files but does infect standard DOS files easily. AI adds meaningless garbage bytes to the end of the host file.
- Al is a monster created by an alchemist. Al was to attack anyone who threatend his master. He soon failed when an army attacked before his master died. He was given five cellphones like objects and told to give them to the next five people who spill Al's blood.
- Al is one of the main characters of the anime series, BeyWarriors: Cyborg. He travels through Teslandia with Nico, Sola and Dr. Prost to collect the most Tokens for the city of Lightning. His Cyborg Warrior is Lightning Griffin.
- Al ist ein Streetracer, der in Need for Speed: Underground erscheint.
- Al is an American professional wrestler, currently signed to Lords of Pain Wrestling (LPW) performing on its Inferno brand.
- Al, właść. Al Marrison ( ur. 31.10.1992 w Londynie ) - występuje w seriach takich jak:thumb|left
* Góry Totalnej Porażki
- 'AL, el nombre de ' Abraham Lincoln, fue un neuro-AI óptica creada por los Patriots.
- Al is a tall, physically fit Caucasian male. He has blond hair and sun-tanned skin.
- Al (アル Aru, also known as Alle) is the main character of the Fire Emblem: Hasha no Tsurugi manga. He is a brave, but rash young boy who grew up in the mountains along with his foster father, Magough. The thought of giving up without trying does not exist in his mind. He always carries the titular Champion's Blade and eventually joins Roy's battle to defeat the invading Kingdom of Bern. The weapon Al's Sword from Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade is a reference to him.
- Al is a man who appeared in "Ghosts of Christmas Past".
- Al ist der Ehemann von Gloria, der Vater von Linda und Gayle und der Schwiegervater von Bob. Er spricht selten und kann schlecht hören, deshalb trägt er ein Hörgerät. Er macht alles mit Gloria gemeinsam, ist dabei aber nicht immer bei der Sache und döst oft ein. Erst wenn seine Frau in einem schrillen Tonfall seinen Namen ruft, wacht er auf. In der Folge Die falsche Schlange erfährt Bob von Al, dass es ihn erregt wenn eine Frau sich auf einen Luftballon setzt und dieser dann platzt.
- Al était un hologramme du programme Vic Fontaine basé sur Las Vegas en 1962.
- Al is a notorious hitman best known for shooting Russel Brandt at Castle Clinton. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Al is an American professional wrestler, signed to Lords of Pain Wrestling (LPW) and currently competing on the Pyromania brand.
- Al (voiced by Wally Wingert) is one of the dogcatchers, who often works with Pete.
- En el espacio esta va una nave salio de un planeta mientras tanto en la tierra estava agus y ben en ms maltiadas agus :no se como puedes tomar tantas ben :mi estomago es de acero agus :mejor dicho de baba y cae la nave y sale un alien agus :ben preparate alien misterioso : e venido en busca de una tal agustin uriel tennyson agus :soy yo alien misterioso :ayuda un tetramand esta atacando mi planeta neus alien misterioso: me llamo neus ben: que!!!! agus: la especie de cuatro brazos neos:se llama gordan ben:ese traidor agus:calmate ben : ok vamos en ship neos:no vamos en mi nave agus :ok se fueron en su nave AGUS.
- thumb|Al Al ist ein Buchhalter. Al arbeitet im Zählraum des Spielkasinos von Frank Chalmers. Er hat die Angewohnheit jeden Abend um 23:45 seine Frau anzurufen und mit ihr acht Minuten zu sprechen. Dies wollen die Freunde von Vic Fontaine nutzen, um den Raub von Frankies Geld durchzuführen. Al wurde von James Wellington gespielt und von Klaus Lochthove synchronisiert.
- Al began calling in to the Mischke Broadcast back in the Summer of 2004. But, oddly enough, he had no idea he was on the air for most of his early calls. He thought he was calling a weatherman that worked for the television side of KSTP. Of course, Mischke just rolled with this and took on the persona of a fictitious weatherman -- a fellow who went by the appropriate enough name of Blow Zephyr. Over the next couple of years, Al would sporadically call in to the Broadcast. This ended abruptly in the Summer of 2006 -- after Al fell victim to a fatal heart attack.
- Al is a one binome that owns Al's Wait & Eat on Level 31 in Mainframe. He never comes to the front of the bar, he works in the back of the restaurant as the chef. Al is extremely hard of hearing, the only thing he ever says is "WHAT?!". Al's Waiter runs the front of the restaurant for him and the Roller Bladder waits tables. Al is also a business partner of Dot Matrix's. According to Al's Waiter, Al only runs at a slow 3 decahertz. (The Quick and the Fed)
- When Dick insults a hooker named Misty by refusing to pay for sex, she steals his car with the people inside the trunk and sells it to crime lord Fernando Jaramillo. When they are captured by Fernando and his men while trying to rescue the people from the trunk, Stan's first two escape plans involving Biscuit and Stan's mouse Cheesers backfire, and Dick is allowed to leave with a weary Biscuit who takes one last feeble swipe at one of the gang members, leaving Stan and forcing him to make a bet that he can start a lawnmower ten times on the first try based on a television show he had watched previously. Stan fails and Fernando prepares to cut off Stan's leg for winning the bet. When Stan appears at work the next day, it appears his leg is missing. But then Stan reveals he is still two-legg
- Al is the name given to several people who have come into contact with the Ghost Rider.
* One Al was a member of Mark Crane's Death cult. He was hit over the head by Karen Sterling. .
* Another Al had several cohorts named Jerry, Joe, Paul and Porter. They were criminals pursued by Ghost Rider. Escaping into a farmhouse, they discover Azaziah the Crimson Mage, who enlists them in his plan to defeat Ghost Rider. They then lead Ghost Rider into a mystical trap, where Blaze and the demon are separated. . After Azaziah is defeated, Ghost Rider tracks Al and his cohorts down and gives them a dose of hellfire..
* A third Al was an explosives expert who (with a friend named Fred) cleared a boulder from a road that was going to be used for a cross country motorcycle race. The blast une
- Al was a frequently seen barfly through much of the series run. He was usually seen sitting at the back end, usually dressed in a suit or plaid blazer, and almost always with his trademark hat. In at least one episode he's seen with dark rimmed glasses ("Second Time Around"). He spoke with a gravelly old voice. Occasionally he was sitting in a table or booth.