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- Animals are multi-celled organisms divided into two groups: Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Vertebrates are divided into several more groups that include reptiles, amphibians and mammals. All animals belong in the kingdom Animalia. Image:Wiki.png This article is a . You can help the My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Animal is an ability that debuted in Kirby: Squeak Squad, and has only appeared in that game to date. It is very powerful but it comes at a loss of speed and feels somewhat awkward to control. Its main feature is its ability to dig through dirt, some snow, or clouds, unique to the Animal ability itself and Triple Star, an ability which is only obtainable at the end of the game. Many of its moves revolve around this gimmick, and focus being able to dig while still simultaneously taking out foes at the same time. Its attacks are based on primal and animalistic characteristics, such as mauling foes with his sharp, broad claws. The power is scarcely found without dirt around, but by the same token there is hardly any dirt without a Gaw Gaw around. This power does not work underwater.
- Bestiolae sunt parva animalia quae nulla ossa, sed multos pedes habent. Omnes bestiolae in duas partes dividuntur: Bestiolae quae inter flores horti vivunt et ab omnibus amantur, ut apis, papilio, formica, etc; et Bestiolae quae inter merdas vivunt et omnes oderunt, ut musca, vermis et Georgio Bush. Homines bestiolas non (saepe) edimus.
- Un animal este un organism (ființă vie) pluricelular, heterotrof, deci care nu își poate produce el însuși substanțele organice necesare hrănirii (cum fac plantele, algele și bacteriile albastre verzi prin fotosinteză), fiind nevoit să folosească substanțe organice gata preparate luate din mediu. Majoritatea folosesc oxigenul pentru respirație. Există și unele animale care trăiesc în medii fără oxigen. Acestea respiră anaerob.
- Animals are multi-celled organisms divided into two groups: Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Vertebrates are divided into several more groups that include reptiles, amphibians and mammals. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- The following list shows monsters that belong to the Animal Type.
- One of the 15 Hermetic Arts, Animal is the form that concerns animals of all kinds, from the fish of the sea to the birds of the air. Animal spells cannot affect people, and Hermetic theorists still debate the reason for this. Some believe it is because people have souls and animals do not, but there are Bjornaer magi who might disagree with that.
- Animals are multicellular organisms that live within the ecosystems. Humans have used other animals for food, trading, etc. Dr. Eric Chanikov combined various animals with the newly developed Sigma Technology.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Animal]] animal from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Animal]] animal from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Animal]] animal, a nominal use of an adjective from animale, neuter of animalis adj, from anima ‘breath, spirit’. Displaced native Middle English deor, der "animal" (from Old English dēor "animal"), Middle English reother "animal, neat" (from Old English hrīþer, hrȳþer "neat, ox"). Wikipedia
- Animais estão espalhados pelo mundo e são muito diferenciados. Ajudam os humanos ou são apenas amigos, são melhores que carros e alguns até falam e pensam como humanos! São chamados de PETS quando estão junto de humanos. Podem viver desde áreas selvagens até áreas urbanizadas.
- An animal is a living, nonhuman creature, usually a vertebrate with no magical abilities and no innate capacity for language or culture.
- "Animal" es el episodio numero diecinueve de la primera temporada de Beware The Batman.
- Animals are the largest general class of non-humanoid mobs, and have different hittable body parts than humanoid mobs and players. Like Fish, animals can be butchered for meat. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- He appears as a flying cat-like animal. For most of the episode George and Angela argue over how to get rid of him. In the end of the episode he just flies out the window.
- They can be found in all lands and usually serve as food for the creature as well as the villagers (livestock).
- An animal is a living, nonhuman creature, usually a vertebrate with no magical abilities and no innate capacity for language or culture. These creatures generally operate on instinct, driven by simple needs such as food and reproduction. Most animals, even predators, do not attack humanoids unless they or their young are threatened or they are suffering from starvation. Animals are not capable of detailed reasoning, although if someone has the skill to handle animals, they can tame an animal and teach it to perform certain tricks. Some herbivorous animals do not normally use their natural weapons (claws, teeth) for attack. Animals are always neutral. Animals are not governed by a human sense of morality. Beasts and critters are animals.
- A number of animals have appeared in the Carnivores series: Carnivores features 10, Carnivores 2 features 15, Carnivores Ice Age features 12, Carnivores Cityscape features 11, Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter features 25, and Carnivores: Ice Age features 17. In addition, Primal Prey features 11 animals.
- Animal is a category of furniture.
- Animal is an unreleased song by Britney Spears.
