"Snippets" is the third Christmas episode of the NBC sitcom Gimme a Break!, aired in the show's fifth season.
Snippets are useful or interesting text and code at WoWWiki, whose pages should appear in the . So far most are related to World of Warcraft development.
This place is for you, to place your personal code snippets and let the community be able to use them, if desired. Take it easy. Don't force yourself to write in wiki style. If it doesn't appear as you expected, leave it as-is. Someone will fix.
"Snippets" is the third Christmas episode of the NBC sitcom Gimme a Break!, aired in the show's fifth season.
Snippets are useful or interesting text and code at WoWWiki, whose pages should appear in the . So far most are related to World of Warcraft development.
This place is for you, to place your personal code snippets and let the community be able to use them, if desired. Take it easy. Don't force yourself to write in wiki style. If it doesn't appear as you expected, leave it as-is. Someone will fix.