| - NO, and I mean, NO helping outsiders! Outsiders include, but are not limited to: People not in the clan, people trying but have not yet to join the clan, and clan friends (some bypass this rule) No talking bad about/towards other members No disobeying orders No spamming No disrespecting No asking for something beyond your power No asking for free items from an outside clan No accepting free items from an outside clan 'Leader: 'LordCapulet, ianshadowrunner 'Private Capulet: Rambobomber98, Savato437, Puff the Magic Dragon, 'DeepXxXBreath Enemies: The Montagues The Loners The Wild Boys The Legion
| - NO, and I mean, NO helping outsiders! Outsiders include, but are not limited to: People not in the clan, people trying but have not yet to join the clan, and clan friends (some bypass this rule) No talking bad about/towards other members No disobeying orders No spamming No disrespecting No asking for something beyond your power No asking for free items from an outside clan No accepting free items from an outside clan What is your best Weapon?: What level are you?: What weapon class (Pistol, Machinegun ETC) do you profess in?: What outpost/zone are you in (Nastya's, Dogg's, etc): Do you have any clan experience?: Are you somebody frequently picking fights with zombies or somebody who just tries to avoid fighting? (whichever one is fine, no need to lie): Do you know who the Montagues are?: Has control over ALL ACTIVITY from ALL RANKS. Has total control over who gets what from the clan armory and clan bank, and sets up PVP events, boss hunts, loot runs, and rampage runs (if you are a rank Corporal and up and want to set up an event stated above, feel free to PM me). Can promote/demote ALL MEMBERS, can also remove members from clan if it is seen to be fit. Has control over ALL ACTIVITY from RANKS Captain and under. Can distribute items from the clan armory and clan bank if the Overlord sees fit. The Overlord can receive money from the clan bank at a 25% discount. Overlords can also set up PVP Events, boss hunts, loot runs, and rampage runs with permission from the Lord Capulet. Can promote Enlisted members to Private and Private members to Corporal. Can also file recommendations for a member to be demoted or kicked from the clan. In order to be a Overlord, you must prove you can survive easily in Fort Pastor OR Precinct 13, and this person must also be able to start and finish a boss attack AND an Outpost attack on either of the 2 places stated with ease. General Capulet: Has control over ALL ACTIVITY on Privates and Enlisted members. Can request and likely will receive items from the clan armory. Can receive money at NO interest rate from the clan bank. Generals can now join in on clan events, but are expected to carry a heavier load in events, and are expected to do relatively well in clan PVP. They have a slight say in whether or not Enlisted Members may become Private Members. In order to be an General, you must complete be able to complete every mission in Dogg's Stockade, and receive a recommendation from an Overlord, or get promoted directly from Lord. Enlisted: Have no power. Enlisted cannot take ANY loans from either the armory or bank, as they must prove themselves. They must post in the forum at least 20 times a week, and WILL get promoted to Private after 2 weeks of following orders. This is also the rank to go if placed on probation. 'Leader: 'LordCapulet, ianshadowrunner 'Private Capulet: Rambobomber98, Savato437, Puff the Magic Dragon, 'DeepXxXBreath Allies: Fairview Spartans Winter Ice INC Torchwood The Viking Clan Enemies: The Montagues The Loners The Wild Boys The Legion