- Animal is the man Pauline and George Mole hire to build two houses on the foundations of two pigsties. He never talks and is portrayed as a person with very limited intellect. Pauline and Animal become sexually involved, and George is in a wheelchair, but he seems happy enough with this ménage a trois.
- A crazed percussionist, Animal has three styles of music—loud, louder and deafening. He speaks in a guttural shout, often repeating a few simple phrases, such as "BEAT DRUMS! BEAT DRUMS!" or "WO-MAN!" or "DRUM DRUM!". In relatively calmer moods, he is capable of more coherent conversation, but these instances are infrequent.
- Les origines de l’animal sont encore incertaines. Plusieurs illustres membres de la communauté scientifique et/ou de la communauté religieuse se sont penchés, en vain, sur la question. Peut-être ne saura-t-on jamais d’où l’animal vient, reste qu’il existe en ce moment plusieurs théories plus ou moins valables définissant ce qu’est un animal et d’où il provient.
- Animals are found throughout the game and can be used to change your chao's stats, behavior, and appearence.
- Animal is the mascot of Peperami and one of the supporting characters of the Disney Pixar film Mascotation.
- Dans Guild Wars, il y a de nombreux animaux que le joueur peut rencontrer dans les zones d'exploration. Certain d'entre eux, mais pas tous, peuvent être charmés et devenir un familier.
- Animal appears in "Herpe, the Love Sore" when Peter and Lois watch VH1's Behind the Music which features Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem. As Animal appears after he has cleaned up his life, Janice and Dr. Teeth tell about some of Animal's antics. Animal is voiced by Seth MacFarlane.
- Un animal est un organisme vivant eucaryote multicellulaire du règne Animalia en biologie. Dans le langage courant, bien que l'humain fasse partie du règne le terme Animal, ce terme est généralement utilisé pour désigner l'ensemble des autres animaux multicellulaires complexes.
- Animals and pets are features that appeared throughout the whole The Sims series.
- Most known animal phyla appeared in the fossil record as marine species during the Cambrian explosion, about 542 million years ago.
- Animal is an early self-replicating program from 1975. Its primary purpose was to distribute a "20 Questions" game in which the user gives the program clues as to what animal he/she is thinking of and the program guesses it. Though it is predated by Creeper, Reaper and Rabbit, the Animal program is the earliest self-replicator whose existence can be confirmed.
- The animal is an enemy classification type used in Mother 3. An enemy's type can be determined by Boney's Sniff ability.
- An Animal is a multicellular organism which carries a series of life processes. The Animals are one of the five kingdoms which are found on our planet.
- Animal is one of Lars' friends in Rocket Power along with Pi Piston and Sputz Ringley, being the very last of them.
- Animal (real name unrevealed) was a serial-turned-spree killer who appeared in Brothers in Arms.
- An animal is a multicellular organism that carries out the seven life processes (mrs gren). They cannot produce their own food unlike plants. Their cells do not have walls - again unlike plant cells which do have a cell wall. Animals is one of the five kingdoms
- An animal is a lifeform of the Animalia biological kingdom, and a term which is used in reference to non-sentient members of the "animal kingdom".
- Animals are available in some Civilization games. They could be seen as Game. One example of the presence of Animals is Fish.
- Joseph Michael Laurinaitis (* 12. September 1960 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA) ist ein US-amerikanischer Wrestler litauischer Abstammung, der hauptsächlich als Teil des Tag Teams The Road Warriors / The Legion of Doom unter seinem Ringnamen Road Warrior Animal bekannt wurde.
- Animal de Neon Trees: Habits. Parte de la banda sonora de 2011: What's Your Number? (película).
- Animal is een Muppet. Hij is vaak heel erg druk en speelt het drumstel. Hij is ook lid van Electric Mahyem.
- An animal is a type of creature that generally wanders around the wilderness. There is a very minute chance that a dead animal will drop a very rare item when killed, but more commonly the corpses of animals will be empty. Instead, animals can be skinned for meat and other resources. Animals are generally weak and will not attack even after being struck, preferring instead to run away. A brief listing of common animals includes:
* Rats
* Cats
* Chickens
* Deer
- An animal is a really weird thing. They are commonly known as being stupid, dumb, weird, odd, stupid, weird, hm, odd, yeah. They don't know what they're talking about when they do talk (referencing dogs and cats, especially) and they have no idea what they're even saying, either, so what significance do they really have on this planet? Honestly, no one really knows for sure.
