| - The Memory Striders are tiny demons that feed on humans thoughts and memories to transport it, they then take a small share of it to feed themselves, then represent them to their Queen, the Memory Stalker. If the queen is pleased with the offering, she takes it to feed herself. Alothough, if she isn't satisfied, the Striders must deliver it back to the human it came from. Depending on where the Stalker is at the moment, it may take them longer to deliver it back, if they choose not to warp.
| - The Memory Striders are tiny demons that feed on humans thoughts and memories to transport it, they then take a small share of it to feed themselves, then represent them to their Queen, the Memory Stalker. If the queen is pleased with the offering, she takes it to feed herself. Alothough, if she isn't satisfied, the Striders must deliver it back to the human it came from. Depending on where the Stalker is at the moment, it may take them longer to deliver it back, if they choose not to warp. If the Memory Stalker enjoys your memories and thoughts enough, it will start to take them herself. She normally comes to retrieve them late at night, or whenever your sleep periods are, so she doesn't get caught. If she is caught, she shows you her true face, and lets out an ear bursting scream, leaving you paralyzed, so it's a much better option to let her take the memories and go. It's not even painful, she just transmits a brain wave to you when she is within 20 feet of you, and then retreats.