| - The Wasted are less developed than the other clans. They lay claim to just a few small locations: a crumbling old dam away from major roads, an empty expanse of desert between the Hagar Settlement and the Ghost Hideout, and an old garage next to a quarry. They also appear to be quite new to the Wasteland, as the Hagars mention having never seen them prior to setting up camp near the Outrigger Settlement. Despite Wasted Territory overlapping the Outrigger Radio Tower, the Outriggers initially don't express much concern over them, indicating disdain, or ignorance of the clan. However, they later leave the settlement behind, with Rourke telling the player "Too much heat coming from the bandits around these parts. Rikter's closing shop, moving on."
| - The Wasted are less developed than the other clans. They lay claim to just a few small locations: a crumbling old dam away from major roads, an empty expanse of desert between the Hagar Settlement and the Ghost Hideout, and an old garage next to a quarry. They also appear to be quite new to the Wasteland, as the Hagars mention having never seen them prior to setting up camp near the Outrigger Settlement. Despite Wasted Territory overlapping the Outrigger Radio Tower, the Outriggers initially don't express much concern over them, indicating disdain, or ignorance of the clan. However, they later leave the settlement behind, with Rourke telling the player "Too much heat coming from the bandits around these parts. Rikter's closing shop, moving on." The Wasted make up for their lack of ingenuity with sheer aggression. They use intimidation instead of strategy, relying on audibly communicating tactical maneuvers to their allies — also informing their enemies of what they're about to do. This complacent behavior may have something to do with the clan's frequent raids on alcohol caches, seen during the quest "Stolen Merchandise", as well as the noticeable amount of empty bottles found in their hideout. More inclined to pick up a burning club and charge headlong than hide in the shadows and fight from a distance, the Wasted are best kept out of melee range. They rush their enemies almost mindlessly, and fight with very primitive military maneuvers, barely working in coordination. An example of this is their tendency to run around a room looking for better cover, heedless of the effect this has on their firearm-wielding colleagues. Compared to the Ghosts the Wasted are tougher to kill and have much more firepower; they often use pistols and are the first enemies the protagonist will encounter equipped with shotguns and assault rifles making them dangerous at a distance. They will often charge their opponents when they get close, and are aided by crudely-made body armor, made almost entirely from scrap metal, which can stop a bullet or two before falling off. The Wasted revere automobile technology, though they have a poor grasp of how to utilize it practically. In the Dam Facility, one can find an enormous engine, in near perfect condition, being used simply as a generator for an electrified door knob. They also can't seem to be able to fix up anything besides Dune Busters, but are capable of reinforcing the vehicles with crude armor plating, making them more durable. They also appear to be poor at maintanence, as their base is on the verge of total collapse and their vehicles are either out of operation entirely or have poor driving mechanics, likely due to their heavy armor. These vehicles typically require two salvos of guided missiles to destroy, or an excessive number of Minigun rounds. The machine gun turret on their boss's Monarch also seems to be prone to overheating and jamming after short bursts, in which the gunner shouts in anger. Though the Wasted have a basic affinity for machines, their idiocy and technological ineptness prevents them from being anything more than slightly better equipped than some of their bandit contemporaries.