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- Loyalty is the 215th chapter of Akira Amano's Katekyō Hitman Reborn!
- This test is used to establish the loyalty of NPC hirelings when left unsupervised by other characters. Test against the Ld of of the hirer - usually a player character. If hirelings are hired jointly by a party, test against the highest Ld characteristic minus 10%. When a hireling or party of hirelings is entrusted with a mission of any kind, the gamesmaster should make a single test. If successful, the hirelings attempt the task as expected. If the test is failed, the degree of failure will determine the outcome:
- [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Loyalty]] loiauté (Modern loyauté) from loial + -té
- Sake and other items can be used to increase a demon's loyalty or change their Personality.
- Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses Rare: +1 Life, +1 Armor Ultra Rare: +1 Attack, +3 Life, +1 Armor Epic: +1 Attack, +3 Life, +1 Armor Legendary: +1 Attack, +3 Life, +1 Armor Mythic: +2 Attack, +3 Life, +2 Armor
- Effect: Immune to capture, +20% to resist? Charm Person
- Loyalty is a virtue gained from completing deeds.
- The pet's loyalty was shown in the Pet tab of the Character Info window.
- The pet's loyalty was shown in the Pet tab of the Character Info window.
- Loyalty is a crew on the Viridian Ocean. Image:Crew.png Arr! This article about a crew in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- Mass Effect 2 features a Loyalty system, whereby completing a unique quest of personal importance for each squad member unlocks the character's fourth special ability as well as their alternate outfit. Loyalty additionally has an effect on the end game mission. Abilities unlocked through loyalty can also be learned by Commander Shepard using the Advanced Training research upgrade, though only one may be learned at any given time, and can also be accessed when creating a new Shepard or importing a Shepard from the original Mass Effect.
- Loyalty is the 10th episode of Season 1 and the 10th episode overall.
- Loyalty is a Star Trek: The Next Generation manga story from the 2009 anthology Boukenshin, published by TokyoPop. The story, written by F.J. Desanto and illustrated by Bettina Kurkoski, deals with the fallout of the events of the episode "The Best of Both Worlds", with Will Riker arguing with Starfleet Command that Jean-Luc Picard should resume command of the Enterprise even after his experience as Locutus.
- Emily podważa lojalność Nolana, kiedy odkrywa jego sekret, ale ostatecznie wykorzystuje ten fakt do walki Tylerem. Niestety uruchamia to ciąg zdarzeń, które pokazują, jak bardzo niebezpieczny jest Tyler. W międzyczasie, Amanda urządza się w Hamptons, w miarę jak rozchodzą się wieści o jej przybyciu. Victoria odzyskuje część swoich sił, a sprawy pomiędzy nią a Conradem przybierają nieciekawy obrót.
- Loyalty is one of the most important things to focus on with a new monster. As a monster's loyalty grows, it becomes less likely to fail at training, and more likely to have an above-average performance.
- "Loyalty" is the fifteenth episode of the third season of Angel and the fifty-ninth episode overall. Written by Mere Smith and directed by James A. Contner, it was originally broadcast on February 25, 2002 on the WB network.
- "Loyalty" is a keyword that represents a continuous power that funtions in any zone a card can be recruited from. The keyword "Loyalty" means, "Recruit this only if you control a character that shares at least one affiliation with this card." "Dual Loyalty" is a keyword that represents a continuous power that functions in any zone a card can be recruited from. The keyword "dual loyalty" means "Recruit this card only if both its printed affiliations are among the affiliations of characters you control."
- Loyalty is a point scale an attacker needs to reduce to 0 (usually from 100) in order to take over a village. Loyalty can only be viewed by the owner of a village and an attacker of a village (if it is attacked with a nobleman unit). It only appears in an owners "village overview" only if its less than 100. It can only be reduced by an attack with a nobleman. Each attack that is sent with a nobleman to plunder a village's resources will reduce said village's loyalty by 20-35 points. If a village has 0 loyalty, it will become incorporated into the last attacking players set of villages.
- Loyalty is an attribute of each city. Each city starts with 100% loyalty but can be lowered by attackers using chiefs. Once a city's loyalty reaches zero the city then joins the last attacker's account (the attacker that reduces the loyalty to below 0%). Loyalty is regained from a palace or residence by 1% per level per hour (so a level 10 palace would regain 10% loyalty per hour).
- Thank you ItsBloonTasty for coming up with the idea for this page! This is a public compilation. It is open to customization. When adding customizations, please add separate sections. No one can edit other people's sections, and each section is counted as a separate conception, so the policies apply individually for each and every of those sections. If you have a good reason to remove public status, please contact the page manager. Please add loyalty for your own Towers below! Note there isn't a formula for calculating loyalty. Do what ever you want, even if the values don't add up!
| - Annieb, Captainvince, Cress, Diablor, Linkage, Nosnalas, Piratedennis, Wacy, Blackakida, Crazylatina, Littlemonkey, Stevens, Asuran, Billager, Blacktiger, Branny, Bw, Campitor, Digimonrocks, Doncia, Heolive, Kevins, Maul, Troz, Uknowuwantme, Ultiman, Wollfy, Aint, Gotany, Loyaltyrules, Ofcabinpeeps, Selotapeocratic