- Animal made his first appearance in the 1975 pilot, The Muppet Show: Sex and Violence, chained up in a basement cell when he wasn't onstage performing with the Electric Mayhem. He later became a main character on The Muppet Show, and his unrestrained style has made him popular with young people for decades.
- Animal es un Muppet que apareció en la Fiesta Muppets Gira Mundial. Los Socios podían disfrazarse de él, durante los Muppets Gira Mundial. En Muppets Gira Mundial, él estuvo en Brasil.
- Album Released Format Recorded Length Label Writers Producer Previous Next "Animal" is the second track on Girls' Generation's second Japanese album, Girls & Peace .
- The Animal has come out in the following 1/64 scale versions:
- The animal creature type is a living, nonhuman creature, usually a vertebrate with no magical abilities and no innate capacity for language or culture.
- An animal is the mixture of a vampire and a human, dipped in a sort of covering (for example, feathers, hair etc.). Animals include Mr. Cat, Mr. Cat and Mr. Cat. That's it. Mr. Cat dominates your world.
- Animal aparece por primera vez en el episodio Plaga con las Plantas para intentar vencer al Dr. Plantoc aunque sin tener exito.thumbthumb Es un Animaltron del planeta Animalia.
- "Animal" is a song by Neon Trees. {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
- Animal ist das 15. Hörspiel der Big Finish-Reihe The Lost Stories. Die Geschichte war für eine 27. Staffel der Serie Doctor Who geplant, wurde aber aufgrund der Absetzung der Serie nicht produziert wurde. Im Mittelpunkt der Handlung stehen der Siebte Doctor und seine Begleiterin Ace.
- Animal is an unproduced episode of Doctor Who. It has been released in various forms of media.
- A Farmer can have the animals he wants, there's not a limit. Animals can be purchased in the Market, be received as gifts or be adopted. Animals are never slaughtered, rather products relating to the animal are collected (for example, milk from cows, down feathers from ducks). Certain animals (e.g. cows, horses etc.) can be collected into animal storage buildings to increase total yield. In the game, animals don't die or get ill. Certain animals, such as foals, calves and fawns can be grown into adults. Note: Not all baby animals can be grown into an adult.
- Animales es un rena (grupo major) de viventes eucariotal, per la plu parte multiselulos. La organiza de se corpos deveni fisada como los developa, an si alga prosede tra un metamorfi plu tarde en se vive. La plu de animales pote move. Tota animales come otra viventes per se nuri. La plu de filos conoseda de animales en la recorda de fosiles comensa como spesies maral entre la esplode cambrial, sirca 542 milion anios pasada. Image:250px-Large white shark.jpg
- An Animal refers to a living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli. During the events of Blade Runner and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, animals become rare and sparks the creation of Animoids.
- Animal is a company that makes video games from 1988 to now.
- Animals are a major group of mostly multicellular, eukaryotic organisms of the kingdom Animalia or Metazoa. Their body plan eventually becomes fixed as they develop, although some undergo a process of metamorphosis later on in their life. Most animals are motile, meaning they can move spontaneously and independently. All animals are also heterotrophs, meaning they must ingest other organisms for sustenance. Most known animal phyla appeared in the fossil record as marine species during the Cambrian explosion, about 542 million years ago.
- This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
- Animals are classified by scientists as anything that you can skin and wear. According to ancient legend, most animals came from space and are Atheists (they believe He is existent). Thereafter, people (elephants, gorillas and humans) kept them in rounded metallic spheres and summoned them forth to use special powers in order to battle with each other. When they wanted the animals to come out of their spheres, they would say "[Aadvark, Llama, etc], I choose you!" and throw the sphere to the ground. Eventually, after fighting a lot these animals would evolve, which became the basis for Darwin's theory of evolution that all Animals are a type of pipe bomb.
- Animals are computer controlled creatures that roam some islands on the oceans. They are unable to enter buildings on their home islands, but are otherwise free to roam the island at will. Animals are sociable creatures, and will often "attach" themselves to a pirate arriving at the dock arrow. They will follow this pirate around until they leave the outdoors scene, at which point the animals will await the arrival of a new pirate at the docks to follow. Animals can be made to join chat circles, and may on occasion talk (sheep say "Bah" and pigs say "Oink"), but their preferred position is slightly to the side and behind the pirate they are following.
