| - thumb|250px|Genasi (od lewej) genasi ziemi, wody, ognia i powietrza Genasi to ludzie naznaczeni przez żywioły.
- Genasi receive the following racial traits. Elemental Origin Your ancestors were native to the Elemental Chaos, so you are considered an elemental creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin. Elemental Manifestation Choose one elemental manifestation: earthsoul, firesoul, stormsoul, watersoul, or windsoul. That manifestation is part of your nature. Each elemental manifestation offers particular benefits and provides an associated encounter power. Dragon 380 added corrupt manifestations for abyssal genasi, and Dragon 396 also added Athas manifestations.
- Genasi were human-derived planetouched infused with the power of the Elemental Chaos, most often as the result of crossbreeding between humans and the powerful genie races or other elementals that dwell in such planes. Physically powerful and cunning, genasi were a varied race with abilities that varied depending on their lineage and individual experience.
- Genasi sind eine Art Berührte, die von Geburt aus mit einer Elementarebene verbunden sind. Diese äußern sich in verschiedenen Manifestationen, welche auch verschiedene Persönlichkeiten hervorbringen. Ein Genasi kann später auch zusätzliche Manifestationen erlernen. Durch die Verbindungen mit den verschiedenen Elementarebenen besitzen Genasi besondere Kräfte.
- Genasi are an inherent contradiction. Each genasi embodies the potential chaos of air and fire, the order of earth and water, or the ferocity of thunder and lightning. Genasi manifest one of these facets of their elemental soul at all times. Their ubiquitous race is passionate and diverse.
- Genasi are creatures in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. They are planetouched (mortal creatures who have in their veins some blood of creatures from an alternate plane), who in their case are humans with an elemental in their ancestry. In the Planescape campaign setting, Genasi are available as a race for player characters. Genasi are also featured as a character race in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting.
- Air genasi are the most human-like of the genasi, differentiated only by their ice blue eyes and quickly whitening hair, which seems to have a perpetual breeze running through it. They tend to be on the lighter built side and weigh less than most would expect. More information can be found here. Dexterity +2, Constitution -2. Favored class: Any Earth genasi are heavily built and slightly shorter than most humans, their skin is a coppery brown tone beyond what any amount of sunlight could achieve and their eyes and hair are usually dark brown. More information can be found here.
- Genasi are descended from elemental-related creatures, such as efreeti, dao, djinni, jann, and marids, among others. Most of them have had no direct contact with their elemental forebears, but the signs of their heritage are apparent. Genasi take great pride in their distinctive features and abilities. They resemble humans only with one or two unusual features which correspond to their element, such as wispy hair for air genasi or red skin for fire genasi. Genasi also have special abilities which correspond to their element.
- Die Genasi sind eigentlich Elementare Geister die in Menschen wiedergeboren wurden. Sie selbst wissen nicht was sie sind, sie wissen aber das sie keine gewöhnlichen Menschen sind. Sie sind zwar auffällig, aber niemand würde denken das es keine Menschen sind. Hier kleine Beschreibungen zu den Genasi: