| - Miles Edgeworth is a mixed bag. His popularity in the Ace Attorney series means many people play him, making it difficult to consistently characterize him within the Attorney Online lore.
- Miles Edgeworth ist ein Hauptcharakter aus der Ace Attorney-Reihe, der auch im Crossover Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney ein paar kurze Auftritte hat. Er ist als Staatsanwalt ein Rivale von Phoenix Wright.
- This ice-cold officer is the first mate aboard the Victoria II. If you think he's bad, just be grateful that you aren't dealing with the captain. __TOC__
- Miles Edgeworth is a character appearing in Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney as well as various games of the Ace Attorney series.
- Later, the main protagonist and player character in Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth and Gyakuten Kenji 2/Prosecutor's Path.
- Im Laufe dieses Sinneswandels kündigte er seinen Job an zwei Zeitpunkten, nur um jedes Mal einige Monate später noch klüger und rechtschaffener zurückzukehren. Im Zeitraum in dem sich Phoenix Wright mit dem "Mask☆DeMasque"-Fall befasste, wurde Miles Edgeworth ein in fünf verschiedenen Ländern international anerkannter Staatsanwalt und Top - Staatsanwalt in seinem Heimatland. Sein Ziel ist es, seinen Titel als Staatsanwalt einzusetzen, die Wahrheit ans Licht zu bringen und Menschenleben mit der Macht des Gesetzes zu retten.
- The most known of Phoenix Wright's rival prosecutors, Edgeworth became a prosecutor at the age of 20. His father was a famous defense attorney. As a child, Edgeworth aspired to become one, too. However, for reasons explained in the "Turnabout Goodbyes" case of the first game, he becomes a prosecutor instead. He witnessed a case where he believed the alleged killer got off free, instead of being imprisoned. This forever shaped his overall outlook on life. Edgeworth shares a strong working relationship with police detective Dick Gumshoe, who has a strong loyalty to the prosecutor.
- Tier: At least 10-A Name: Miles Edgeworth / 御剣怜侍 (Reiji Mitsurugi) Origin: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Gender: Male Age: 20-34 Classification: Human, Prosecutor, Defense Lawyer, Chief Prosecutor. Powers and Abilities: Skilled Lawyer, Superhuman durability, able to see if someone is hiding something, multiple years of experience in law, hand-to-hand combat, Logic Chess, etc. Attack Potency: At least Athlete level (Considered stronger than Phoenix Wright and has a personal knife with him.) Speed: Regular Human Lifting Strength: Regular Human Striking Strength: Human Class Intelligence: Extremely high
- Miles Edgeworth is a rival lawyer from the Phoenix Wright series, and considered by some to be one of the deepest characters in gaming. With the expanded field in 2007, PW-crazy Board 8 was able to rally Edgeworth into the tournament. He was placed in a very winnable position, needing to top only joke nominee Bidoof and uber-fodder Agent J to advance, but Pokemon proved more powerful than the PW series and he disappointed with a loss. This wouldn't have been so odd except that Phoenix Wright himself had looked great in defeating Bomberman only the day before, so Miles came in with high expectations.
- Miles Edgeworth (御剣怜侍, Reiji Mitsurugi ?) es el fiscal general de Los Ángeles y un amigo de la infancia de Phoenix Wright y Larry Butz. Durante sus primeros cuatro años como fiscal, tuvo un récord de victorias perfectas debido a su voluntad de hacer cualquier cosa para conseguir un veredicto de culpabilidad al acusado. Todo esto terminó cuando Wright le derrotó en la corte. Más tarde, Edgeworth se encontraría más adelante en un juicio por asesinato, y su rival lo defendería. Después de trabajar en un caso más, Edgeworth dejó la oficina del fiscal para buscar lo que significa ser un fiscal realmente, llegando a la conclusión de que los fiscales eran buscadores de la verdad, y que ganar un veredicto de culpabilidad no era todo lo que importaba. Más tarde regresó y, para el caso de Mask☆DeM
- Miles Edgeworth is a Chief Prosecutor of the prosecutor's office in Los Angeles. During his first four years as a prosecutor, he had a perfect win record in trials owing to his willingness to do just about anything to get a guilty verdict for the defendant. His defeat in court at the hand of his childhood friend Phoenix Wright was the beginning of a series of seismic shifts in his attitude concerning his profession. He even quit twice, only to return each time with a fresh outlook on how he conducted his life. By the time of the Mask☆DeMasque trials, he had become an international prosecutor who had prosecuted in five other countries, as well as being known as the top prosecutor in his homeland. His goal as a prosecutor is to seek the truth above all else, and to use the power of the law t