| - Nintendo 64
- Der Nintendo 64 (abk. N64) ist eine Videospielkonsole der 5. Generation, steht also in Konkurrenz zur PlayStation von Sony und zum Sega Saturn. Der N64 war eine der ersten Konsolen, die einen 64-Bit Prozessor hatte, selbst Sonys PlayStation hatte damals "nur" einen 32-Bit Prozessor. Der Nintendo 64 ist in den Farben schwarz, dunkelgrau, blau, grün, lila, orange, rot, gold (gold nur in Japan und USA) und 2000 erschien eine blau-gelbe N64 mit Pokémon-Design. Auf dem Bild in der Infobox ist eine dunkelgraue N64 mit roten Controller und eingestecktem Mario Kart 64 zu sehen.
- thumb|right|Der Nintendo 64 mit einem rotem Controller Der Nintendo 64 ist eine Spielekonsole, die von der Firma Nintendo entwickelt wurde. Rare brachte einige gute Titel für diese Spielekonsole heraus, die dann von Nintendo veröffentlicht wurden. Dazu gehören z.B. Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Diddy Kong Racing und Donkey Kong 64.
- thumb|N64 Für das Nintendo 64 (oder kurz: N64) erschien nur ein Spiel, Mega Man Legends.
- Nintendo 64 (N64) is a game console created by Nintendo Entertainment. It uses a cpu with x64 architecture, that's why was called Nintendo64. This console used the Cartidges (like the old SNES and NES).
- El Nintendo 64, consola casera de Nintendo, solo lanzó 2 juegos de peleas de Mortal Kombat y uno de modo de aventuras.
- The Nintendo 64, N64 or 64 is a fifth generation game console featuring an unique style. It's sucessor was the Nintendo GameCube, and it's predecessor was the SNES, it was Nintendo's third console and it's main attraction was cartridges and 64-bit graphics.
- Nintendo 64 (ニンテンドウ64) is the third Nintendo home video game console. It is often stylized as NINTENDO64 and N64. The console is known for such classics as Donkey Kong 64, Super Smash Bros., Pokémon Stadium, Superman 64, Banjo-Kazooie, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Shadow Man. They tried to make a disk drive peripheral for it but it flopped and caused EarthBound 64 to get canceled. A Nintendo 64 console appears in the background of episode 64, appropriately. In the climax of episode 70, a last-ditch effort by Hannah results in a Power Gem being created from a Nintendo 64. The Nintendo 64 Power Gem was shown to deal massive electrical damage, fully paralyzing and confusing Jimmy to thwart his assault.
- A remake of the N64 called the Nintendo 64 Disk Drive(N64DD for short), was made to play games on a disk. there were no Mario Kart games on this console and was never realeased outside Japan, most likely due to being a commerical failure.
- This is a giant Nintendo 64 and you fight on top of it.
- Das Nintendo 64 (N64) ist die dritte stationäre Videospielkonsole des japanischen Herstellers Nintendo. Es stellt den Nachfolger des Super Nintendo Entertainment Systems und den Vorgänger des GameCubes dar. Es war eine der ersten 64-Bit Spielekonsolen.
- La Nintendo 64 (64ニンテンドウ, Nintendo Roku Yon Jū ?), originalmente conocida como la Nintendo 64 Ultra en Spaceworld 1995 y, a menudo abreviado como N64, es la tercera videoconsola de sobremesa de Nintendo para el mercado internacional. Llamada así por su GPU de 64 bits, que fue lanzado el 23 de junio de 1996 en Japón, 29 de septiembre 1996 en América del Norte, 01 de marzo 1997 en Europa y Australia, 01 de septiembre 1997 en Francia, y 10 de diciembre de 1997 en Brasil. Se destaca por ser la consola de sobremesa de Nintendo que utiliza cartuchos para almacenar los juegos y por ser la primera consola que incluía un controlador de juego como el stick analógico. Nintendo vendió 32,93 millones de unidades en todo el mundo.