- Doctor Phlox kept several animals as pets in sickbay aboard Enterprise NX-01 in the 2150s. (ENT: "The Catwalk", "Regeneration") On Earth, Humans would train an animal to perform for an exchange of food. (TOS: "The Cage" , "The Menagerie, Part I" ) On Betazed, women used to wear huge wigs with large holes in the middle where cages for tiny animals were kept. This fashion was very cruel for the animals and was abolished after many years. (TNG: "Half a Life" ) In the final draft script of ENT: "Rajiin", organic grenades were referred to as a type of animal.
- This section provides statistics and basic information for many common kinds of mundane animals. These creatures generally operate on instinct, driven by simple needs such as food and reproduction. Most animals, even predators, do not attack unless they or their young are threatened. Animals are not capable of detailed reasoning, although with the Handle Animal skill it is possible to tame an animal and teach it to perform certain tricks.
- Animals, in the narrow sense, are most often characterized by the ability of Rangers to charm them into becoming Animal companions. Animal is a type of creature according to the effects Edge of Extinction. They can usually be recognized as being inherently neutral, though attackable, to players. They become hostile when attacked and when being the target of the Charm Animal skill during its activation time. The wolf and Black bear in pre-searing are the only aggressive animals in the game. Their post-searing counterparts are not aggressive. The following skills affect uncharmed animals:
- "Animal" was the nickname of an Advanced Recon Commando who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. He was born on Kamino in 28 BBY, bred to become a clone trooper for the Galactic Republic. After passing the tests on Kamino, he remained as an ARC trooper and served in different clone legions during the war, briefly serving in Raven Squadron.
- En la clasificación científica de los seres vivos se denomina animal a cada uno de los miembros de un grupo de eucariontes, pluricelulares y heterótrofos (Reino Animalia o Animalionte) estrechamente emparentado con los hongos y las plantas. Para adscribir una especie al reino Animalia, como para cualquier otro grupo, hay que basarse en datos, generalmente genéticos o citológicos (celulares), que demuestren el parentesco evolutivo con el resto de los miembros.
- This Purview expresses the totemic power to which a Scion’s ichor grants him access. Its Boons work on only one type of animal, chosen by the player when he purchases the character’s first Boon. That animal needn’t be the same one associated with his divine parent.
- Animals are LEGO pieces and figures which are designed to represent and resemble animals. Just as regular minifigures portray humans, there are also specific figures and parts which depict animals in the LEGO Universe, which are usually made up of specific or custom LEGO elements instead of being composed of standard pieces. Animal figures may consist of just one single element or piece, or can consist of a whole complement of special parts.
- Some monsters are classified as animals; these are:
* all a insects
* all c: c cockatrices, c chickatrices, and c pyrolisks
* all d canines except for werejackals and werewolves
* all f felines
* all m mimics
* all p piercers
* all q quadrupeds
* all r rodents except for wererats
* all s arachnids and centipedes, including s Scorpius
* all t: t trappers and t lurkers above
* u ponies, horses and warhorses (but not unicorns)
* all w worms
* all x: x grid bugs and x xans
* z zruties
* all B bats and birds
* E stalkers (but not elementals)
* H ettins and H minotaurs
* J jabberwocks
* all R: R rust monsters and R disenchanters
* all S snakes
* all Y apelike creatures
* all ; sea monsters except jellyfish
- Subkingdom Parazoa Porifera (sponges) Subkingdom "Agnotozoa" Placozoa Orthonectida Rhombozoa Subkingdom Metazoa "Radiata" Cnidaria Ctenophora (comb jellies) Bilateria Protostomia Acoelomorpha Platyhelminthes (flatworms) Nemertina (ribbon worms) Gastrotricha Gnathostomulida (jawed worms) Micrognathozoa Rotifera (rotifers) Acanthocephala Priapulida Kinorhyncha Loricifera Entoprocta Nematoda (roundworms) Nematomorpha (horsehair worms) Cycliophora Mollusca (mollusks) Sipuncula (peanut worms) Annelida (segmented worms) Tardigrada (water bears) Onychophora (velvet worms) Arthropoda (insects, etc) Phoronida Ectoprocta (m
- Animal is the drummer on The Muppet Show, performing with Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem. Animal is a crazed percussionist with three styles of music -- loud, louder, and deafening. He speaks in a guttural shout, often repeating a few simple phrases, such as "BEAT DRUMS! BEAT DRUMS!" or "WO-MAN!" In relatively calmer moods, he is capable of more coherent conversation, but these instances are infrequent. However, it's not surprising that Animal is often compared with famous drummers -- as Buddy Rich said in his Muppet Show episode, "All drummers are animals."
