| - The Blitz Tank is a heavy tank with transformation capabilities. One of the most recognizable weapon in the Terran arsenal is the Siege Tank. In Tank-mode, it rolls into battle with an attack comparable to an Archon. In Siege-mode, they let lose a relentless barrage of plasma charged destruction at extreme range. Entire battalions are either vaporized or crippled long before they get close enough to touch a handful of Siege Tanks. Despite the obvious power of these guns on treads, the Tanks are vulnerable against air-to-surface attacks. For all their might, a Siege Tank cannot fire high enough to take down small flyers such as Protoss Observers. Another fatal flaw was its ineffectiveness at close range. The few enemy units that do survive to get close enough can easily slash at the Tank's Neosteel armor until something gives. Nevertheless, the Siege Tank firepower is impossible for any of the Koprulu races to ignore. Augmenting the new Cruico-type Siege Tank's with advanced technology, the Blitz Tank bombard enemy targets with heavy artillery. In Tank Mode, they are armed with triple-pronged antimatter particle cannons to annihilate everything in their path (Command & Conquer: MARV; Beast Machines: Tank Drone). When encountering obstructions that would take too long to blast through, Blitz Tanks simply plough through them nonstop. Much like its counterpart, the Blitz Tank's true power is in Blitz Mode. When transformed into its stationary form, the three barrels extend into prongs forming a powerful beam cannon (Gundam Wing: Tallgeese III). Reverse engineered from Drakken Laser Drill schematics and Protoss energy weapons, these cannons can switch between firing a burst or stream of highly charged particles. Powered by a secondary fusion generator, the beams can be sustained long enough to burn a hole 30 miles deep into Neosteel (Stargate Atlantis: Asuran Stargate satellite). It is especially effective in wearing down plasma shielding of the most heavily guarded protoss structures. Like a missile turret, the Blitz Tank cannot fire its primary weapon against ground units that get into melee range while in Blitz-Mode. To alleviate this weakness, the Tanks can be equipped with flamethrowers based off a Terran Vehicle called a Robo-harvester. If enemy infantry units get close enough, the Blitz Tank will give them 500 degrees of napalm for their trouble. As such, few units dare to challenge a Blitz Tank in any form. Special abilities:
* Tank Mode - unit is mobile and attacks air and ground targets with antimatter bursts: 25 damage (+10 vs armored)
* Blitz Mode - unit becomes stationary while attacks change depending on targets:
* For enemy units, attack remains an artillery burst: 45 damage (+10 vs armored)
* For enemy structures, attack switches to a beam weapon (15 damage per second)