The Mushroom Isle is the location of the Land of the Leprechauns and the rat's warren.
Upon completion of all the quests in the island, players are expected to have learnt how to interact with objects and attack with your class' skills. They will also receive their first gear reward, a pair of Adventurer's Gloves. Fixing the broken boat in the shore of the island will let you advance to "Old" Corsica . Advancing to "Old" Corsica will make Mushroom Isle inaccessible, so make sure to explore as much as you want.
The Mushroom Isle is the location of the Land of the Leprechauns and the rat's warren.
Upon completion of all the quests in the island, players are expected to have learnt how to interact with objects and attack with your class' skills. They will also receive their first gear reward, a pair of Adventurer's Gloves. Fixing the broken boat in the shore of the island will let you advance to "Old" Corsica . Advancing to "Old" Corsica will make Mushroom Isle inaccessible, so make sure to explore as much as you want. There are no known instances or dungeons on the island. Prior to Patch 0.8.6, there were 46 shards on Mushroom Isle. Post-patch, there was only 1 shard, presumably for characters who were created but never progressed beyond the Fix Your Escape Boat quest.