| - Nils Svendsen er en av tre hovedfigurer i Mot i Brøstet. Han er sønn av Elna og hennes ektemann, og bodde sammen med Karl og Henry gjennom hele serien. Senere flyttet han ut for å bo sammen med sin gravide samboer, Trine, og de fikk senere fire barn (trillinggutter og en datter).
- He is young.
- Nils (ニルス Nirusu) is a playable character in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. He is a half-dragon that takes the form of a blue-haired boy during the game and one of the few dragons to survive The Scouring, along with his sister Ninian.
- Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Nils – postać występująca w The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
- Nils ist ein Charakter aus Professor Layton und die Maske der Wunder. Er ist ein Tourist in Monte d'Or.
- Not to be confused with the Fire Emblem (series) Character Nils <a href="http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Nils">http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Nils</a> Nils is a minor character in Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask. He is a tourist in Monte d'Or.
- >"Welcome to Town Square, Spyro!" —Nils Nils (ナイルス=グリノマール Nairusu in Japanese) is an Artisans dragon who appeared in Town Square. He is notable for being Nestor's twin brother and the mayor of Town Square.
- Nils es un nórdico residente en Ventalia durante los acontecimientos de The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Se le puede encontrar habitualmente en el Salón El calor de la vela.
- Er lebt in Windhelm, wo er im Haus Kerzenschein als Koch arbeitet. Sein Tagesablauf besteht daraus, Feuerholz für den Ofen zu hacken und für die Gäste im Gasthaus zu kochen. Wenn er das Feuerholz hackt, stellt er sich gerne vor, auf dem Block würde der Kopf eines Kaiserlichen Soldaten liegen. Er hat außerdem das Buch Rezept für Chauruspastete geschrieben.
- Nils was a young guy living on Sesamstrasse, who was introduced in 2000. Nils was first paired with Caro, running a small grocery store. In 2006 he married Annette. The character remained on the street until around the year 2009, when the show's concept was changed.
- Nils (ニルス, Nirusu lit. Nils) es un personaje que aparece en el Fire Emblem como personaje controlable.
- Nils - Familie Eine Familie der Hochländer-Clans auf der Insel Caer am Ende des Altertums. Ihr Stammsitz war um 125 vP die Feste Hughburg. Was von ihnen im Jahr 121 vP berichtet wird lässt den Verdacht zu, dass sie statt einfach Dämonisierte zu Xandoren wurden oder werden wollten: "Aber wir sahen die Nils in Hughburg. Ihr Fleisch war von der Finsternis besessen. Sie wurden zu Ungeheuern, während sie bei vollem Verstand waren." ―Maer O'Braenn. Mythor-Fundort: My105/7 .
- Barrierfreeman's young body. Because he is a young Chojin Wrestler he is inexperienced with power and strength and barely won any matches. Just as he is about to give up he comes across Jejo-man in the tree he was sealed in and is conned into merging to become Barrierfreeman. At first he is always bickering with and defying Jejo-man, but by the Demon Seed Arc he has matured into a calmer Seigi Choujin. In the Dream Chojin Tag Arc he teams up with Ilioukhine and become the Fireball Flying Fogey Squad. In the Japanese Ending Credits he is listed as Barrierfreeman N (バリアフリーマンN Barrierfreeman N).
- Nils is a minor character in Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask. He is a tourist in Monte d'Or. This page is a . You can help the Professor Layton Wiki by expanding it.
- Nils was in charge of communications, both with crewmembers on the surface of the Moon, and with Space Control on Earth. When the Moonbase communicated with Space Control, he suspected someone was monitoring the conversation. He was concerned about how the Gravitron's malfunctions would affect Earth, as he had a wife and family there. When he and Benoit were checking the controls of the Gravitron, the Second Doctor, collecting samples in his search for the cause of the infection on the Moonbase, managed to untie and remove Nils' boot without him being aware of it. (TV: The Moonbase)
- Nils was inside the bank, posing as a repairman trying to repair the security systems of the Federal Reserve Bank that was forced to shut down after a bomb goes off in the Wall Street Station near the bank. Then when Simon and others arrived, he and Klaus break cover and kill the security men in the electric room. Nils was among the men near the control room as he awaited for the last security men to be killed. When Katya finally kills the guard, Nils joins the others in the security vault, and help load the gold into the dump trucks.
- Nils was one of the men working for underground arms dealer Karl Rask. He was lanky and had fair hair. Nineteen months after Day 8, Nils and Arturo were at the Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel when Rask met with business associate Hakeem el-Jamal. Nils opened the door for el-Jamal, and after the meeting was concluded, Rask had Nils contact Quin and his men and tell them to stand down on their operation to recover the missing stinger missiles. (Rogue)