- Animal first appeared in the 1975 pilot, The Muppet Show: Sex and Violence, chained up in a basement cell when he wasn't onstage performing with the Electric Mayhem. He later became a main character on The Muppet Show, and his unrestrained style has made him popular with young people for decades. Animal, on the other hand, was designed by Jim Henson, and the rough sketch (also seen in Of Muppets and Men) doesn't appear to be related to any real musician.
- Animal is the wild drummer on The Muppet Show, performing with Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem. Animal is a crazed percussionist with three styles of music -- loud, louder, and deafening. He speaks in a guttural shout, often repeating a few simple phrases, such as "BEAT DRUMS! BEAT DRUMS!" or "WO-MAN!" In relatively calmer moods, he is capable of more coherent conversation, but these instances are infrequent.
- Um animal é uma besta ou fera irracional, sem habilidades mágicas. A maior parte dos animais reais conhecidos (cães, gatos, cavalos…) também existe em Arton. No entanto, a influência de forças mágicas e deuses caprichosos também provocou o surgimento de bestas espantosas. Arton é habitado por um sem-número de feras fantásticas que, no entanto, ainda são consideradas animais normais - mesmo que tenham sido criados por forças mágicas no passado, hoje eles se reproduzem e fazem parte do mundo natural.
- Animals are data beings advanced in physical design but lack the same intelligence as people have. There are several animals in Cyber Space. However, not many are kept as pets. Frisket is a feral dog that lives in Mainframe. His owner is Enzo Matrix. Frisket is red and yellow in color and wears a light blue collar. His icon hangs on his collar like a tag. Frisket is incredibly strong, able to lift a whole ABC with his teeth alone.
- ANIMAL — компьютерная игра, которая была написана Джоном Волкером (англ. John Walker) в апреле 1974 г. для компьютера UNIVAC 1100/42 под управлением ОС Exec-8. Суть игры заключалась в угадывании животных, причём в отличие от других подобных игр, эта версия не только вела базу данных ответов, но и проверяла накопленные данные, в случае, если ответы следующего игрока противоречили уже имеющимся ответам в базе данных. Игра стала весьма популярна и прочие пользователи UNIVAC стали просить автора прислать им копию игры, что было не таким уж простым делом — программу необходимо было записать на магнитную ленту и отослать по почте.
- Whoops, Maybe When your looking for people? Animal is a Classic Animal are Dogs & Cats, Pigs, Cows & Every Animal, You need to Ride Horses on the Farm McDonald Farm to Go here, when you pet your puppies & kittens and take care of animal what you need to do today
- Animals are a major group of organisms, classified as the kingdom Animalia or Metazoa. In general they are multicellular, capable of locomotion at some stage in their life cycle, responsive to their environment, and feed by consuming other organisms or parts of them. Their body plan becomes fixed as they develop, usually early on in their development as embryos, although some undergo a process of metamorphosis later on.
- Animal is a monster type in ADOM. Animals belong to a diverse mixture of semi-intelligent monsters — which usually can be affected by mindcraft (with the exception of a few animals such as rabid dogs), but can't use equipment and tend not speak in a comprehensible language. The monster class consists of several monsters including felines ('f'), rodents ('r'), dogs ('d'), bats ('B'), natural beasts such as bears ('N'), spiders ('S'), snakes ('s'), lizards ('l'), worms ('w'), insects, and aquatic monsters ('A').
- Animalia are a Kingdom of the Domain Eukaryota. Their body plan eventually becomes fixed as they develop, Allo vs stego.jpg Stego.jpg Dinosaurs2.jpg Dinosaurs.jpg Anky.jpg Diplodocus 2.jpg Death of a dynasty.jpg Babyrexwwddoad.jpg Diplodo.jpg Bronto.jpg Gorgonops.jpg Dromaeosaur.jpg Wwddeadtriceratops.jpg Dicynodont.jpg 1x6 TyrannosaurusRoar.jpg Cynodontslepping.jpg White rhinoceros.jpg Plateosaurus ITW.png although some undergo a process of metamorphosis later on in their life. Most animals are motile, meaning they can move spontaneously and independently. Most animals are also heterotrophs, meaning they must ingest other organisms for sustenance.
- An Animal is a type of living thing in World of Baten Kaitos. Like Monsters, they occur naturally and live in the wild. Unlike monsters however, Animals seem to, one, generally not possess battle or technical skills, and, two, generally not be hostile and predatory towards Humans, but instead act as pets, farm animals, or other neutral or allied roles. Animals, in a multitude of species, can be found in the wild and in towns most anywhere in the world.