- right|250pxEl Nintendo 64 o N64 es una consola hecha por Nintendo y fue lanzada en 1996, fue creada para competir contra la Saturn de Sega y la PlayStation de Sony. Es parte de la Quinta Generación de consolas y vendió mas de 30 millones de copias.
- Ecco un accessoriatissimo esemplare, completo di scatola, della bella console a 64bit di casa Nintendo. Due controller (di cui uno standard ed uno rosso), una memory card e l'interessante accessorio Transfer Pack per poter connettere la console al [Nintendo_Game-Boy-Color Game Boy], completano la dotazione in nostro possesso. Nella foto è possibile vedere anche i tre giochi usciti per il Game Boy compatibili con Transfer Pack.
- The Nintendo 64 is the console that Paper Mario was released on. It was released in 1996 with the launch title Super Mario 64. This was the first game in the series.
- Cet article donne une présentation volontairement succincte et non exhaustive concernant la console. La page Wikipédia donne des informations plus détaillées.La Nintendo 64 ('ニンテンドウ64, Nintendō Rokujūyon) est la troisième console de salon de Nintendo. Elle suit la Super Nintendo et précède la Nintendo GameCube. La "N64" est sortie le 23 juin 1996 au Japon et a débarqué le 1er mars 1997 chez nous. Elle était également connue sous les noms de code Project Reality et Ultra 64 lors de sa phase de développement.
- Il Nintendo 64 (ニンテンドー64, Nintendō Rokujūyon, NINTENDO64) è una console casalinga, la prima a 64 bit; rilasciata nel giugno 1996. Su questa console sono stati prodotti alcuni tra i più famosi giochi dell'azienda nipponica, tra cui Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye 007, Ocarina of Time e Pokémon Stadium.
- The Nintendo 64 (ニンテンドー64, Nintendō Rokujūyon), often abbreviated as N64, is Nintendo's third home video game console for the international market. Named for its 64-bit processor, it debuted on June 23, 1996 in Japan, and was later released in North America on September 29, 1996, and in Europe on March 1, 1997. As of March 31, 2006, the Nintendo 64 has sold 32.9 million units worldwide.
- The Nintendo 64 (commonly abbreviated to N64) is a video game console developed by Nintendo. It was launched on 23 June, 1996 in Japan and September 29, 1996 in North America. The console is known for being 64-bit, the source of its name, and for being the home of the first particularly successful, fully 3-dimensional games, including Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Donkey Kong 64.
- Das Nintendo 64 ist die dritte stationäre Videospielkonsole des japanischen Herstellers Nintendo. Es stellt den Nachfolger des Super Nintendo Entertainment Systems und den Vorgänger des GameCubes dar. Es war eine der ersten 64-Bit-Spielekonsolen.
- The Nintendo 64 was Nintendo's first virtual console. It is notorious for spitting out classics such as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Mario Party 64. Image:Nintendo 64 Logo.png
- The Nintendo 64 (commonly N64) was a video game console manufactured by Nintendo.
- The Nintendo 64 is the third home console made by Nintendo. Fire Emblem: Ankoku no Miko was slated to be released on this console, but the entire project and game were later scrapped and moved to the Game Boy Advance.
- La Nintendo 64 (Japonais : ニンテンドウ64, soit Nintendō Rokujūyon) , parfois connu sous ses nom de codes Project Reality ou Ultra 64, est une console de salon Nintendo en 1996/1997. Comme son nom l'indique, c'est une console 64 bits et commence l'époque de la 3D. C'était la seul console de sa génération a encore proposer les cartouches qui devenaient atrocement cher, alors que d'autres préférer le CD, moins cher mais plus cassable à cause des rayures. Sa manette possède un joystick pour bouger l'écran pour mieux jouer avec la 3D.
- The Nintendo 64 was named after it's 64-bit CPU, and was considered to be technologically advanced than it's competitor, the Sony PlayStation, which in fact Nintendo was originally going to co-design. The Nintendo 64, as it was commonly referred as, was also one of the final consoles to use game cartridges on the TV, while most other companies had switched to compact disc format. The Nintendo 64 was also the home platform for the most famous Conker game, Conker's Bad Fur Day.
