| - Strata is a character from The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. He is a member of the Wind Tribe who will fuse Kinstones with Link.
- File:Strata-Rat.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Sir Strata is a character in Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes.
- STRATA is the 2nd Expert Extra Floor in Super Monkey Ball 2 and Super Monkey Ball Deluxe. Goals
- A Science Fiction, pre-Discworld novel written by Terry Pratchett. It explores the possibility of a Flat World, the concept that would go on to become the Discworld. Kin Arad's job is building worlds. She works for a mysterious organisation called only the Company. But then one day she is contacted by a man claiming to be, essentially, an early space probe who was sent off into space. He enlists her to travel to a strange world that he claims to be flat. So Kin teams up with a kung (4-armed amphibious Proud Warrior Race Guy), Marco, and a shand (tusked, hungry and bear-like, but ultimately friendly), Silver, and they head off to investigate this world.
| - Strata is a character from The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. He is a member of the Wind Tribe who will fuse Kinstones with Link.
- File:Strata-Rat.gif Write the text of your article here!
- A Science Fiction, pre-Discworld novel written by Terry Pratchett. It explores the possibility of a Flat World, the concept that would go on to become the Discworld. Kin Arad's job is building worlds. She works for a mysterious organisation called only the Company. But then one day she is contacted by a man claiming to be, essentially, an early space probe who was sent off into space. He enlists her to travel to a strange world that he claims to be flat. So Kin teams up with a kung (4-armed amphibious Proud Warrior Race Guy), Marco, and a shand (tusked, hungry and bear-like, but ultimately friendly), Silver, and they head off to investigate this world. Once there, they find a world that pretty much matches with the old myths about the Earth -- it's flat, things go round it, stars are actually points on a sphere surrounding it, and so on. Also, the world is still in the dark ages, and demons very much exist. It's also worth noting that the story actually takes place in a universe subtly different from our own, and that aside from the main story, the book also delves into the nature of humanity (comparing it to the three or four alien races that are mentioned), and reveals another long-dead alien race that manufactured worlds wholesale -- including, it is implied, Earth itself. Indeed, these had a previous ancestor who was even more advanced, and those too, right up the chain to Energy Beings. Anyway, this is evident from the use of alternate names for places, particularly Reme rather than Rome, and mentioning that Venus has a moon named Adonis. Furthermore, the main characters don't seem to have heard of Christianity, although Wicca and Buddhism exist. The flat world appears to match our own in all these points, except for being flat and only covering the equivalent of the Eastern Hemisphere. The implication is meant to be that our Earth is the one Kin agrees to build to replace the Disc near the end of the book. It has very many parallels (or rather antiparallels) with Larry Niven's Ringworld.
- Sir Strata is a character in Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes.
- STRATA is the 2nd Expert Extra Floor in Super Monkey Ball 2 and Super Monkey Ball Deluxe. Goals