| - A thing that a character needs to obtain in order to cash it in later for a Plot resolution. For example, let's say that our intrepid hero must steal a key, then find the Treasure Chest of Galumphry that the key will open, then remove the Orb of Power from the chest and use it to banish the Big Bad. The key, the chest, and the Orb are all plot coupons. Extremely common in video games, where collecting these coupons is known as a Fetch Quest, it is often presented as collecting several pieces of a lost artifact or gaining recognition from several factions.
| - A thing that a character needs to obtain in order to cash it in later for a Plot resolution. For example, let's say that our intrepid hero must steal a key, then find the Treasure Chest of Galumphry that the key will open, then remove the Orb of Power from the chest and use it to banish the Big Bad. The key, the chest, and the Orb are all plot coupons. Extremely common in video games, where collecting these coupons is known as a Fetch Quest, it is often presented as collecting several pieces of a lost artifact or gaining recognition from several factions. A plot coupon might just as easily be one item in a series of MacGuffins, where the things are not important, it is the seeking of them that moves the story along. See also Sword of Plot Advancement. If the items in and of themselves are useless and only become valuable in hindsight, see It May Help You On Your Quest. If the goal of the mission is to obtain an item that turns out to be less valuable than the finding of it, It's the Journey That Counts. Coined by Nick Lowe in a science fiction convention talk, later printed as an article The Well-Tempered Plot Device in the fanzine Ansible and popularized by the Turkey City Lexicon.