| - Coming after the removal of animated series based on toys such as Thundercats and Transformers, X-men is noteworthy because it was instead based on a pre-existing comic book series and not a toy. Additionally Marvel Comics (and not the Fox network) controlled the X-Men comics and were in charge of its writers. Even after the shows final episode was made, after 5 seasons and 76 episodes, the Fox Kids network continued to air re-run episodes until 1998. [2] The show draws on several prominent storylines from marvel comics such as Astroid M, the Legacy Virus, but some episode were also original to the series. The shows usual cast was comprised of the X-men Professor X, Cyclops, Beast, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Rogue, Gambit, Storm and Jubilee, but many other X-Men such as Colossus had cameos in at least one episode. The X-men’s series was very popular and as a result a video game and separate comic book series were created and based on the animated series. Although the show remained popular in its final season, Fox Kids did not pick up the show for a second season.http://www.klov.com/game_detail.php?game_id=10498