| - thumb|La ciudad de Yanille.Yanille es una ciudad localizada al sur de Ardougne, en el reino de Kandarin. Es la capital de hunter por excelencia, así como de construction, por sus numerosas faciliades respecto a estas skills. Sus calles albergan la Wizards' Guild, sus subterráneos el Yanille Dungeon, y sus fronteras el camino abierto a Castle Wars, el reino de los ogros, la torre de vigilancia y las arenas del clásico quest Hand in the Sand.
- Yanille is a city located east of Feldip Hills. It is home to the Wizard' Guild, has a potion certification clerk, and is the starting point for the Watchtower Quest.
- There is a standard bank in eastern Yanille with a deposit box and several bankers. A long time ago, many players used to gather in this bank, in an unofficial guild, where common activities include Fletching, alchemy, Herblore and Firemaking.
- Yanille is a city that lies to the south of Ardougne. It is the city of the wizards and contains the exclusive Wizards' Guild. Yanille used to be, and still kind of is, a popular place for the rich people to hang out and converse. You can find many well-known players visiting here.
- Yanille (pronounced jæniːl; "Yah-neel" or "Yann-eel") is a members-only town that lies to the south of Ardougne. It is the town of the wizards and contains the exclusive Wizards' Guild. Yanille is beset by ogres from the south and west, and players find out during the Watchtower quest that this is the reason it is so heavily defended by guards. In the past the town was also used for a player made Fletching and alchemy guild on world 132.
- Yanille (pronounced "ya-NEEL") is a members-only city that lies to the south of Ardougne. It is beset by ogres from the south and west, so Yanille is heavily defended by guards.
- Yanille is iedereen wel bekend; de stad van de magic guild. Yanille ligt ten oosten van Castle Wars, ten zuiden van Ardougne en ten noorden van Feldip Hills. het is ook mogelijk om na de quest 'watchtower' naar de watchtower tegen het noordwesten van de muur te teleporten.
- left Yanille é uma pequena cidade ao sul de Ardonha. O foco desta cidade é o grupo de magos, e por isso existe uma Guilda em homenagem a eles. Entre outras coisas, a cidade possui um banco, uma bigorna, uma taverna, um loja de animais, um moinho, um terreno de cultivo de lúpulos e uma loja do caçador. Os jogadores que tenham nível 50 em link=Construção| Construção podem mover seu POH para aqui. A cidade é cercada por ogros ao oeste e principalmente ao sul, onde está situada Gu'Tanoth, a cidade dos ogros.
- Yanille on P2P-maailman kaupunki. Se on lesbojen kaupunki. Homojen kaupunki nimeltä Ardougne sijaitsee aivan lesbojen kaupungin lähellähäpykarva häpykarvahäpykarva. Miehet (eli homot) käyvät yleensä Yamillessä (eli lesbojen kaupungissa) runkaamassa naisia.Naiset kiljuvat ilosta kunhäpykarva häpykarvahäpykarva heitä runkataan. Välillä taas lesbot menevät homojen luokse ja seksivät heidän kansaan sekä imevät munaa.Homot taas hierovat naamaansa lesbojen rintoihin.Lesbot ovat aivan iloissaan. ¨voi jumalauta kuka täällä on oikeen pelleilly? Juu haistakaa paska idiootit. Opetelkaa homoilemaan