- Fue creada en los años 90 y fue la 4º Consola Creada por Nintendo y fue la siguiente en salir después de la Super Nintendo. Su récord de vendida supera los 35.000.000 Unidades. Como juego mas vendido fue Super Mario 64.
- La Nintendo 64 es la cuarta consola de sobremesa producida por Nintendo desarrollada para suceder a la Super Nintendo Entertaiment System y para competir con la Sega Saturn de Sega y la PlayStation de Sony. Incorpora en su arquitectura un procesador principal de 64 bits. El soporte de almacenamiento de los juegos es en forma de cartuchos, alguno de ellos con memoria interna. El uso de este tipo de almacenamiento le supuso una seria desventaja comercial frente a sus competidores, ya que encarecía los costes de producción lo que aumentaba el precio final, y además era de una capacidad de almacenamiento menor al de un CD-ROM.
- Nintendo 64 (codenamed Project Reality and Ultra 64) is Nintendo's third console and first that ventured into 3-d. It was followed by the GameCube. As of March 31, 2005, the N64 has sold 32.92 million units; 5.54 million units in Japan, 20.63 million in the Americas, and 6.75 million in other regions.[1][2]
- The Nintendo 64 is Nintendo's third home console. Rareware released many games for this console while they were working as a second-party company for Nintendo. The Banjo-Kazooie series originates from this gaming system, with the first two titles being produced for it.
- D
* Donkey Kong 64
* Doom 64
* Duke Nukem 64
* Duke Nukem Zero Hour
- The Nintendo 64 is a system created in 1996-1997 by Nintendo. It is the first one to feature 3D graphics and polygons. Rare has made quite a bit of games for this system. It discontinued in 2002 and was succeeded from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and preceded from the Nintendo GameCube.
- La Nintendo 64 est une console de jeux vidéo de salon sortie en 1996 (1997 en Europe), développée pas Nintendo en collaboration avec Silicon Graphics. C'est une console « 64-bits » contrairement à ses principales concurrentes dites « 32-bits », avec un support cartouche, plus rentable pour Nintendo mais plus contraignant pour le développement et plus cher que le support CD proposé par ses concurrents. Elle innove en instaurant un stick analogique sur sa manette qui se révélera indispensable pour les jeux en 3D en temps réel, et était aussi la première console à disposer de quatre ports manettes pour les jeux multijoueurs.
- The Nintendo 64 was a game system released by Nintendo. Infogrames had planned on developing a Smurfs videogame for that system, but it was never released.
- Nintendo 64 fue la cuarta videoconsola de sobremesa de Nintendo. Incorpora en su arquitectura un procesador principal de 64 bits. El soporte de almacenamiento de los juegos es en forma de cartuchos, alguno de ellos con memoria interna. El uso de este tipo de almacenamiento le supuso una seria desventaja comercial frente a sus competidores, ya que encarecía los costes de producción lo que aumentaba el precio final, y además era de una capacidad de almacenamiento menor al de un CD-ROM.
- thumb|200px|right|La consola Nintendo 64. El Nintendo 64 (ニンテンドー64 Nintendō Rokujūyon), abreviada comúnmente N64, fue una consola lanzada por Nintendo y la tercera consola de sobremesa lanzada por esa compañía, siendo la sucesora oficial del Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Su nombre proviene del procesador de 64-bit que incluye. El Nintendo 64 fue lanzado en 1996 junto con dos juegos de lanzamiento, Super Mario 64 y Pilotwings 64. Al momento de su lanzamiento, el Nintendo 64 tenía un precio recomendado de $199.
- Image:N64logo.png The Nintendo 64 often abbreviated as N64 is Nintendo's third home video game console, and its third home video game console for the international market. Named for its 64 bit processor, it was released on June 23, 1996 in Japan, September 29, 1996 in North America and Brazil, March 1, 1997 in Europe and Australia, and September 1, 1997 in France (the system also saw a release in South America, albeit an unofficial one).
