Ackar was the former primary Glatorian of the Fire Tribe. Currently Ackar is considered an honorary Toa.
Ackar was the prime Glatorian of the Fire Tribe. He became a close friend and ally to Mata Nui throughout his adventure on Bara Magna.
Ackar is a Glatorian of the Fire Tribe.
Ackar era un Glatorian de la Tribu Fuego, y es el líder de la fuerza de defensa de los pueblos unidos.
Ackar jest Glatorianinem Plemienia Ognia i obecną głową sił obronnych zjednoczonej wioski.
Ackar war ein Glatorianer des Feuerstammes auf Spherus Magna.
Ackar was the oldest Glatorian in the world. He was from the fifties and was the world's biggest fan of the goodies. He walked around and dressed like an old person and always rode a bicycle around. He has crashed numerous times because his eye sight is going and he keeps seeing flying clocks that try to eat him. He one day he payed Berix $50 for his Kanohi Ploop.
Ackar on Glatorian ja Yhdistyneiden kylien puolustusjoukkojen johtaja. Ennen hän oli Tuliheimon pää-Glatorian ja asui Vulcanuksessa.
*BIONICLE: Raid on Vulcanus
*BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn (kirja)
*Challenge of Mata Nui
*BIONICLE: Journey's End
*BIONICLE: Mata Nui's Guide to Bara Magna