- Nintendo 64 – pierwsza konsola Nintendo, która wspiera grafikę 3D. 64-bitowa maszyna chwaliła się wieloma przyszłymi klasykami, takimi jak Super Mario 64, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time lub Fly Me to the Moon on Gossamer Wings (popularny wśród gejów nastolatków, których ilość szybko rośnie). N64 został sprzedany w kilkudziesięciu milionach jednostek i stał się od razu sukcesem wśród graczy lat 90-tych. Ale potem, katastrofa! Niedługo potem nowa konsola Sony wyszła, prezentując graczom lepszą grafikę i technologię CD. Shigeru Miyamoto odpowiedział cicho, że całkowicie zniszczy cały dobytek firmy Sony! Niestety, japoński twórca PlayStation odkrył plany Nintendo i ich sprzedaż spadła. Ale nabywcy zwrócono szybko pieniądze wyciągnięte od skandalu, kiedy Nintendo opublikował nowe gry z Mario,
- Die Nintendo 64 (kurz N64, auch der oder das Nintendo 64 bezeichnet), benannt nach seinem 64-Bit-thumb|302pxHauptprozessor, ist die dritte stationäre Videospielkonsole von Nintendo. Es ist der Nachfolger des Super Nintendo Entertainment Systems und nach dem Atari Jaguar die zweite 64-Bit-Spielekonsole. Als Teil der fünften Konsolengeneration konkurrierte es hauptsächlich mit der Sony PlayStation und dem Sega Saturn.
- The N64 was released with two launch games, Super Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64, and a third in Japan, Saikyō Habu Shōgi. The N64's suggested retail price was US$199 at its launch and it was later marketed with the slogan "Get N, or get Out!". The N64 sold 32.93 million units worldwide. The console was released in at least eight variants with different colors and sizes. An assortment of limited edition controllers were sold or used as contest prizes during the N64's lifespan.
- People soon began to notice graphical errors on the N64, such as short firing range in some N64 games, seen in Star Wars: Battle for Naboo, poor draw distance (infamous in some games such as Super Mario 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask), Gourard Shading in most games, most notably on Mario in the aforementioned Super Mario 64, and other various problems. The N64 was discontinued on November 30, 2003, following the releases of the Nintendo GameCube and the Nintendo DS family.
- The Nintendo 64 was famous for bringing the astonishing 3D power of a Silicon Graphics workstation to vidya. It has a respectable library, especially in the 3D platformer / "collectathon" genre. Also, its built-in 4 controller slots helped spawn some epic multiplayer party games and racers. However, it is sorely lacking in genres like RPG, fighting, or shmups. An essential add-on is the Expansion Pak, which doubles the console's RAM, allowing many games to run with better framerate, higher resolution, and extra effects. It is even obligatory for a number of games to run at all.
- The console was released with the new graphics. The console met universal and critical acclaim, becoming the most played fifth-generation console, beating the PlayStation, although it wasn't the best-selling fifth-generation console. The console celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2016, and Nintendo cut 20% of the prices of Nintendo 64 games on Wii U's eShop.
- The Nintendo 64(ニンテンドー64Nintendō Rokujūyon), often abbreviated as N64, is Nintendo's third home video game console. Its name comes from its 64-bit processor. It was released with two launch titles: Super Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64 plus one in Japan, Saikyō Habu Shōgi. The N64's suggested retail price was US$199 at its launch.
- Nintendo didn't drag their feet with the system this time, and released the Nintendo 64 to compete with the struggling Sega Saturn and the newbie Play Station. The N64 was a big hit in its early life, but it lost many key franchises because of Nintendo's reluctance to use CDs after the fiasco with Sony and Phillips on the CD add-on for the SNES (as well as Nintendo's general ham-handedness regarding third parties during the SNES period). One of these franchises was Final Fantasy, as Squaresoft (now Square Enix) took Final Fantasy VII to the PlayStation -- which offered more storage space and less censorship for games -- and watched it become the system's Killer App. Nintendo never recovered from the lack of third-party support, and it relied on Rare to help define the system. The N64 also
- Nasce nel 1996 quando la più brillante mente della Nintendo, Shigeru Miyamoto, cominciò ad essere ossessionato dalla ergonomia, concetto tutto nuovo caratteristico dell'epoca. Così volle premiare i suoi videogiocatori, nonché sudditi, per la loro fedeltà tramite l'invenzione della prima console al mondo dotata di pad superergonomico, direttamente ispirato al tridente di Lucifero. Ma le sorprese di questa meravigliosa[citazione necessaria] invenzione non finiscono qui! Grazie al rumble pack, è anche in grado di diventare vibratore a 64 livelli di potenza, tecnologia permettendo, cossicché chiunque, anche Ken Kutaragi, poteva rilassarsi mentre giocava a mitici giochi come Super Mario 64 e The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. All'inizio fu un successo, poiché case produttrici come la SEGA cr
- thumb|controles del nintendo 64 thumb|left|logo de la consola La Nintendo 64 fue la cuarta videoconsola de sobremesa de Nintendo, desarrollada para suceder a la Super Nintendo y para competir con la Sega Saturn y la Sony PlayStation. Incorpora en su arquitectura un procesador principal de 64 bits. El soporte de almacenamiento de los juegos es en forma de cartuchos, alguno de ellos con memoria interna. Técnicamente, la utilización de cartuchos ofrece algunas ventajas frente al formato CD-ROM, siendo ésta la idea que mantenía Nintendo frente a la competencia. El cartucho tiene tiempos de acceso al sistema mucho más cortos, hace posible la inclusión de coprocesasodres y otros chips dentro del cartucho para mejorar las capacidades del sistema.thumbthumb|left|Tipos de colores La Nintendo 6
- The Nintendo 64 is a whole new kind of shaming system. The main difference between it, and shaming systems of the past, is that the Nintendo 64 actually allows you to play FUN shames. Of course, this feature was removed from most Nintendo 64s within a few days of production. The Nintendo 64 is also well known for not sucking as much as most shaming systems.
- Técnicamente, la utilización de cartuchos ofrece algunas ventajas frente al formato CD-ROM, siendo ésta la idea que mantenía Nintendo frente a la competencia. El cartucho tiene tiempos de acceso al sistema mucho más cortos, hace posible la inclusión de coprocesadores y otros chips dentro del cartucho para mejorar las capacidades del sistema, logrando ampliar su vida útil; y en un principio parecía que podría ser más económico por no pagar derechos ("regalías" o "royalties") por uso del formato CD-ROM, ni una unidad lectora para el mismo que sería además mucho más delicada que una ranura o slot para cartuchos.
- The Nintendo 64 (Japanese: ニンテンドウろくよん, Nintendō Rokuyon), often abbreviated to N64 and stylised as NINTENDO⁶⁴, is Nintendo's third major home video game console. "Project: Reality" was the code-name of the console being worked on by Nintendo and Silicon Graphics (SGI) in April of 1993 to create a next-generation 3D console. In South Korea, the console was called Comboy 64 and was distributed by Hyundai, instead of Nintendo.
- The Nintendo 64 was a mass brainwashing device invented by the failing Soviet Union sometime before the end of the Cold War to brainwash the young American populace into a new communist generation to replace the Soviet Union; so far it seems to have worked after the 1996 release. It was loosely based on the Commodore 64 using Amiga graphics and sounds but instead used the Communist operating system Linux instead of the Japanese operating system Rinux that most modern game consoles use.
- The Nintendo 64 (ニンテンドウ64, Nintendō Roku Jū Yon, NINTENDO64) is Nintendo's third home video game console for the international market. Named for its MIPS 64-bit processor, it was released on June 23, 1996 in Japan, September 29, 1996 in North America, March 1, 1997 in Europe and Australia, September 1, 1997 in France and December 1997 in Brazil. The N64 owes its existence to Silicon Graphics, and MIPS Technologies, who were responsible for the R4300i microprocessor and the 3D graphics hardware used in the N64.
- The Nintendo 64 (ニンテンドー64 Nintendō Rokujūyon?), often abbreviated as N64 and previously known as Ultra 64, is Nintendo's third home video game console for the international market. Named for its 64-bit processor, it debuted on June 23, 1996 in Japan, and was later released in North America on September 29, 1996, and in Europe on March 1, 1997. As of March 31, 2006, the Nintendo 64 has sold 32.9 million units worldwide.
- The SegaSaturn was and is a video game console releaced on June 23rd 1996 by video game race driver Nintendo the race in question beingagainst Commodore's Amiga CD32, Panasonic's 3DO, Atari's Jaguar, Sega's Saturn and Sony's ps1. It had hit games Pilotwings 64, Saikyō Habu Shōgi and Super Mario 64 on it among others such as these games listed also and the console has sold 32.9 million+ units to date
- Nintendo 64, es la tercera videoconsola de Nintendo, sucesora de la Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Fue creada para competir con la Sega Saturn y la PlayStation. Siguió usando cartuchos, a pesar de existir la naciente tecnología del CD-ROM, el cual tenia ventajas como la baja piratería y la resistencia a daños cotidianos, pero que guardaba menos información, ademas de su costosa producción. Fue lanzada el 23 de Junio de 1996 en Japón, tras años de retraso. Llego a Estados Unidos, el 30 de Septiembre de 1996 y a Europa, el 1 de Marzo de 1997. Fue descontinuada en Japón en 2002, mientras que en Estados Unidos y Europa, el 2003.
- The Nintendo 64 (ニンテンドウ64 Nintendō Roku Jū Yon?, NINTENDO64), originally known as the Nintendo Ultra 64 at Spaceworld 1995 and often abbreviated as N64, is Nintendo's third home video game console for the international market. Named for its 64-bit GPU, it was released on June 23, 1996 in Japan; September 29, 1996 in North America; March 1, 1997 in Europe and Australia; September 1, 1997 in France; and December 10, 1997 in Brazil. It is notable for being Nintendo's last home console to use cartridges to store games and for being the first modern home console to come with a controller featuring an analog stick. Nintendo sold 32.93 million N64 units worldwide. The Nintendo 64 owes its existence to Silicon Graphics (SGI) and MIPS Technologies, who were responsible for the R4300i microprocessor
- The Nintendo 64 is a gaming console by Nintendo. Named for its 64-bit central processing unit, it was released in June 1996 in Japan, September 1996 in North America, March 1997 in Europe and Australia, September 1997 in France and December 1997 in Brazil. It is Nintendo's last home console to use ROM cartridges to store games (Nintendo switched to a MiniDVD-based format for the successor GameCube); handhelds in the Game Boy line, however, continued to use Game Paks. As part of the fifth generation of gaming, it primarily competed with the Sony PlayStation and the Sega Saturn. Succeeded by Nintendo's GameCube in November 2001, N64 consoles continued to be produced until its discontinuation in Japan on April 30, 2002, Europe on May 16, 2003, North America on November 30, 2003, and Australia
- Nintendo 64, обычно называемая N64, это третье детище компании Nintendo в сфере домашних видеоигровых систем. Нинтендо 64 появилась 23 июня 1996 года в Японии, 29 сентября 1996 года в Северной Америке, 1 марта 1997 года в Европе и Австралии и 1 сентября 1997 года во Франции. В Японии и Северной Америке приставка была запущена только с двумя разработанными играми: Super Mario 64 и PilotWings 64, в то время как в Европе была третья игра Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire. При поступлении в продажу Nintendo 64 стоила 199$. Впервые Nintendo 64 была представлена публике 24 ноября 1995 года как Nintendo Ultra 64 на седьмой ежегодной Шошинкайской выставке программных продуктов в Японии (хотя первые фотографии появились в американских журналах в июне 1993 года). Во время разработки N64 имела кодовое